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Cant register skydio 2 on FAA site


Aug 26, 2020
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Cant register skydio 2 on FAA site . I tried to register my skydio 2 on the faa site but it keeps telling my my S/N is invalid all softwear is up to date and app say drone is broadcasting RID . Any Ideas ?
Never mind i needed to us my ipad to connect to the app to see the full S/n of the drone my phone for what ever reason would not show the last 2 digits of the s/n.
I still can't update and renew my drone. I keep getting the error message about an invalid serial number. I have looked at the Skydio App to verify the serial number.
Try a ipad, the last 2 digits of the ASNI s/n would not show up on the skydio app on my android phone . So i tried a ipad and there they were.
Last edited:
Cant register skydio 2 on FAA site . I tried to register my skydio 2 on the faa site but it keeps telling my my S/N is invalid all softwear is up to date and app say drone is broadcasting RID . Any Ideas ?
Same thing happened to me. I went back and checked "No" instead of yes where it asked if I have Remote ID. License renewal was issued by the FAA. There was a note in the instructions from Skydio that said they are aware of the serial number issue and will correct it in a future update.

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