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Firmware update failed- Drone blinking red- HELP

I used Ipad pro cable ( type-c to type-c cable ) to connect SD2 controller and Ipad pro, that is working fine , tomorrow I will buy a parrot anafi controller and figure it out what is different between two controllers, will let everybody know, please awaiting for it.....................
I used Ipad pro cable ( type-c to type-c cable ) to connect SD2 controller and Ipad pro, that is working fine , tomorrow I will buy a parrot anafi controller and figure it out what is different between two controllers, will let everybody know, please awaiting for it.....................
Anafi controller will not work. I have tried. I am sure there isn't much different but it will not accept the firmware needed to connect to the Skydio.
I had same situation with iPhone 11 and Skydio 2 trying to update from 7.x to 15th version of the firmware. So I spent almost a full day trying to perform a hard reset and the only option which worked for me (i tried a lot of combinations trust me) is following:
  1. disconnect battery, disconnect power wire
  2. connect battery which is charged up to 100%
  3. press 'power' button on the battery and hold until the drone starts blinking red.
  4. once the first red blink has happened, please release and press the 'power' button again, trying to turn the drone off as fast as possible (do not do power off by battery disconnect)
  5. please count attentively how many power on/power off cycles you perform. you need exactly 6 to be performed as described
  6. once you do power on/power off cycle 6 times, please power up drone 7th time and leave it at least for 20 minutes. It will continue blink red but after approximately 20 minutes red blinking will turn off and drone will start slowly blinking blue.
  7. Wait a bit more and once blue is solid please connect to re-try update
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I had similiar problems when I updated two weeks ago . I found the best way was to use my Xfinity Cell phone instaed of my phone I use for flying Note 10 (no sim) . Attemped with my Android tablet also no go . All of these devices had very strong wifi however, only one had a sim (on Xfinity) which worked fine. I took about 30 minutes to do FW , Beacon and controller. Once I was updated I could use any of the devices with S2. Seems like they requiire a cell connection to update wifi is not enough. I never have this problem with my Anafi or DJI drones.

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