The controller isn't the nicest, for a premium drone it's kind of cheap feeling. Cheap gimbals and cheap feeling plastic. It does the job, but it won't replace a Mavic. I didn't buy it to get away from Mavics, they're very different.I bet it has better range even with Antennas down. It has a new radio in it. New radio in the beacon too. And longer range batteries. Also the Care plan looks great, also new to my understanding, especially when it’s included with the Pro kit. I wouldn’t blink an eye upgrading if you have the option.
Kind a silly to have the Xmas sale and then announce the new Drone.
Still confused why the Controller isn’t a plus as well. Does it use the phone (since the phone can run it too) or beacon to talk to the Drone?
BTW 5G has less range typically. More bandwidth and better handling of interference. DJI drones usually switch to 2.4Ghz when further out if I’m Automatic band mode.
I agree that having a Christmas sale and announcing an improved model days after Christmas sucks, big time.
As for returning it, it's not worth it to me. The shipping and time delay are deal breakers; besides I already registered it with Transport Canada.