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Skydio 2+ and Skydio 2 have exactly the same range, and the 2+ has noticeably worse video and control performance.

Absolutely bizarre reply. I’m done

Definition of the word:
markedly unusual in appearance, style, or general character and often involving incongruous or unexpected elements; outrageously or whimsically strange; odd: bizarre clothing; bizarre behavior.

What's your problem? And, why makes simple things so complicated and become frustrated!!

There are only two possibilities:

1. Skydio 2+ range have been improved a lot

As stated by Skydio, 2+ have improved the operation a lot.

And, there are many positive user feedbacks and videos support the statement, too.

2. Skydio 2+ range have not been improved. It is even worse.

As stated in the title of the thread, If so, Skydio should take the responsibility to fix the issue.

But, currently, there still need more information to support the statement.

In fact, Op's information is quite negative and he is the first one to uncover the information.

For those of us planning to buy the Skydio 2+, we'll want to know exactly what's going on right now.

We just want to make sure if Skydio 2+ range have been improved or not. We want to know it clear.

It's very simple.

There's something odd about your position, you don't look like a typical buyer, you seem to be fighting a battle of confusion and don't want to make simple things clear!
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What's your problem? And, why makes simple things so complicated and become frustrated!!

There are only two possibilities:

1. Skydio 2+ range have been improved a lot

As stated by Skydio, 2+ have improved the operation a lot.

And, there are many positive user feedbacks and videos support the statement, too.

2. Skydio 2+ range have not been improved. It is even worse.

As stated in the title of the thread, If so, Skydio should take the responsibility to fix the issue.

But, currently, there still need more information to support the statement.

In fact, Op's information is quite negative and he is the first one to uncover the information.

For those of us planning to buy the Skydio 2+, we'll want to know exactly what's going on right now.

We just want to make sure if Skydio 2+ range have been improved or not. We want to know it clear.

It's very simple.

There's something odd about your position, you don't look like a typical buyer, you seem to be fighting a battle of confusion and don't want to make simple things clear!
I will try to make something clear as you requested.

You have littered this forum with your pseudo scientific “bizarre” ramblings and have hyjacked a number of threads in the process.

Your posts in this thread is an example of that behaviour.

In fact the OP challenged your use of the term courage when you described him and you didn’t even acknowledge that but just carried on. Like I said bizarre!

I for one don’t need you to “explain” what the issue is and/or what Skydio should do about it.
language barrier and interpretation + topic that is inherently confusing (perceived/actual range based on "conditions") = disaster conversation
I will try to make something clear as you requested.

You have littered this forum with your pseudo scientific “bizarre” ramblings and have hyjacked a number of threads in the process.

Your posts in this thread is an example of that behaviour.

In fact the OP challenged your use of the term courage when you described him and you didn’t even acknowledge that but just carried on. Like I said bizarre!

I for one don’t need you to “explain” what the issue is and/or what Skydio should do about it.

We are discussing the range of the Skydio and you?

You are still keeping confusing the topic and misleading the discussion!

I guess the reason is that you can't read the technical article easily.

Here is the official article about the range of the 2 and 2+.

Let me try my best to explain to you.

(1) It is the official article.

(2) In the article, it states the range of Skydio 2+ have been improved significantly. The range of Skydio 2+ is 2 times of Skydio 2.

(3) It implies that in the same environment, anyone can fly his/her Skydio 2+ drone twice range compaing to Skydio 2.

(4) So, the improvement should not be alerted and is nothing about the "solid obstacle" or "interference" or whatever.

The difference of improvement should be observed very easily. And, such a theory is widely supported with so many positive Skydio 2+ youtube videos.

This is also the key reason that so many users have upgraded their Skydio 2 to Skydio 2+. And, the Op might be one of us.

On the other hand, explaining the Skydio 2+ range situation with the terms of obstructions or interference is a poor excuse, it diverts focus and misleads the direction of solving the range situation.

You seem to have some kinds of difficulty understanding the concept. If so, with so detailed explaination, can you understand the concept clearly now?

(5) The Op has the opposite experience and he is the first one to uncover the topic.

While I trust the Skydio's official article, I also believe of the Op's information but there need more information.

I also feel tired to explain this but .....

I just have suffered Skydio 2's range problem seriously and I care about the range of the Skydio 2+ very much.

So, please let's focus on the topic and make the range information of Skydio 2+ clearly!

Link: https://support.skydio.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404241302555-How-far-can-Skydio-2-2-fly-

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“We are discussing the range of the Skydio and you?”

I believe I was commenting on your BIZARRE behaviour. Doesn’t appear to have had any effect.

There is a forum feature that I have rarely used.

Can you guess what it is? Here is a visual clue.

What was very apparent from early on with the SD2 was there can be a large deviation in one drone's performance compared to another of the same model. I'm no expert but I can say without a doubt the the environment plays a big part in range, I see it all the time. Whether it's physical obstructions affecting signal strength, the Wi Fi frequency, the RF environment or even a problem with the OPs drone, it's hard to say. They're all factors affecting that particular flight in a particular location with a particular drone. The altitude the drone is being used at plays a significant role in the range, most of us fly low requiring the used of it's OA, not the ideal environment to test a drone's range and it's doubtful you'd even come close to stated range at low altitudes, the OP could have been flying at a higher altitude, we don't know from the post. From the OP's POV it's no better then the previous drone, I get that and I'd be frustrated also with no improvement also. The stated range improvement no doubt takes in the best case scenario, higher altitude, favorable RF environment etc.. much like the beach in the video.

