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Hello from Poland


Sep 22, 2022
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Hi for all!

I wish I had a Skydio since I first heard about it in 2019 and saw some YouTube footage. Amazing!

I had a very nice time with DJI Mavic Mini and then DJI Mini 2. Time passed, and the Skydio still was neither shipping nor supporting Skydio's flying in EU. Lack of support and warranty here was the main reason I hesitated to buy it.

Finally, after my last trip to Croatia, I found that flying my Mini is not so fun anymore. Moreover, I have gained a motorcycle license and found out that riding a bike is much more pleasant that manually flying a drone.

This reminded me about the Skydio. Sold my Mini the next day and found a local ad with a used Skydio 2 drone brought here from the US. We agreed to meet the next week for the purchase and, well, after three years I will finally try the Skydio magic.

Still, I wait for the official Skydio EU distribution.

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Welcome Wojtek!

I am next door here in Germany. This forum is a good source to get any questions you might have answered. I am not holding my breath for the EU distribution. Get out there and give it a try
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Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum!
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