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Final Controller mod, fully enclosed.

Waldo Pepper

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2019
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My final controller mod, fully enclosed amplifiers using stock antennas.

Dug deeper into my parts box, found a Solaris Anafi housing once designed to operate one amplifier for the Parrot Anafi controller.

Using two Parrot 5.8 GHz amplifiers, stock Skydio 2 + antennas. Stock Skydio battery operates controller, two Alientech batteries in series operate both amplifiers.

Now, I’m noticing with channel select can operate in Auto. That’s probably due to using the stock antennas which are more tuned for the amplifiers. Very pleased with the outcome, now I’m done no more experimenting.

Added a few pictures, note the single amplifier, then second amplifier stacked beside. Was a tight fit, luckily all went well turned on perfectly after all soldering was completed. No more outside attachments, very clean.


Im wondering if you've noticed any improvements in range or signal strength. Seeing as how signal strength seems to be the Achilles heel of this quad, I figured that at least one other person would be interested in this mod.
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@Waldo Pepper said:
“now I’m done no more experimenting.”

Well I think that’s a a bit of a stretch given your obvious passion for “tinkering” 😀

The approach of “enhancing” the original design makes a lot of sense to me.

Looking forward to you posting your flight test results compared to stock.
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Im wondering if you've noticed any improvements in range or signal strength. Seeing as how signal strength seems to be the Achilles heel of this quad, I figured that at least one other person would be interested in this mod.
Hello Anthony,

In areas with no interference, Boosted amplifiers range is equal to stock Skydio 2+ range. Same, no difference. Skydio 2+ flying stock has an incredible range, in areas with no/low inference. It was in these areas with inference/obstacles I needed a stronger signal.

The amplifiers greatly increases signal with my Skydio 2+ which is what I’m needing, Fly in areas with mountain rocky terrain, with permission from land owners they allow me to drive up to base of hills, or mountain and fly.

With trees, rocks and hilly terrain the booster helps a lot.

My recent Skydio 5.8 GHz amplifier, was defective and sadly can’t seem to get it operating correctly. That’s why I’m built this 5.8 GHz from spare parts, luckily all went well.

I wouldn’t recommend others building an amplifier setup, if put together correctly they are great but can be a hassle at times.

Thank you fir your interest 😊
@Waldo Pepper said:
“now I’m done no more experimenting.”

Well I think that’s a a bit of a stretch given your obvious passion for “tinkering” 😀

The approach of “enhancing” the original design makes a lot of sense to me.

Looking forward to you posting your flight test results compared to stock.
That’s funny, yes I agree enjoy tinkering 😊

This recent latest Skydio 2+ mod, signal is greatly increased in areas with inference or obstacles. Range is about the same as stock, Skydio 2+ already has an excellent range in areas with low to no inference. My benefit with the amplifiers, was in areas with inference or obstacles.

My flying has been reduced, recently started taking care of an elderly parent 24/7. Retired two months ago, perfect timing. I did get out last Sunday to fly RC planes, younger brother watched mom for me a few hours. Flew a rebuilt P-38, had two cracked booms and repaired them with balsa wood. After repairing them, fresh new paint looks like new. Both motors sound great, a beautiful warbird looked and flew terrific in the skies.

Currently, Building a good size P-40. I’ll post pictures when she’s completed. Love RC flying as well, great hobby 😊

Take care 👍
Do want to add, this is my second P-38 warplane. My first P-38, crashed into a canal. That was last year, this recent P-38 I acquired was from a club friend. He had a hard landing cracked booth booms, picked it up for a good price.

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