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Backpacks/Soft Case/Dual Charger/Controller for Skydio 2


Active member
Dec 22, 2021
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Hey guys about to order a Skydio 2! Four questions.

1. What backpack do you all use? I snowmachine, ice-fish, and four-wheeler a lot. Need mobility but a backpack that can also hold an extra layer or two for the cold weather when out in the backcountry. Do not want a backpack that the Skydio takes up all the room but don't want a huge bag either. Ideally, this backpack would just hold the soft case. Thoughts?

2. What all can fit in the soft case? What have you made work?

3. Are there 3rd party dual chargers?

4. Is the controller worth it?
This is the solution I've been using it for a couple years, I pack a tool kit, lunch, water bladder, windbreaker, 3 batteries externally along with the skydio case holding the drone and two more batteries. It's kinda heavy by that point.

No 3rd party chargers that's I've seen yet.

The controller isn't great but it's easier to control then just using the app plus it provides longer range then the app alone and it provides the ability to move the camera up and down, not sure if the app allows that. If you plan to fly much manually I'd say it's worth it.
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I use an older Camelbak RimRunner with a capacity of 24L. While the Klim RF uses is nice cuz of how the S2 case has its own slot, it doesn't have enough capacity for the stuff I want on a ride. I looked at it pretty hard and decided against it. And even with the bigger RimRunner, I wear a Klim fanny pack to make even more room in the Camelbak so its not jammed. If I don't take S2, then I don't need the fanny pack....so what I take depends upon what I'm planning to do.

One thing that I wanted was a good way to carry the beacon in an accessible location and I found this perfect pouch on Azon:

Beacon in pouch.jpg

As you can see, I added a wrist lanyard off an old camera for security of the beacon (in case I drop it). The pouch nicely attaches to the camelbak strap via some velcro wraps I got:

Beacon pouch back.jpg

Heres what my RimRunner looks like. I got one just like this when they were brand new prolly 15 years ago, I still have it, but this one I got on ebay last year, in brand new condition!


A key requirement for me in a hydration pack is 3L capacity. The RimRunner fits the bill.

As for what all I carry, its everything I need for a day long dirt bike ride. I'm prolly forgetting some things, but in the main compartment, S2 in its case with 2 batteries, jacket, pump, tube or plug kit, hat, TP, first aid kit, lunch, and in the small compartment, smaller stuff like wallet, keys, inReach, energy bars, map and other misc stuff. I have room to put in a 3rd and prolly 4th battery if desired but with just the case and what I've listed, its pretty easy to take the case in and out once its place is created when you insert everything.

With the orange elastic cord, you could theoretically stuff a jacket or something in there, and maybe clip it to the pack itself for extra security.

I could put even more in this than I currently do. Part of the motivation in using it is it gets weight (tools) down lower.

If all you're gonna do is have S2 follow you, you don't need the controller. Its cheap and some phones (maybe most these days) don't fit in the cradle. I glued a strip of drywall corner protection to the cradle so the phone wouldn't pop out, and I had a pretty small phone (in comparison to most these days). If you're gonna fly S2 like a regular drone, the controller is easier to use than just flying with a phone/app and ya can tilt the gimbal.

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This is the solution I've been using it for a couple years, I pack a tool kit, lunch, water bladder, windbreaker, 3 batteries externally along with the skydio case holding the drone and two more batteries. It's kinda heavy by that point.

No 3rd party chargers that's I've seen yet.

The controller isn't great but it's easier to control then just using the app plus it provides longer range then the app alone and it provides the ability to move the camera up and down, not sure if the app allows that. If you plan to fly much manually I'd say it's worth it.
I see that the Nac Pac doesn't have a waist strap. Do you find the pack hopping around on your back when riding trail? Reviews claim it stays put because of how much lower the sternum straps are situated.
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I see that the Nac Pac doesn't have a waist strap. Do you find the pack hopping around on your back when riding trail? Reviews claim it stays put because of how much lower the sternum straps are situated.
No, it doesn't bounce around that I notice.
I'm pretty happy with it. Three batteries will fit in the goggles case if needed and there's a pocket on the RH strap the beacon slides right into. I place the SD in between the outer pouch and the inner carrying area, there's a large pocket designed to store a jacket and the SD case slides down into it nicely.
Hey guys about to order a Skydio 2! Four questions.

1. What backpack do you all use? I snowmachine, ice-fish, and four-wheeler a lot. Need mobility but a backpack that can also hold an extra layer or two for the cold weather when out in the backcountry. Do not want a backpack that the Skydio takes up all the room but don't want a huge bag either. Ideally, this backpack would just hold the soft case. Thoughts?
i’m using the osprey syncro 20, designed for mountain bikers. it’s procey but, fits the the soft case perfect with a little extra room for a couple of layers. good luck.

I ended up getting the Nak Pak per @Ridefreak's recommendation and it's perfect for the Skydio packing the way he described in his original linked above. I put the controller where the googles go to protect the arms as I've seen them break off in some videos from improper packing.

I do recommend the control if you plan on flying it around like a regular drone. Skydio makes it very easy to go places you normally wouldn't fly it for great, stress-free photography.

I use an older Camelbak RimRunner with a capacity of 24L. While the Klim RF uses is nice cuz of how the S2 case has its own slot, it doesn't have enough capacity for the stuff I want on a ride. I looked at it pretty hard and decided against it. And even with the bigger RimRunner, I wear a Klim fanny pack to make even more room in the Camelbak so its not jammed. If I don't take S2, then I don't need the fanny pack....so what I take depends upon what I'm planning to do.

One thing that I wanted was a good way to carry the beacon in an accessible location and I found this perfect pouch on Azon:

View attachment 540

As you can see, I added a wrist lanyard off an old camera for security of the beacon (in case I drop it). The pouch nicely attaches to the camelbak strap via some velcro wraps I got:

View attachment 541

Heres what my RimRunner looks like. I got one just like this when they were brand new prolly 15 years ago, I still have it, but this one I got on ebay last year, in brand new condition!

View attachment 542

A key requirement for me in a hydration pack is 3L capacity. The RimRunner fits the bill.

As for what all I carry, its everything I need for a day long dirt bike ride. I'm prolly forgetting some things, but in the main compartment, S2 in its case with 2 batteries, jacket, pump, tube or plug kit, hat, TP, first aid kit, lunch, and in the small compartment, smaller stuff like wallet, keys, inReach, energy bars, map and other misc stuff. I have room to put in a 3rd and prolly 4th battery if desired but with just the case and what I've listed, its pretty easy to take the case in and out once its place is created when you insert everything.

With the orange elastic cord, you could theoretically stuff a jacket or something in there, and maybe clip it to the pack itself for extra security.

I could put even more in this than I currently do. Part of the motivation in using it is it gets weight (tools) down lower.

If all you're gonna do is have S2 follow you, you don't need the controller. Its cheap and some phones (maybe most these days) don't fit in the cradle. I glued a strip of drywall corner protection to the cradle so the phone wouldn't pop out, and I had a pretty small phone (in comparison to most these days). If you're gonna fly S2 like a regular drone, the controller is easier to use than just flying with a phone/app and ya can tilt the gimbal.

View attachment 543
Link for the pouch to hold the S2 on the backpack strap?

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