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Kloogee's Crash video and analysis

The video was produced by Ian(MadRC) with Ken Booth and Ed W(don't want to spell it) DJI reps. Not only did they convince RCG to post my PM's urging them not to make fools of themselves because they don't know what they're doing, they produced the video in shame. DJI reps stay away from me now.

At the end of the day I have kids, I have seen kid's struck by DJI drones in Active Track and DJI saying "take little girl to hospital and examine". I don't care about your"feelings" if you knowingly support this you don't belong here.
Where's the video? 30 mph uphill(winding) from the front or we don't care. You've had plenty of time.

A couple notes, the M2P doesn't use Obstacle Avoidance above 26 mph in Active Track. I own a sport bike, a Challenger Shaker and a Challenger Hellcat...which do you suggest I should take off roading? Hahahaha! I've already very clearly said that that your use case, not mine. Besides, when did DJI claim the M2P would do that? I look forward to your test of the Skydio 2 doing that as soon as you get it. I did have the M2P track me at over 40 mph without obstacles and at about 15 mph with obstacles...does that count?



The video was produced by Ian(MadRC) with Ken Booth and Ed W(don't want to spell it) DJI reps. Not only did they convince RCG to post my PM's urging them not to make fools of themselves because they don't know what they're doing, they produced the video in shame. DJI reps stay away from me now.

At the end of the day I have kids, I have seen kid's struck by DJI drones in Active Track and DJI saying "take little girl to hospital and examine". I don't care about your"feelings" if you knowingly support this you don't belong here.

Huh? Who are those guys and where don't I "belong"? Am I no longer allowed to live because I don't agree with you? Is this the new DJI haters forum or something? What are you talking about? If I support what? There has been incidents of every drone company's products (basically every company period)causing injury. If I produce a video of a Yuneec drone smacking someone in the face, are you done with them?A little girl lost an eye recently, and it wasn't a DJI drone, maybe you should be done with drones altogether? You know, for the sake of your kids and all....

Dude, let's not pretend that we don't have a history. You've hated DJI for as long as I've "known" you. I couldn't believe it when you said you purchased a Mavic! Hey, that's cool. There are several brands that I won't buy as well but I won't say that you don't deserve to exist if you buy them. Heck, how many children have died in Jeep roll overs?
Now that I think about it you confronted me years ago, said I was doing something wrong with Active Track ,my fault. You challenged how many hours I had in follow.

Like Ed and Ken I challenged you to produce a video to defend your claims. Follow uphill at 30 mph from the front, not hard for Solo, Anafi(28), Typhoon and Halo. You said I trapped you because DJI tracking wouldn't go 30 mph, then you read the manual and changed your position. Ed, Ian, Ken...all BS'd us on the matter and in 3 years not one single video to support your claim. I have over 1,000 real follow hours you are welcome to come and review them rather than attack me.

So Skydio is actually doing what DJI failed to do so why are you here banging on it? Give it some space it may not be ideal but don't bury it in DJI BS like you would like.

There is a fine line between you and a troll. If you can't substantiate your claims and have nothing to contribute here go away.

I'm not bashing it. I've done nothing but present the facts. You literally brought up DJI here, not me.
The video was produced by Ian(MadRC) with Ken Booth and Ed W(don't want to spell it) DJI reps. Not only did they convince RCG to post my PM's urging them not to make fools of themselves because they don't know what they're doing, they produced the video in shame. DJI reps stay away from me now.

At the end of the day I have kids, I have seen kid's struck by DJI drones in Active Track and DJI saying "take little girl to hospital and examine". I don't care about your"feelings" if you knowingly support this you don't belong here.
No offense Lon but those follow shots could have been made with a $100 toy drone. 30 mph uphill winding road?

Ridefreak I understand your desire to ignore but it's better to expose them and get them to perform.

Here's the lowly $500 Anafi on version 1 of software:

No offense Lon but those follow shots could have been made with a $100 toy drone. 30 mph uphill winding road?

Ridefreak I understand your desire to ignore but it's better to expose them and get them to perform.

Here's the lowly $500 Anafi on version 1 of software:

Um I already praised the Anafi as excellent at following... When did it start costing $500 though? When it came out it was about $900, right? I own 5 or 6 Parrot drones including the minis. The Parrot AR Drone 1.0 was the first RTF I've ever owned, I still have it hanging on the wall. When I was overseas, we used a Parrot industrial drone to do surveys/mapping. I don't understand why you think I have a problem with Parrot?

I just can't do a 30 mph Obstacle Avoidance Active Track test with the Mavic 2 Pro. I've already said, it won't do it. BTW I made the same case about tracking when the videos were coming out for the Skydio and guys were using it to track in wide open spaces at 10 mph. I said the same thing. Whoopie Doo!

Who makes a drone that does active track for $100 though? At 40+mph or with Obstacle Avoidance? Really? Now that's pretty cool! That's the kind of drone you throw up in the air and don't care what happens, I want a couple of them! Link please?

I had the Zino on order for $200 but it got back ordered/delayed so I cancelled and bought the Mavic Mini for something cheap to play with. It doesn't do any tracking though... Man, $100 for a drone that tracks over 40 mph and has Obstacle Avoidance is just AWESOME!!!

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