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Disappointed with Skydio 2

INMHO the S2 performed admirably not disappointingly.

The lighting must have been right on the edge of being unacceptable for safe flight. Deep shadows coupled with multiple other targets in very brightly lit portions of the trail in the same frame occasionally exceeded the S2's ability to remain locked on the target.

It was a good test of the S2's abilities but choosing to fly the S2 in the approaching twilight wasn't a very smart move....
Agreed. High contrast clothing helps to differentiate subject from background.
If one's plan is to use the SD in amongst other possible subjects you'll have the best luck with positioned out aways (GPS tracking), For sure the 3rd (marker) distance out, the second (marker) distance out will sometimes revert to visual tracking if the drone's path takes it close to the subject. The switching between the two modes causes me the most headaches when relying on the drone to track around multiple people. If I'm alone it's never an issue but throw in a couple other possible subjects and it's going to loose you if it's in close and they are also. Often that means it locks onto someone else sometimes going a different direction. Sometime the drone doesn't realize it's following someone else and can go a long ways off even though you have the beacon. If you see that happening push the blue button and wand it a little, that will cause to to change back to the beacon holder.
The blue button wand tip is a GOOD one... another very good reason to own and carry a beacon.

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