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Miracle, new update (15.10.5) available :) 10-14-2021

Wouldn't dare to try over water where I fly 99% of the time, so please when you test it post results since you put lots of hours on your S2 compare to many.

So I finally flew with the new update (had been sitting almost 2 months.) I noticed about a 25-50% range increase, which is on top of the already-improved range from the control mod. I didn't change any settings, but I immediately noticed a lot of ... degradations in flight control and autonomous flight.

I tried tracking some people walking on the beach, and it was flying all over like the drone was on crack. The same thing happened when flying over water tracking someone on a paddleboard. It seems incapable of maintaining elevation, or smooth tracking whatsoever.

Manual mode, the drone was perfectly still.

Here's an example of the couple on the beach: New video by Steven Scott

Some may argue that this is because it's a tad dark in this scene, but it was doing it earlier in bright sunlight. Also, the motion track modes seem to have lost the ability, or maybe just visual feedback from adjusting height and distance when tracking. I'm sure some of this is a matter of me missing some new features/toggles, but the tracking seems straight-up broken compared to before.
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Tried another flight yesterday, tracking over land, and man it bounces around like crazy. I never had this issue before. I'm able to track much more smoothly and reliably in manual mode.
I flew a little with mine today and it lost me 2 times in one flight in an open area, typically it might loose me once every 10-15 flights, it (was) really rare. after that I turned off the Narrowband and it didn't loose me again, not sure if that was luck or the NB being turned off.

Before I landed I flew it in close to test what you had posted yesterday, as I was standing there with it tracking me at a slow walk, it wasn't moving around a great deal but it bobbed a few times quickly with a couple feet alt change for no apparent reason, nothing was close to it and the drone was about 6' off the ground. The movement was enough that I would cut that little section out if I was was going to use the video.
I flew a little with mine today and it lost me 2 times in one flight in an open area, typically it might loose me once every 10-15 flights, it (was) really rare. after that I turned off the Narrowband and it didn't loose me again, not sure if that was luck or the NB being turned off.

Before I landed I flew it in close to test what you had posted yesterday, as I was standing there with it tracking me at a slow walk, it wasn't moving around a great deal but it bobbed a few times quickly with a couple feet alt change for no apparent reason, nothing was close to it and the drone was about 6' off the ground. The movement was enough that I would cut that little section out if I was was going to use the video.

When I am flying over the water, it bobs up and down 10-15ft which makes me think it's going to crash. I saw similar behavior over land as well. This is regardless of what mode it's in. Happening on both radio settings as well. I think I'll ping support to see what's up.

In identical scenarios previously, the tracking was extremely smooth, while hovering was nearly rock-solid.
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I just reviewed my video and it lost subject lock with the NB turned off too. Also I noticed the gimbal isn't as smooth, I could see the drone flying backwards in front of me so I could see it wasn't changing alt, the camera made some odd movements that weren't part of it's tracking me. It's almost like it's receiving data that indicates the subject is changing altitude.

This is going to sound weird but it reminds me of the flight behavior when the drone was new, It didn't track as well back then, I swear it got progressively better at it, I don't think there's any learning on the part of the drone but it's gotten progressively better at tracking over the last 2 years, to the point where I rarely lost lock, didn't have much gimbal shake, it was doing everything nicely until the update . Makes me wonder if the update dumped some data or tables that need to be rebuilt now.
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I just reviewed my video and it lost subject lock with the NB turned off too. Also I noticed the gimbal isn't as smooth, I could see the drone flying backwards in front of me so I could see it wasn't changing alt, the camera made some odd movements that weren't part of it's tracking me. It's almost like it's receiving data that indicates the subject is changing altitude.

This is going to sound weird but it reminds me of the flight behavior when the drone was new, It didn't track as well back then, I swear it got progressively better at it, I don't think there's any learning on the part of the drone but it's gotten progressively better at tracking over the last 2 years, to the point where I rarely lost lock, didn't have much gimbal shake, it was doing everything nicely until the update . Makes me wonder if the update dumped some data or tables that need to be rebuilt now.

I felt like I had great tracking from day one. I won't argue that it got better, but now it's pretty much garbage. I'm waiting for a response from support. My guess is they will be overwhelmed.
This is the video I shot today, post update. I cut out the sections where it lost lock. You can see the gimbal shake in a few sections of the video, it seems to be worse at speed when the subject is close to the camera.

Yeah the gimbal flicking around is what I'm seeing a lot of. Also, I feel like it was better at keeping the subject in the center of the frame before.
This is the video I shot today, post update. I cut out the sections where it lost lock. You can see the gimbal shake in a few sections of the video, it seems to be worse at speed when the subject is close to the camera.

