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Shipments update from Skydio - Delays


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2019
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I wanted to let you know that we are facing some renewed challenges with COVID-19 which are unfortunately impacting our manufacturing production ramp. We’ve been working to stand up a larger manufacturing facility but that has been delayed due to travel and logistical impact of COVID, and our existing manufacturing line is running at lower capacity because of safety measures we’re taking for our team. As a result, we are expecting longer wait times than previously forecasted. We are working as hard as we can to boost our production capacity.
Please see below for updated shipping estimates.
  • Batch 3 (reservation orders beginning with 8): Completing orders now through October 2020.
  • Batch 4 (reservation orders beginning with 9): Completing orders beginning November 2020.
  • Batch 5 (reservation orders beginning with 1235): Completing orders beginning December 2020.

Words can't express our appreciation for every single customer who's chosen to take this journey with us, we guarantee it is worth the wait. Please reference our FAQ’s for additional questions and be sure to follow us on social for future product updates and community highlights.

Adam Bry
Skydio Co-founder and CEO
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Not good news especially since it comes directly from the Skydio CEO. :-(

A little more worried now about accessories also.
The wait sucks, but honestly I adore my Skydio 2 and I buy EVERY drone. It’s just a unique piece of equipment and it offers shots that I wouldn’t be comfortable using other drones with.
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Guess I should look at it more positively.... getting frank updates sure beats being left in the dark like I remember running into with other companies.
Disappointed, but not overly surprised. Maybe now mine will come with a Thanks for waiting complementary dual charger or ND filters.
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I remember waiting too. It was painful waiting, but well worth it when my S2 arrived! What a wonderful bird!
Hearing these favorable reviews does make waiting much easier...thank you guys.
At this rate I wonder if it's a better idea to wait for Skydio 3...?

Guess it depends on "if" there will be an S3 and when California comes out of the pandemic.

I'm still in and don't need the range (only current shortcoming) for what my plans include.
You must be a happy camper.... glad to hear about your good news.

Do you recall the date you made your $100 deposit?
Ahhh... the light at the end of tunnel is closer than I thought.

Thanks for the info.
Well heck, maybe I am just missing something, but I am trying to take a look at the order completion process, to see how they handle pricing with the pre-increase prices, and compare that with the bundles, but I can't seem to do that. I replied to the email, but got no response. Then I went to their website and am now trying a contact via that method.

Seems to me that the "Complete Order" banner they have in the email would be an active link to be able to COMPLETE THE ORDER. So what am I missing here?

To make matters worse, and help ice over that warm fuzzy feeling I have about this, the link to Skydio at the bottom of the email page is an invalid link going to skydio-odoo.odoo.com/none (whatever the heck that is). Sheesh.
Hopefully contacting their website directly will fix things.

Your last sentence with the invalid link is really odd.... occasionally I've run into similar weird scenarios when a link I was responding to for some reason didn't work because of the particular browser I was using. After switching browsers and retrying the reply the problem went away.

Maybe those recently completing their order can offer other tips....
Still haven't heard anything from them. This sure isn't giving me a warm fuzzy feeling about their competence. Got the email notice on 09-28-2020, and so far not provided any way to complete the purchase. Yeah, sure inspires a lot of confidence in them.... Rule of thumb: If a company is difficult to get in touch with before they have your money, don't expect things to get any better AFTER they have your money.
Well, I finally heard back from someone at Skydio. He provided a link in an email that is supposed to take care of allowing me to complete the purchase. He also sent me the old prices for the accessories available. Kind of bummed that they will only sell me one (1) spare battery at the price I would have paid had I been able to buy all this when I wanted it. I can buy one of the package deals they offer which then gives me everything I would want at around $55 over the pre price increase prices. But darn, for some reason that just gripes me that they aren't being a bit more gracious about waiting 11 months before they can deliver the product to their customers. Just rubs me the wrong way about being limited to the number of batteries I can purchase. But I guess that will pass. Hopefully it will pass before my 10 days expire. Only have 3 more days to decide.

Am I just being hard headed and unreasonable? I've got other issues going on, so maybe I am in just a bad mood all around and it is spilling out into this thing.
Well, I finally heard back from someone at Skydio. He provided a link in an email that is supposed to take care of allowing me to complete the purchase. He also sent me the old prices for the accessories available. Kind of bummed that they will only sell me one (1) spare battery at the price I would have paid had I been able to buy all this when I wanted it. I can buy one of the package deals they offer which then gives me everything I would want at around $55 over the pre price increase prices. But darn, for some reason that just gripes me that they aren't being a bit more gracious about waiting 11 months before they can deliver the product to their customers. Just rubs me the wrong way about being limited to the number of batteries I can purchase. But I guess that will pass. Hopefully it will pass before my 10 days expire. Only have 3 more days to decide.

Am I just being hard headed and unreasonable? I've got other issues going on, so maybe I am in just a bad mood all around and it is spilling out into this thing.
Glad to hear you got the order problem worked out.

With the demand so high for "anything" S2 related I'm actually surprised old prices for S2 accessories are still on the table.

I'll feel the same way about extra batteries but "a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush", right?
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Yeah. I mentioned this to my wife, and she just said, "order the darn thing with whatever accessories you want and be done with it." So I ordered it with the package that comes with 2 spare batteries.

Got a couple of hurricanes threatening the Gulf this upcoming week, so I imagine that even if it shows up this week, it will likely not be good flying weather anyway.

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