To say across that across the board that the SD is no better then the original version range-wise is incorrect, There's no shortage of videos and testimonials stating the exact opposite. A categorical statement saying the new design is no better then the previous design based on a single user is at best anecdotal evidence, not scientific nor measurable in any meaningful way. None of us are in a position to accurately make a statement like that, we can only relate our personal experience which is affected by the local environment and the particular drone being used. SD knows the range has been improved and they provided the OP and out by offering a refund.
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I can understand your obvious frustration with having spent lots of $ trying to find a viable solution to assist your son in his quest for independence. The fact that he wants to get outside in nature and explore is a big achievement in itself! Lots of kids want to sit in air conditioned houses and ONLY live in the virtual world so in my book you are already successful!!

You mention scouting ahead on trails and “on the other side” of outcroppings. I have lost signal or had significant degradation of same when there are too many solid objects between the aircraft and controlling device - NOTE this is not drone specific. Is this where you are encountering the pixelation of the video feed?
Hi, thanks for your kind note. The conditions vary for pixelation (spelling?) occurrences from fairly open with sporadic trees, to sometimes many trees. Looking ahead is usually flying over the trees to see what is ahead on a trail to avoid troublesome situations for the wheelchair (or just a trail blockage), so usually the drone is still line-of-sight. Same with the outcrops of rocks. What we found in several situations was that when flying on the same paths with a 2+ and then immediately with a 2, the lesser 2+ performance findings that were listed in my first few posts. Its weird to me that that controls have more of a response delay with the 2+, but I suppose not impossible either...

Do you have any experience with narrow-band with settings? Its seems difficult to notice the effect of it. Had it off during some of the comparison testing.
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Hi, thanks for your kind note. The conditions vary for pixelation (spelling?) occurrences from fairly open with sporadic trees, to sometimes many trees. Looking ahead is usually flying over the trees to see what is ahead on a trail to avoid troublesome situations for the wheelchair (or just a trail blockage), so usually the drone is still line-of-sight. Same with the outcrops of rocks. What we found in several situations was that when flying on the same paths with a 2+ and then immediately with a 2, the lesser 2+ performance findings that were listed in my first few posts. Its weird to me that that controls have more of a response delay with the 2+, but I suppose not impossible either...

Do you have any experience with narrow-band with settings? Its seems difficult to notice the effect of it. Had it off during some of the comparison testing.
The Anafi controller didn’t change between the S2 and 2+ so that’s not a variable and I assume you are using the same phone or tablet as you switch between the two aircraft?? In other words the pilot end of the communication pathway is consistent between the two aircraft. The only variable might be your standing height vs your sons sitting height changing the LOS angle??

Assuming both aircraft are fully functional the only differences that are documented or visible is the 2+ has an external antenna (so logically better) but no 2.4 signal (possibly the culprit) The longer wavelength 2.4 vs 5.x has better “penetration” through obstacles. It has downsides as well so purely speculation on my part.

Narrow band I’m guessing is a version of beamforming commonly found on modern wifi routers where the router “learns” where the other endpoint is and “focuses” the transmission to increase throughout. Makes a lot of sense with fixed endpoints but not so much on a rapidly moving aircraft. Posts on the forum have not indicated any significant change having it on or off so I’m not sure its worth much effort.

Just a suggestion but have you tried any DJI drones to compare with the Skydio?
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I can understand your obvious frustration with having spent lots of $ trying to find a viable solution to assist your son in his quest for independence. The fact that he wants to get outside in nature and explore is a big achievement in itself! Lots of kids want to sit in air conditioned houses and ONLY live in the virtual world so in my book you are already successful!!

You mention scouting ahead on trails and “on the other side” of outcroppings. I have lost signal or had significant degradation of same when there are too many solid objects between the aircraft and controlling device - NOTE this is not drone specific. Is this where you are encountering the pixelation of the video feed?
Hi ETdronehome,

Sorry, I gave up on the thread after seeing on this and other threads the general defensiveness of the forums. So, thank you for your kind email. There's no virtual substitute for being in the mountains! The pixelation occurs at any range, even 100-200', so IDK what is going on there. While we wish we could go behind solid objects, we don't expect any drone at these frequencies to do well there. We just need the altitude and a little range to scout ahead (saw you on other thread on "strong GPS" height limits where with recent SW loads can no longer scout ahead, sigh).
We bought the Skydio 2+ when Skydio offered the upgrade even though we had a 2 because my son uses an outdoor wheelchair and the short range on the 2 (never more than 1000' even with the controller) was always frustrating. He really needs drone that can fly farther to scout ahead on trails and to look on the other side of outcroppings and other obstacles.

It is a bummer so far with the 2+. Flew it with the controller in a place we frequently fly the 2, the 2+ went not a foot farther than the 2. And the video during the flight was appreciably more pixelated in the 2+ than the 2, and the drone responded noticeably more sluggishly to control inputs on the 2+ than the 2. So, we immediately got out and flew our 2 again in the same pattern, sitting in the same direction on the same portable chair, and the 2 lost connection at the same distance in the same location as the 2+, and the 2 had significantly less pixelated video, and responded more quickly to control inputs.

So, the 2+ is very, very disappointing. I'm not expecting any silver bullets to this range problem - but throwing out the issue anyway to see if anyone else compared directly the 2+ to the 2?
I have both the 2 and 2+. My 2+ has more range than the 2, the video/photo quality is the same and I can't see that the handling is any different (I use the controller).
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