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Skydio 2+ and Skydio 2 have exactly the same range, and the 2+ has noticeably worse video and control performance.


Jan 23, 2021
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We bought the Skydio 2+ when Skydio offered the upgrade even though we had a 2 because my son uses an outdoor wheelchair and the short range on the 2 (never more than 1000' even with the controller) was always frustrating. He really needs drone that can fly farther to scout ahead on trails and to look on the other side of outcroppings and other obstacles.

It is a bummer so far with the 2+. Flew it with the controller in a place we frequently fly the 2, the 2+ went not a foot farther than the 2. And the video during the flight was appreciably more pixelated in the 2+ than the 2, and the drone responded noticeably more sluggishly to control inputs on the 2+ than the 2. So, we immediately got out and flew our 2 again in the same pattern, sitting in the same direction on the same portable chair, and the 2 lost connection at the same distance in the same location as the 2+, and the 2 had significantly less pixelated video, and responded more quickly to control inputs.

So, the 2+ is very, very disappointing. I'm not expecting any silver bullets to this range problem - but throwing out the issue anyway to see if anyone else compared directly the 2+ to the 2?
I only have the Skydio 2 but here are a few suggestions and observations:

1. The Skydio 2 uses 2.4ghz, 5.2ghz and 5.8ghz... 2.4ghz penetrates trees and generally has more range but is much more affected by interference. The Skydio 2+ uses 5.2ghz and 5.8ghz

2. The new 19.0 update finally has dynamic channel switching. The Skydio 2+ should jump to a better channel when needed to get a signal with less interference. No guarantees here.... its brand new.

3. You can also choose a channel in the Skydio app that may give you a better signal. There are free scanner apps for your phone that will help you find a clean channel. I often use 5.8ghz channel 158 but your results can vary based on what is in your area.

4. I own a basic Alientech antenna and an Alientech Pro 5.8ghz powered antenna. Both add quite a bit of range.... the 5.8ghz powered antenna especially. Expensive option but effective.

5. Make sure your phone/tablet WIFI is turned off. It can create quite a bit of interference.
great suggestions.
1. not sure why they say range doubled then
2. not able to get 19.0 yet - checking every day!
3. great idea, any recommendation on channel scanner - so many are slightly devious in intent
4. is this where I need to disassemble and modify the controller?
5. did that at least!

Having owned both until recently, (sold the 2 to a friend) I concur that the range performance is equivalent. However, both models are more than sufficient to use within LOS.
Having owned both until recently, (sold the 2 to a friend) I concur that the range performance is equivalent. However, both models are more than sufficient to use within LOS.
I wish I could agree. My Skydio 2 loses signal way within VLOS without my Alientech antennas and the signal breaks up worse when I turn around to come back home so some of the distance is wasted when trying to film.

great suggestions.
1. not sure why they say range doubled then
2. not able to get 19.0 yet - checking every day!
3. great idea, any recommendation on channel scanner - so many are slightly devious in intent
4. is this where I need to disassemble and modify the controller?
1. The advertised range is about 70% more. Skydio 2+ 6km vs Skydio 2's 3.5km. Range is always some fiction made up by the company as neither of the models will reach those distances. The new antennas on the Skydio 2+ should help transmission and range if you have VLOS and the controller is properly pointed at the drone.

If you you are flying behind trees and other objects it would explain why the 2.4ghz of the Skydio 2 is working better for you as the signal has better penetration.

2. The app is updated in the Apple store for me but not yet for Android in the Google play store. You will need to update the app before the aircraft.

3. I use Wifi Analyzer & Surveyor on Android. It has signal strength and interference reference screens built in. Its free.

4. Yes, if you go this route you will need to rebuild the controller. Its not very complicated and the antennas plug into the circuit board inside the controller so no soldering. It is an extra cost though and the new antenna box is compact but more bulky. I really needed the extra boost so it was worth it for me.
Having owned both until recently, (sold the 2 to a friend) I concur that the range performance is equivalent. However, both models are more than sufficient to use within LOS.
i owned both as well and it's hard to say for sure because i didn't fly much with the 2 and i was new to the 2 but i am not so new with the 2+ so that could be a factor. i feel like the 2+ is superior in every way meaning i find the skydio drone i fly today to be much better than when i was flying last year. imagine quality not so much but definitely in tracking and range.
well, the drone runs out of range far short of my line of sight to it. and the greatly increased pixelation and more sluggish controls of the 2+ happen at short ranges of 200 feet too, not just out at the end of its range. And, the range problem is in direct line of sight not behind trees or other obstacles. In summary, on the first day of use in direct comparison, the 2+ is an inferior drone in important performance features compared to the 2, and for zero increase in range, which overall is less than 1/10th that advertised. I spoke last night with my neighbor who is a professional drone pilot, and he is aghast at how the performance is so far below advertised. He was going to order a Skydio, but now he's laughing and saying "no, I guess not."
well, the drone runs out of range far short of my line of sight to it. and the greatly increased pixelation and more sluggish controls of the 2+ happen at short ranges of 200 feet too, not just out at the end of its range. And, the range problem is in direct line of sight not behind trees or other obstacles. In summary, on the first day of use in direct comparison, the 2+ is an inferior drone in important performance features compared to the 2, and for zero increase in range, which overall is less than 1/10th that advertised. I spoke last night with my neighbor who is a professional drone pilot, and he is aghast at how the performance is so far below advertised. He was going to order a Skydio, but now he's laughing and saying "no, I guess not."
what is a professional drone pilot?
We bought the Skydio 2+ when Skydio offered the upgrade even though we had a 2 because my son uses an outdoor wheelchair and the short range on the 2 (never more than 1000' even with the controller) was always frustrating. He really needs drone that can fly farther to scout ahead on trails and to look on the other side of outcroppings and other obstacles.

