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Jumping Ship??

Antennas, antennas, antennas, its all about antennas.

Fix the antenna problem and also increase the power of the video and control signals and most of the negatives mentioned in this video go away.

P.S. I doubt firmware fixes can do this .... its going to take some design changes.
I have no intention of jumping ship. Skydio is the future, sure it needs some improvements but in the short time I’ve owned mine many have been made.

DJI has had years to refine basically a “dumb” drone, SD is smart. Range isn’t important to me and in this video I let my SD2 do all the work. It’s far from perfect, some jerky movements and altitude changes but better then two weeks ago.

The ability to fly hands off continues to impress. Serious AP guys may want to wait until SD “arrives“ for them. I agree the app needs work as well as some other areas regarding user control but this drone is a flying PC and has the processing power to do whatever you want; all while not sending your personal data to China.

This never concered me until I saw the AG’s report Equifax and many other major American industries have been hacked by the Chinese government gathering personal and sensitive data on half of all US citizens, goodby DJI. Your foolish if you don’t think the Chinese government is using toy drones for intelligence.

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Intellectual theft amounts to the biggest ($) larceny in recorded history, it's no secret the the Chinese are the biggest offenders of this.
Anyone feel like this ship is taking on water? A lot of people are selling these drones now, and a lot of canceled batch orders it seems. Skydio has has been oddly quiet on social media. I would like to see them pushing out a few updates on this bird. Even some minor ones would make owners feel like there’s some progression. I find myself asking myself if I should be selling now before it’s to late to recoup the investment. I just wanna know Skydio is here for the long haul, and that they will continue supporting this thing unlike the R1. This community is starting to show some tumbleweeds.
Anyone feel like this ship is taking on water? A lot of people are selling these drones now, and a lot of canceled batch orders it seems. Skydio has has been oddly quiet on social media. I would like to see them pushing out a few updates on this bird. Even some minor ones would make owners feel like there’s some progression. I find myself asking myself if I should be selling now before it’s to late to recoup the investment. I just wanna know Skydio is here for the long haul, and that they will continue supporting this thing unlike the R1. This community is starting to show some tumbleweeds.
I'm happy with it, nothing comes close to it's capabilities for how I use it, you just have to know it's limitations and stay in that envelope. It definitely is better at active follow than it is at a conventional drone. I think the controller, range issue will eventually be resolved to some extent when they decide to make their own controller. You have to figure any drone company right now, especially an american one is likely waiting to some extent to see how this FAA mess fall out. Not making any excuses for them but its not a good time for this market.
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Nope,, I'm happy, nothing compares to the SD2 for what I do. You just
I’ve seen your videos, and I’d say this drone was probably created for a user base like yourself... unfortunately, that’s probably quite a small user base.
I agree but I don't see anything that can't be solved with a better quality controller for the other user base. Question is will they invest the $$ to pursue that?
Skydio seems eager for feedback from their customers. I received a survey asking what were my likes and dislikes. Several questions were related to my use of the SD2, sport follow vs manual piloted aerial photograraphy.

I feel what SD has achieved was hard, focusing on autonomous flight; the app, range, controller....is easy in comparison.

I guess they will base updates on user feedback. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a M2 like AP version with extended range and bespoke controller.
Skydio will continue to appeal to any pilot out there that wants to concentrate on getting aerial video without having to worry about obstacles that might be in his flight path.

That's the major concern of any one piloting rc aircraft today.

They've achieved something that no one even comes close to achieving .... a really smart drone that just needs time to get smarter.

I'm not a "parent" yet but I'm going to give that little guy a chance to prove his meddle...
Skydio will continue to appeal to any pilot out there that wants to concentrate on getting aerial video without having to worry about obstacles that might be in his flight path.

That's the major concern of any one piloting rc aircraft today.

They've achieved something that no one even comes close to achieving .... a really smart drone that just needs time to get smarter.

I'm not a "parent" yet but I'm going to give that little guy a chance to prove his meddle...
Honest question. How much active track sports do you see yourself doing? If your primary use for this drone is to capture creative footage using the controller and with the aid of the fantastic obstacle avoidance, you will be disappointed. The transmission system is a huge problem and not only because of range.
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Honest answer:

Plan on using the S2 for very little "active sports" tracking.

Not much interested in doing "creative" av as much as I am on av that fits the need of building inspections and real estate promotions.