Are you using beacon? Looks like I got break in the weather so plan on going out and doing some testing this weekend. My environments aren't even half as open as yours. Going to be interesting how many disconnects I get.
Are you using beacon? Looks like I got break in the weather so plan on going out and doing some testing this weekend. My environments aren't even half as open as yours. Going to be interesting how many disconnects I get.
That was with the beacon and the app connected to the beacon. Yeah, this is really open area, it usually does great out there. I sent them the logs and put in an inquiry, to me this is a significant reduction in capability. Let us know how yours does.
The new update pucks every time I attempt to install it. Any suggestions?
Tried another flight yesterday, tracking over land, and man it bounces around like crazy. I never had this issue before. I'm able to track much more smoothly and reliably in manual mode.
Well, you are not alone :(
Took it with me to follow us on the water and it was nerve-wracking experience .
Unbelievable how poorly this thing performs.
Very disappointing.
This was SD's reply, I can't complain, it was a same day response.

"I do appreciate you providing thorough information about what is happening with your drone since the update. Based on my findings, I didn't see that you'll need to reboot the drone when enabling or disabling the narrowband feature, so that shouldn’t be the issue.

I'll submit your logs to the engineers here and have them take a look at the data to see if there are any misfires within the Skydio 2. In the meantime, I do recommend resetting the WiFi of the Skydio 2 due to the connection/tracking issues that you've been experiencing. This may help overall and provide you with a better flight. If the issues still persist contact me via this email and I'll inform you of our findings via the logs.

Have a Great Weekend!

I've provided the steps below to factory reset the Skydio 2/WiFi.

Step 1 - Power on your Skydio 2
Step 2 - Tap and release the power button twice in quick succession

Step 3 - Press and hold the power button a third time for two seconds

Lights will flash green twice before returning to blue
Step 3 - Power cycle your drone and the password will be reset to factory settings

I'll be giving this a try tomorrow.
yup, i think so.. but the noise it's making when charging.. it's really loud.
Hey guys,

i updated my skydio 2 and since the update he makes a lot of noise when he is charging.

Does anyone else has this issue?
Hi Anyv,
I just updated my SD2 and is acting the same, loud noise when SHE is charging. Have you contacted SD? Curious as to what they'll say.
Hi Anyv,
I just updated my SD2 and is acting the same, loud noise when SHE is charging. Have you contacted SD? Curious as to what they'll say.
Strange mine is charging without any noise ...
I plugged in the cable and didn't start the drone without the gimbal clamp.
It started Charging immediately
Hi Anyv,
I just updated my SD2 and is acting the same, loud noise when SHE is charging. Have you contacted SD? Curious as to what they'll say.
I think the loud charging is caused by the Gimble trying to adjust when you have it locked. Remove the red tab and it should stop. It did for me.
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This was SD's reply, I can't complain, it was a same day response.

"I do appreciate you providing thorough information about what is happening with your drone since the update. Based on my findings, I didn't see that you'll need to reboot the drone when enabling or disabling the narrowband feature, so that shouldn’t be the issue.

I'll submit your logs to the engineers here and have them take a look at the data to see if there are any misfires within the Skydio 2. In the meantime, I do recommend resetting the WiFi of the Skydio 2 due to the connection/tracking issues that you've been experiencing. This may help overall and provide you with a better flight. If the issues still persist contact me via this email and I'll inform you of our findings via the logs.

Have a Great Weekend!

I've provided the steps below to factory reset the Skydio 2/WiFi.

Step 1 - Power on your Skydio 2
Step 2 - Tap and release the power button twice in quick succession

Step 3 - Press and hold the power button a third time for two seconds

Lights will flash green twice before returning to blue
Step 3 - Power cycle your drone and the password will be reset to factory settings

I'll be giving this a try tomorrow.
Have you tried it after doing this?

I tried mine on Sunday and while I didn't see any wild gimble movements, it did have much more trouble following me walking. I found myself fiddling with the app most of the time rather than just ignoring it like I usually do.

Do we know the password its set back to? Must be somewhere in the literature I got I hope.
My first 2 flights after the update and I'm having really erratic gimbal movements when tracking like others for no apparent reason! I'm going to upload the logs to Skydio and then do a reformat to see if that improves things. Ugh how annoying!
Have you tried it after doing this?

I tried mine on Sunday and while I didn't see any wild gimble movements, it did have much more trouble following me walking. I found myself fiddling with the app most of the time rather than just ignoring it like I usually do.

Do we know the password its set back to? Must be somewhere in the literature I got I hope.
It goes to the default that's indicated on the sticker in the battery area.
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After the update, does the wifi password remain the original as from the factory? Or will I have to change it to something else? Because it sounds like if I have the option to do nothing, I'll just leave it as it came from Skydio. Yes?

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