It is a bummer so far with the 2+. Flew it with the controller in a place we frequently fly the 2, the 2+ went not a foot farther than the 2. And the video during the flight was appreciably more pixelated in the 2+ than the 2, and the drone responded noticeably more sluggishly to control inputs on the 2+ than the 2. So, we immediately got out and flew our 2 again in the same pattern, sitting in the same direction on the same portable chair, and the 2 lost connection at the same distance in the same location as the 2+, and the 2 had significantly less pixelated video, and responded more quickly to control inputs.

So, the 2+ is very, very disappointing. I'm not expecting any silver bullets to this range problem - but throwing out the issue anyway to see if anyone else compared directly the 2+ to the 2?

You have the courage to speak negatively about Skydio, it really needs a lot of courage, so give your post a Like.

However, your post lacks proof of the fact and evidence, I feel hard to imagine what you try to express.

On the contrary, there are many videos that prove that 2+ has better connection performance.

If you expect we can understand your information, there should be more facts and less emotion.
You have the courage to speak negatively about Skydio, it really needs a lot of courage, so give your post a Like.

However, your post lacks proof of the fact and evidence, I feel hard to imagine what you try to express.

On the contrary, there are many videos that prove that 2+ has better connection performance.

If you expect we can understand your information, there should be more facts and less emotion.
I can chime in because I have no emotions and am essentially a walking calculator.

Having owned both the 2 and the 2+, I think the range is comparable, but have noticed sometimes it felt like the 2+ wasn't doing so hot. Given that we all have to deal with interference, everyone's mileage can and will vary.

The pixelation starts early, but doesn't affect the quality of the video you capture. People should be able to deal with the reduced range by just moving to where you want to shoot the scene. Or better yet, use the beacon that other drone vendors wish they had. The Skydio is a unique proposition.
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well, the drone runs out of range far short of my line of sight to it. and the greatly increased pixelation and more sluggish controls of the 2+ happen at short ranges of 200 feet too, not just out at the end of its range. And, the range problem is in direct line of sight not behind trees or other obstacles. In summary, on the first day of use in direct comparison, the 2+ is an inferior drone in important performance features compared to the 2, and for zero increase in range, which overall is less than 1/10th that advertised. I spoke last night with my neighbor who is a professional drone pilot, and he is aghast at how the performance is so far below advertised. He was going to order a Skydio, but now he's laughing and saying "no, I guess not."
Maybe you just got a faulty S2+. I have no idea, but I'd get ahold of Skydio and see what they say. May not help, but thats about all you can do to hopefully fix, your S2+ (based on this short thread's content and zero research by myself).
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Maybe you just got a faulty S2+. I have no idea, but I'd get ahold of Skydio and see what they say. May not help, but thats about all you can do to hopefully fix, your S2+ (based on this short thread's content and zero research by myself).
Skydio says that they don't know. But, they said we can return if it we want, but not a replacement (i.e. its not faulty). They say all of the bad performance is explained by interference, but same location, same time, 2 and 2+, repeated over several days.
You have the courage to speak negatively about Skydio, it really needs a lot of courage, so give your post a Like.

However, your post lacks proof of the fact and evidence, I feel hard to imagine what you try to express.

On the contrary, there are many videos that prove that 2+ has better connection performance.

