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Dedicated Phone?


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2020
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With the onset of problems many of us are experiencing after the update, I'm thinking about buying a phone purely for flying S2. It would have no cell plan, no connection to wifi in my house other than initial download of Skydio2 app (thus no updates). Obviously I wouldn't wanna spend a ton of $ on this. Maybe $150 tops...could get an A12 Tracphone right now for $99 (but with Robbi's issues not sure thats what I'd want till issues resolved). Maybe I could find an unlocked phone on ebay.

As an aside, I kept a Windows7 computer off the internet for forever. Avoided all the problems from microsoft updates that my Windows 10 machine was having. Amazingly (not!) the machine running 7 continued to work fine doing exactly what I was using it for and had ZERO problems.

Sure, I might not get some cool new features, but I don't care. This last update immediately irked me in that all of a sudden, my old phone no longer worked with the app.

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I use specific android phone for riding with S2 in the wilderness, it doesn't have a sim card so I'm using it solely for wifi controls.
I don't have my SD2 yet but that's what I've been thinking of doing with an old iphone 11 Pro Max I have, no sim card, instead of using my everyday Android S10E. Using it for the drone only.
I don't have my SD2 yet but that's what I've been thinking of doing with an old iphone 11 Pro Max I have, no sim card, instead of using my everyday Android S10E. Using it for the drone only.
AAWWGG.... It just occurred to me that the iPhone I planned on using uses the Lightning connector. Gonna have to order the special cable, unless someone here has one they don't need anymore.
AAWWGG.... It just occurred to me that the iPhone I planned on using uses the Lightning connector. Gonna have to order the special cable, unless someone here has one they don't need anymore.
Did you get a controller? I ask cuz I got a lightning cable with my controller. I didn't get a micro USB cable and not all micro cables work (or should I say worked?) with controller, so I had to contact Skydio to get a micro that they said would work and all was well till they made my old phone no longer work.
Did you get a controller? I ask cuz I got a lightning cable with my controller. I didn't get a micro USB cable and not all micro cables work (or should I say worked?) with controller, so I had to contact Skydio to get a micro that they said would work and all was well till they made my old phone no longer work.
I ordered the Cinema package. Haven't received the drone yet. From the package description it sounds like it only comes with the USB-C to USB-C.
I ordered the Cinema package. Haven't received the drone yet. From the package description it sounds like it only comes with the USB-C to USB-C.
Thats same thing I ordered, but my order was before they were actually shipping, so long time ago. I see that if you buy controller separately you get lightning-usb c, so if I were a bettin man, I'd bet you'll get what you need cuz you're getting a controller. If you're in a hurry to launch when you get it, maybe call sales and ask em.
I ordered the Cinema package. Haven't received the drone yet. From the package description it sounds like it only comes with the USB-C to USB-C.
In the “Package” I bought I ordered a controller. In the controller box that had the little discs of tape holding the box closed I found a controller, instruction book, short USBc to USBc cable and a matching short USBc to lighting cable. So I think that what’s comes as standard from the factory.

The USB C to USB C cable I think you mention is the larger diameter and longer cable that comes as part of the basic drone packaging. The cable is used from the power adapter to either the drone or multi charger hub or when you are connecting the controller or beacon to the drone to update software etc.

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