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Newbe problems


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021
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Only had it a week, I'm having some problems.

Biggest problem is I can't get phone and controller linked with cable. S2 and controller link fine, steady blue light. Plug cable into controller and phone,WI-FI off, tried both airplane on and off, says not connected. Tried deleting and reinstalling app, all kinds of combinations of starting app, resetting controller back to factory.

It flies with beacon and app. Beacon battery life seems a bit short, it will only last one flight battery. Tracking position, many times doesn't go where it is supposed to using the app.
Only had it a week, I'm having some problems.

Biggest problem is I can't get phone and controller linked with cable. S2 and controller link fine, steady blue light. Plug cable into controller and phone,WI-FI off, tried both airplane on and off, says not connected. Tried deleting and reinstalling app, all kinds of combinations of starting app, resetting controller back to factory.

It flies with beacon and app. Beacon battery life seems a bit short, it will only last one flight battery. Tracking position, many times doesn't go where it is supposed to using the app.
Something is wrong with the beacon, if you wait and turn it on right before you pair and shut it off after the flight it's capable of lasting 5 batteries worth of flight time, more I'm sure (I only own 5 batteries). My Android phone acted weird when first pairing the two and it turned out to be a setting on the phone that had something to do with the connection type, there was a popup (on the phone) first time I paired and I answered it wrong, from then on it wouldn't pair. I had to change someone relating to that specific connection, It was about a year ago so I apologize for not having the details but for me the problem was in the phone.
Something is wrong with the beacon, if you wait and turn it on right before you pair and shut it off after the flight it's capable of lasting 5 batteries worth of flight time, more I'm sure (I only own 5 batteries). My Android phone acted weird when first pairing the two and it turned out to be a setting on the phone that had something to do with the connection type, there was a popup (on the phone) first time I paired and I answered it wrong, from then on it wouldn't pair. I had to change someone relating to that specific connection, It was about a year ago so I apologize for not having the details but for me the problem was in the phone.
Thanks, I did find out the beacon is reading drone battery not it's own battery. I flew a couple of drone batteries this AM and beacon was still at 99%. I mistakenly assumed that since beacon shows it's battery at startup that it showed it's own battery. Still learning. I'll have to see if I can find that Android setting.
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make sure you are using skydio's cables for phone to controller. many ios users w/ new equipment have problems because Skydio chose to use custom-made cables with unique pinouts. Similar issue w/ android i believe. not buying Skydio's cables for this setup makes absolutely NO sense !
make sure you are using skydio's cables for phone to controller. many ios users w/ new equipment have problems because Skydio chose to use custom-made cables with unique pinouts. Similar issue w/ android i believe. not buying Skydio's cables for this setup makes absolutely NO sense !
I'm using the cable, controller to phone, that came with the cinema kit.
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It seems there is a hit and miss type of thing with what device will work. My phone, Kyocera, hasn't been tested. I wanted to use a tablet anyway so got a cheap ONN tablet from China mart west (Wall Mart). That didn't work either. I had a talk with tech support. He suggested that any Samsung Tab A will work. I was able to exchange and the Tab A works just as it should. ?Obviously they can't test every Android device on the market, there are just too many of them. Perhaps they will come up with a list of know phones that do work.

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