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Skydio 2 Crash Video


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2021
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This can not just be me. So I have wrecked a S2 two times prior. The last 2 times, the S2 malfunctioned, and they were replaced. Today was all my fault, and it was a pretty bad wreck in which two S2s collided head on at about 43-6mph at about 22' and they both walked away with scratches and I will have to install new props two ripped in half, so I used what I had and fired on S2 back up and flew it, then put them o the other and flew making surer they were good.
My questions, the footage of last two S2 wrecks, right before the wreck the video stops. Like the drone knows it is going to wreck and turns the camera off. I only have footage of the last 2 because I was filming them from, the ground as well. Today both S2's the video stops before they hit, you can not even tell that there may have been a wreck. I had to pull the footage out of the S2 to see the actual camera footage and the tumble to the ground.

What is the point of this??
Usually the battery comes off the drone , the contents off the memory get lost including the last frames of the video, on top of that can not close the file , so no end header and file info what can result in a unreadable file ...
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With my one and only crash the video stopped a couple seconds before impact.

I think the S2 may know an impact it going to happen and saves the file. On power down it takes a few seconds to save the file.

My experience with other drones is if the battery falls off or camera gets knocked off (Typhoon) there's a high probability you'll lose the file.
i dunno, something tells me the camera on a drone is just like any other camera on other electronic devices. in the event of a catastrophic failure or some other abnormal operation, there will be unpredictable results; all depends on what happened.
I understand what you are saying, the video stops prior to any contact on all the crashes I have. I will attach them. The ones that have SD card in the label are from Tyre S2s, the other video I pulled out from the media in the app. This is just from the last incident, but the other wrecks the footage was just like this, missing the actual contact. Just curious why it is like that
With my one and only crash the video stopped a couple seconds before impact.

I think the S2 may know an impact it going to happen and saves the file. On power down it takes a few seconds to save the file.

My experience with other drones is if the battery falls off or camera gets knocked off (Typhoon) there's a high probability you'll lose the file.
i dunno, something tells me the camera on a drone is just like any other camera on other electronic devices. in the event of a catastrophic failure or some other abnormal operation, there will be unpredictable results; all depends on what happened.
i dunno, something tells me the camera on a drone is just like any other camera on other electronic devices. in the event of a catastrophic failure or some other abnormal operation, there will be unpredictable results; all depends on what happened.
With my one and only crash the video stopped a couple seconds before impact.

I think the S2 may know an impact it going to happen and saves the file. On power down it takes a few seconds to save the file.

My experience with other drones is if the battery falls off or camera gets knocked off (Typhoon) there's a high probability you'll lose the file.
So if it knows it is going to happen, then the obstacle avoidance should correct this from happening. I know now that the S2 does not see another S2 at all. I tested that more it is like they are not there, they will run in to each other the obstacle avoidance does not engage.
i dunno, something tells me the camera on a drone is just like any other camera on other electronic devices. in the event of a catastrophic failure or some other abnormal operation, there will be unpredictable results; all depends on what happened.
But it is not unpredictable as it happens each time the SD card video cuts out prior to impact, but the footage in the app you pull out shows the impact.
others can correct me if i am wrong but i agree with you it isn't unpredictable but it's impossible to predict where that "cut" will happen.
My last crash I was coming down through a 9' x 12'area like a pergola ( I think you spell that this way) some exterior building cosmetic s to make it look architectural. At on point there are 3' on the sides of the S2 and around 4; in front & behind. it is around 25' in the air and I engage landing as it is coming down lights still blue at 14 feet, so it has not turned off the obstacle awareness yet which is 10' it just decided to turn and fly into the side of the building. Now the footage from the SD just shows it going down and then slow mo and that's it. I was filming from below, so I caught it all on my phone. But it should have shown at least turning and flying into the wall. I am just curious why it stops the video

You said “I know now that the S2 does not see another S2 at all. I tested that more it is like they are not there, they will run in to each other the obstacle avoidance does not engage”

The S2 does NOT avoid any moving objects OTHER THAN what it is actively tracking. The OA is active and the S2 will stay away from the tracked object and stationary ones (trees etc). It might avoid a car or people that are barely moving but don’t count on it.

From page 3 “Safety” section of the manual
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What I suspect is happening is the video stream at the point of writing to the SD card is 3~5 seconds behind what the sensor is seeing. I've seen it a few times on mine.