If you expect we can understand your information, there should be more facts and less emotion.
Sorry, didn't know these posts are in something like a courtroom where any faults with Skydio need to be "courageous" and showing evidence to all. "Many people's" videos proving it is interesting, but doesn't change how the 2+ performed, nor that Skydio doesn't think the 2+ is faulty when having less range than the 2. Sorry about the frustration, its just an expensive drone upgrade that is only an upgrade in limited conditions. The Skydio 2 itself works great a short distances, but very often goes less than 1/2 km even in remote (no wifi interference) environments. Had great hopes for the 2+, and thus the frustration that its performance is less on several fronts. If a given person doesn't believe that and wants video evidence, sorry again - Skydio didn't say they wanted proof, just to put it in Fedex back to their warehouse. No RMA so that they could look at it, just sent back so they didn't have to answer the questions about 2 vs 2+.
what is a professional drone pilot?
Someone with Commercial permits who flies a wide variety of high performance drones for $$ for video shoots,
We bought the Skydio 2+ when Skydio offered the upgrade even though we had a 2 because my son uses an outdoor wheelchair and the short range on the 2 (never more than 1000' even with the controller) was always frustrating. He really needs drone that can fly farther to scout ahead on trails and to look on the other side of outcroppings and other obstacles.

It is a bummer so far with the 2+. Flew it with the controller in a place we frequently fly the 2, the 2+ went not a foot farther than the 2. And the video during the flight was appreciably more pixelated in the 2+ than the 2, and the drone responded noticeably more sluggishly to control inputs on the 2+ than the 2. So, we immediately got out and flew our 2 again in the same pattern, sitting in the same direction on the same portable chair, and the 2 lost connection at the same distance in the same location as the 2+, and the 2 had significantly less pixelated video, and responded more quickly to control inputs.

So, the 2+ is very, very disappointing. I'm not expecting any silver bullets to this range problem - but throwing out the issue anyway to see if anyone else compared directly the 2+ to the 2?
I can understand your obvious frustration with having spent lots of $ trying to find a viable solution to assist your son in his quest for independence. The fact that he wants to get outside in nature and explore is a big achievement in itself! Lots of kids want to sit in air conditioned houses and ONLY live in the virtual world so in my book you are already successful!!

You mention scouting ahead on trails and “on the other side” of outcroppings. I have lost signal or had significant degradation of same when there are too many solid objects between the aircraft and controlling device - NOTE this is not drone specific. Is this where you are encountering the pixelation of the video feed?
Sorry, didn't know these posts are in something like a courtroom where any faults with Skydio need to be "courageous" and showing evidence to all. "Many people's" videos proving it is interesting, but doesn't change how the 2+ performed, nor that Skydio doesn't think the 2+ is faulty when having less range than the 2. Sorry about the frustration, its just an expensive drone upgrade that is only an upgrade in limited conditions. The Skydio 2 itself works great a short distances, but very often goes less than 1/2 km even in remote (no wifi interference) environments. Had great hopes for the 2+, and thus the frustration that its performance is less on several fronts. If a given person doesn't believe that and wants video evidence, sorry again - Skydio didn't say they wanted proof, just to put it in Fedex back to their warehouse. No RMA so that they could look at it, just sent back so they didn't have to answer the questions about 2 vs 2+.

I've checked again, you are the first one to uncover the range issue of 2+.
Dude you posted videos in post #9 that indicate you believe that 2+ has greater range!! What are you talking about??

Do you watch those videos? If you watch, why do you think that 2+ have range issue!

Though many others say 2+ have very good range comparing to 2 and with videos.

OP's information indicates that the videos' information is not all true.

He is the first one to uncover this information, isn't he?

If you don't agree, why not share what you have?

By the way, the situation is nothing about "solid objects" but "radio interference". Op said it very clearly.
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OP's information indicates that the videos' information is not all true.

He is the first one to uncover this information.

Many others say 2+ have very good range comparing to 2 and with videos.

Do you watch those videos? If you watch, why do you think that 2+ have range issue!
I did watch the videos you linked and had seen the long range beach ( no obstructions) one shortly after it was originally posted. Good video comparing the two versions of aircraft running the firmware available at that point in time. In those circumstances pretty convincing that the 2+ went further.

The OP situation appears to be “DIFFERENT” in that the flights are happening in areas OTHER THAN A BEACH!!!

The OP didn’t “uncover” any deep secret that only Skydio and apparently you know about!

I never said or implied that the 2+ has a range issue. I have no idea where you get that from.
I did watch the videos you linked and had seen the long range beach ( no obstructions) one shortly after it was originally posted. Good video comparing the two versions of aircraft running the firmware available at that point in time. In those circumstances pretty convincing that the 2+ went further.

The OP situation appears to be “DIFFERENT” in that the flights are happening in areas OTHER THAN A BEACH!!!

The OP didn’t “uncover” any deep secret that only Skydio and apparently you know about!

I never said or implied that the 2+ has a range issue. I have no idea where you get that from.

I don't think that Skydio 2+ have range issue.

Skydio 2+ are proven to have very good operational range comparing to Skydio 2.

Many videos have provided clear information that 2+ have improved the range significantly.
Absolutely bizarre reply. I’m done

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markedly unusual in appearance, style, or general character and often involving incongruous or unexpected elements; outrageously or whimsically strange; odd: bizarre clothing; bizarre behavior.

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