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Over-Water Flying Shots

I added the Kiteworld article as an app to my desktop so it is real easy to find it now. Amazon has a cell phone wrist holder too which I purchased. The beacon will still need to be put into a waterproof bag/pouch. I have one of the seal a meal products and will try it out with the beacon. I will post here how it work out.


sometimes braving the cold in winter 🥶and waking up early 🥱 is worth it for some lovely lumps 🦅

taking the robot over 1km out to sea with no return to home option as always delivers the goods 🤙

i love me a downwinder raw run! 🌬

flite ultra 4'2"
flow 1100 wing + 245 stab
Check out the blog post and Kiteworld article for some over-water tips. In your case it might make sense to try and attach the beacon (in a pouch) to where you hold the boom
I've got a few options now to carry the beacon and think for windsurfing, it may be best to just put it in the small cell phone waterproof pouch and wear it around my neck. Not sure if wearing it around my wrist really has any advantage, although I've figured out how to accomplish that too. I could also bring my iPhone along for the ride (wrist or armband) but I'd have too many gadgets to keep track of when my main enjoyment is actually windfoiling :)


San Diego Mission Bay Resort (Hilton Launch).
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Stoked to have been featured by Foiling Magazine!

‘Paul Davies giving us the ultimate foil envy with his article “Autonomous Adventures - Filming an Electrified Future” with his Fliteboard’

Check out the article here - Autonomous Adventures - Foiling Magazine

I've got a few options now to carry the beacon and think for windsurfing, it may be best to just put it in the small cell phone waterproof pouch and wear it around my neck. Not sure if wearing it around my wrist really has any advantage, although I've figured out how to accomplish that too. I could also bring my iPhone along for the ride (wrist or armband) but I'd have too many gadgets to keep track of when my main enjoyment is actually windfoiling :)

View attachment 439

San Diego Mission Bay Resort (Hilton Launch).

Think how you'd be using it on water because, once you start your windsurf session, things can get complicated very fast. In my case, as I was kitesurfing and had a kite to take care of too, mounting the beacon on my forearm was a good choice. I've wrapped the beacon with pvc film -- a second protection just in case the pounch leaks some salt water -- and put it on a cellphone pouche, fixed with a band on my forearm. Mounted this way, I could clearly see the beacon's screen all the time (avoid to use sun glasses as they can mess with your visibility of the display). Moreover, on my forearm, I could keep the beacon out of the water on small crashes and use the "magic wand" function to adjust the height. There was a crash that the S2 lost me and started to dive. The height floor was enabled but I've quickly stopped the descend using the "magic wand" command. If the beacon were mounted on my neck, it would be harder to use the beacon as a wand.

Regarding the battery. My whole footage had 18 minutes and the wind was weak (about 8 knots). It was a little disappointing and I don't expect the battery would last more than 10 minutes in stronger wind conditions. Maybe my battery is not very good as my S2 was bought second hand. I've already got a 2nd battery and will make a test in stronger winds condition.
Nice vid!
Interesting approach to sand your foil at the dismount😀🤙
my plan was to jump and get on my feet out of the water but the wind was too light and I should have popped the board a little bit to make the kite pull me vertically :p:cool:

Did you use a ND filter?.....if not do you think it would've helped out with some of the glare coming off of the water?

Just curious
No... I don't have the ND filters for this drone... but ND filter would help with the over exposition due to the sun light.

To reduce glare it should be used a polarizer or keep the S2 pointing towards me with the sun coming from the back. I've noticed it after reviewing the video... but it was my first fly over water and will probably pay attention on a second try. Something that I've also observed is that It shots include me and the kite are more beautiful but it's only possible when the S2 is further away or if I lower it's height by turning off the floor heigh limit, which would be too scary for me

I really think it's disappointing Skydio does not have the option to record RAW image. It would be easier to fix these over exposition and other image issues. I think that folks using this drone to produce profissional images also lacks raw images a lot... :cry:
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