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Controller issues


Active member
Nov 28, 2019
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Ok, I had a scary event yesterday. My Skydio was up and out piloting by co troller and all of a sudden the screen says controller connection lost, then it kicked into the app controller interface. I could no longer use the controller itself. Luckily I was in range to bring it back using my phone. Then I unplugged and plugged the cord at the controller and it re-established control.

that was scary and what if I had not been in range of my phone? I suppose it would have come home eventually but this was very disconcerting!

I believe I’ve lost connectivity mid flight other times as well but it was very brief.

nothing seems to be wrong with the cord but I guess it’s possible.

anyone else getting this?

I personally haven't had any disconnects yet, and I've really only flown with the controller. I've only taken it out about 1000ft or so at about 400ft in altitude in a heavy WiFi area. Are you on the latest firmware?
I think both my issues are related to my iPhone jack. I think it’s going bad. Come to think of it I believe I’ve had charging issues with this iPhone too. Going to check it out at the Apple store.

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