During a bad enough impact there is an interruption of power, that's the split second the camera goes dead but the writing of the data to the card is behind that by a few seconds, That the buffered data is still in the stream when the power is lost and it gets lost as a result. You only can see it when the power to the camera is interrupted which is extremely rare except for a crash. Looking at the videos when it's happened to me I suspect it's 3-5 seconds behind in writing to the card. Not surprising to me since that stream from the main camera goes allot of places, processed as part of the OA stream, processed for subject tracking and recognition and it also goes through a separate video processing chip on it's way to the card.

You said “I know now that the S2 does not see another S2 at all. I tested that more it is like they are not there, they will run in to each other the obstacle avoidance does not engage”

The S2 does NOT avoid any moving objects OTHER THAN what it is actively tracking. The OA is active and the S2 will stay away from the tracked object and stationary ones (trees etc). It might avoid a car or people that are barely moving but don’t count on it.

From page 3 “Safety” section of the manual
View attachment 789
In addition to that S2 often won't see other people that it's not categorized as possible subjects as indicated by the plus sign in the apps screen. I've seen this twice (flying with the beacon) and it's come inches from a person, both times they saw it coming and ducked or it would have hit them. It was obvious OA didn't have a clue they were there. It flew closer to those persons the two times then I've ever seen it fly to anything ever. Both times the person wasn't being processed as a potential obstacle plus they were both moving.
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You said “I know now that the S2 does not see another S2 at all. I tested that more it is like they are not there, they will run in to each other the obstacle avoidance does not engage”

The S2 does NOT avoid any moving objects OTHER THAN what it is actively tracking. The OA is active and the S2 will stay away from the tracked object and stationary ones (trees etc). It might avoid a car or people that are barely moving but don’t count on it.

From page 3 “Safety” section of the manual
View attachment 789
I guess what I meant to say was it does not acknowledge it is there as it shows me moving vehicles but does not show another S2. Even though it says that, I have seen it fly back suddenly or vere back suddenly like it is too close to something from moving objects. One is my DJI Mini, the other was a flag on a stealth cell tower I audited. So I don't know, maybe they were moving too much then stopped moving and that is why. It moves back if I run up on it unless the battery is super low, then you don't know what it may do/
I can say out of the 3 crashes so far only one got it on video. Had one other time that was a tree strike but it was able to recover and go on like it was no big deal,lol..
I can say out of the 3 crashes so far only one got it on video. Had one other time that was a tree strike but it was able to recover and go on like it was no big deal,lol..
Like one of these.
Like one of these.
Ya these 2 hit hard and then fell like 22' on a loose dirt and rock surface. They were scratch up, and had to broken props and didst have replacements with, e so put 2 on one fired her up and flew. Took 2 off of that one and put them on the other, fired her up and flew. They are both good one has Skydio Blue scuff on it's black from the other.
What I suspect is happening is the video stream at the point of writing to the SD card is 3~5 seconds behind what the sensor is seeing. I've seen it a few times on mine.

During a bad enough impact there is an interruption of power, that's the split second the camera goes dead but the writing of the data to the card is behind that by a few seconds, That the buffered data is still in the stream when the power is lost and it gets lost as a result. You only can see it when the power to the camera is interrupted which is extremely rare except for a crash. Looking at the videos when it's happened to me I suspect it's 3-5 seconds behind in writing to the card. Not surprising to me since that stream from the main camera goes allot of places, processed as part of the OA stream, processed for subject tracking and recognition and it also goes through a separate video processing chip on it's way to the card.
Yes, that makes perfect sense. I wish the sensor camera took better footage as if I wreck I want it in 4k HD . lol
Ya these 2 hit hard and then fell like 22' on a loose dirt and rock surface. They were scratch up, and had to broken props and didst have replacements with, e so put 2 on one fired her up and flew. Took 2 off of that one and put them on the other, fired her up and flew. They are both good one has Skydio Blue scuff on it's black from the other.
They survive pretty well if they don't hit a hard surface directly on an arm or the gimbal. I had a drop out of the sky event with the SD2, :rolleyes: I've been lucky, never had a crash that disabled the drone other then a prop. In this crash I dusted it off, cleaned the cameras and blew out the motors and went on to fly it for 2 more batteries better then it did on it's first flight of the day.

That's pretty good that it's all the damage suffered from 2 of them falling out of the sky.

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