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Has anyone looked into or tried putting bright AF LEDs on the S2 so it can fly at night?


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2021
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Has anyone looked into or tried putting bright AF LEDs on the S2 so it can fly at night?
my main objective for this thing is to film action news footage, sadly most of the action happens at night.
im not even sure the skydio2 will lift off in darkness (with no lighting).
It won't. Even if it's just starting to get dark it will say it's too dark to fly. That's why the question was Has anyone tried to put bright AF LEDs on it so it CAN fly at night?
You'd have to do something to trick the 6 cameras, (I assume it's those that determine light level) that they're receiving the minimum amount of light it expects to see.

I just saw this guys video in which he flew well into dark, but I suspect he was able to do so because of the high contrast of the trees against the sunset. Look at the last 5 minutes of video.

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Just saw a new video where a dude flew it in near darkness in the woods using the new Keyframe mode. That was pretty ballsy and I was surprised it worked:

Interesting to see it not bob and weave from point to point. I'm guessing that may be so because the cameras can't see anything to "avoid". And it's following the points as a breadcrumb trail via GPS.
Before, normally, the drone wouldn't even allow it to be flown when it detects it being too dark. I wonder if the new Keyframe feature bypasses that particular safety feature.
Bare branches in low light is a crash waiting to happen, I'm glad there's others willing to risk their drone for our viewing enjoyment. It wouldn't be the first crash we've seen on here for the same reasons.
Very impressive, opens up new territory to use this type of KeyFrame feature.

With people nearby, this was a risky mission could have easily flown into a person back tracing the assigned mission if a child or adult was in its path.
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Very impressive, opens up new territory to use this type of KeyFrame feature.

With people nearby, this was a risky mission could have easily flown into a person back tracing the assigned mission if a child or adult was in its path.
What interesting (and a little concerning) is the SD2 will not avoid a person that is moving in it's path, we often ride in a group of motorcycles, I've seen it buzz my buddies more then once where they had to jump out of the way, like they weren't even there. Zero recognition or avoidance. At least one of those close passes was within 10" of another person's head. The victim laughed about it but I could tell it shook them up. It's a good thing to keep in mind.
This is informative information, especially for those (like myself) new to Skydio 2. Help prepare us for the unknown, I’ll definitely be on high alert with friends or others nearby.

I'll qualify that by saying nether of the two times it flew close to people they weren't identified as possible subjects (+ sign on the phone screen) so it didn't recognize them as people and both times they moved into the drone's OA circle, not the other way around.
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