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Finally Flying my Skydio!


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Jul 13, 2023
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Hello From Colorado!

Have had my Skydio 2 for a year and a half and finally trying to really learn to fly it or actually learn it's behavior. I'm going on a a ADV motorcycle rally and want to use it.

Just not used to an autonomous drone. Been flying DJI drones since the before the Phantom and also do FPV so not having direct control of the drone is a bit scary to me. As a matter of fact when I first got it and read the instructional stuff and watch videos, still somehow it managed to clip a pine tree branch 40 feet up and it crashed to the pavement. To say the least it need to be sent in for repair. I didn't have the "care" stuff and it basically cost me 800 bucks to repair as they sent me a new drone.

So I finally got it out again and man does it scare me how fast it moves when going to different positions on the clock. I just seems to barely miss objects.

Wish me luck!
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
Good luck on the adv filming. The SD does a nice job.

You'll discover the drone does really well in open environments esp when following a motorcycle at some speed. It really doesn't detect small singular branches or wires in enough time above 20mph and it's a common way people crash them. better to fly above those if you can. I try and assess the surroundings as I ride through with the drone in mind, looking out for open areas that have a scenic backdrop if possible. Dense trees bring the drone's speed way down below typical MC riding speeds.

It will do well for what you want in the right places.

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