The transmission problem your concerned with INMHO is overly exaggerated and will be remedied in time. Maybe not to the extent for those that want BVLOS but more than adequately for LOS pilots.

Besides it'll just be a lot of fun experimenting with this really unique drone and testing both current and new features that are coming down the pipeline.

P.S. Still waiting for Skydio to announce that they're going public. That would be an investment I'd jump on.
I only fly VLOS. The problem I have with the Skydio is that it drops transmission randomly and abruptly. Most drones give you some warnings, bad FPV and so on. The Skydio just drops.
Transmission drop frequency has to depend very much on how one flies.

Skydio is well aware of S2 antenna limitations and is actively working the problem.

Be happy don't worry.... "a glass half full" always trumps "a glass half empty"
Use of the S2 will vary greatly. For Sports Follow guys like me I don't need a 2 mile range, I'm happy.

However for AP, search and rescue, mapping..... range is important and SD will have to step up if they want to be competitive in those markets. These guys are pretty sharp and can add range to the SD2 easier than DJI can add world class obstacle avoidance to the Mavic's. Maybe a SD2.1 when it comes to hardware like a powerful controller. It was smart(easy) to jump in the game with a commercially available controller that got the job done, especially considering many will only use the Beacon exclusively.

Parrot Anafi had the same criticisms when launched, I wonder how much of the issue is in the controller? Anafi has antennae's in all four leg's for better reception regardless of profile.

Personally I think SD will need to release a proper modern controller with Lightbridge like technology and an AP oriented app. Combine that with the superior obstacle avoidance and they could dominate those other markets. The camera is on par with competitors and better than I need.

Imagine search and rescue with long range ability and the safety of navigating complex environments with minimum pilot input or skill. I was super impressed how my SD2 found it's way out of a dense forest.

It seems SD is questioning the validity of entering the mainstream DJI dominated market. Yuneec, 3DR and others took DJI on their home ground, Skydio is coming in through the side door with unique features. Based on the survey I took I'll bet there is a lot of talk at SD about at going mainstream and what it will take. Remember SD is a small company and I do not know what resources they have to R&D this new technology, which really isn't new it just needs to be brought over to the platform to appease the mainstream users.

Interesting time's ahead.
I sure hope Skydio doesn't try to be the best to all worlds.... any company going that route has alwayd had to pull back, regroup and come back to what it does best.

Maybe allowing for in close mapping and some enhanced AP capabilities would be possible but protracted S&R is only really possible with a drone in much heavier weight class.

Would be great if this guy would actually participate in the forum instead of just posting his videos and providing nothing else. I get it, it's all about the clicks. But lots of other folks here post their videos and engage with others, answers questions, etc. I suspect they garner a lot more "clicks" than hit and run posts like this.
Would be great if this guy would actually participate in the forum instead of just posting his videos and providing nothing else. I get it, it's all about the clicks. But lots of other folks here post their videos and engage with others, answers questions, etc. I suspect they garner a lot more "clicks" than hit and run posts like this.
I concur but since clicks here don't generate cash most of us would do the same thing.

I don't envy these guys trying to live off of YT subscriptions.
I'm a professional photographer doing mostly real estate. I have about 1100 "missions" and began 3 or 4 years ago with Phantom 4. My go-to up to now has been Mavic 2 Pro and Mavic Air. I use the Skydio 2 for those shots (like up a driveway to front door) where I want to concentrate on my photography and not obstacles in the way. I'm impressed with exposure accurance and color balance. I am not happy with lens distortions in still and video. I'm not talk about perspective distortion, I am talking barrel distortion etc. i.e. LENS distortion. As to range, I've never had any issue as I am always in VLOS. As to "stick landing as opposed to button landing, again, I have no problem. I FLY the drone over me and the descend to about 7 or 8 feet (2 feet or so above me), face the drone camera towards me and then, with my hand extended, press the button to land in my hand or land on my landing pad. So far I have not seen gimbal twitch. I've flown about 10 missions with it so far, about 80 minutes of flying. As to battery, I usually get 22 or so minutes of flight from my batteries typically being overhead to me and landing at 15 to 17%. I don't fly at high speed at all. I have "dual charger", 3 batteries and use a 90 volt charger to charge 2 batteries simultaneously. I am happy to answer any questions.
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