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Skydio 2 vs. Air 2 Comparison


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2020
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Great video! This guy ends up favoring the Skydio 2 over the Air 2, but also the Air 2 over the Mavic 2 Pro. His focus is on people filming themselves, and I would agree that the Skydio is better for that. He also seems to have fewer issues with Skydio restlessness and flying into the canopy in forests than I have seen in other videos. Perhaps the latest firmware has significantly improved the tracking smoothness and oa choices? Also, he mentions an important plus I had forgotten, which is that the tracking can be done in 4k60 while with the Air 2 it can't.

On the other hand most of the video itself makes a strong case for the Air 2! The action sequence at the beginning, all shot with the Air 2, is insane! And definitely could not be done with the Skydio. And his complaint about the A2 controller is a minority view; most reviewers like it. And two of his complaints about the A2 are about things likely to be fixed soon with firmware updates. And in general, if you took out his talking and simply labelled the shots as Skydio vs. Air, its more of a showcase of the Air's strengths than of the Skydio's.

The video reminded me of how I wish I could afford both drones. And it was nice to see such smooth, non-restless tracking by the Skydio. But over all, the Air comes out on top for me. And again, that opening sequence!

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Probably could have been posted in the other thread, but it’s a good video.
Given the Skydio doesn't need you to make decisions when flying through a maze of obstacles (I.e. lets you concentrate on video content without you worrying where the drone is) the Skydio for me wins hands-out.

For too long well built drones were only made in China... no more.... Skydio is also the first (and only) U.S. drone manufacturer providing manufacturing, testing and repair of "all" of it's drones within the United Sates.

Skydio's warranty program is also unmatched by any other drone manufacturer .... if it fails and you're complying with it's T&C's you are shipped a new one no questions asked.
Given the Skydio doesn't need you to make decisions when flying through a maze of obstacles (I.e. lets you concentrate on video content without you worrying where the drone is) the Skydio for me wins hands-out.

For too long well built drones were only made in China... no more.... Skydio is also the first (and only) U.S. drone manufacturer providing manufacturing, testing and repair of "all" of it's drones within the United Sates.

Skydio's warranty program is also unmatched by any other drone manufacturer .... if it fails and you're complying with it's T&C's you are shipped a new one no questions asked.
This is getting embarrassing ...?
Given the Skydio doesn't need you to make decisions when flying through a maze of obstacles (I.e. lets you concentrate on video content without you worrying where the drone is) the Skydio for me wins hands-out.

For too long well built drones were only made in China... no more.... Skydio is also the first (and only) U.S. drone manufacturer providing manufacturing, testing and repair of "all" of it's drones within the United Sates.

Skydio's warranty program is also unmatched by any other drone manufacturer .... if it fails and you're complying with it's T&C's you are shipped a new one no questions asked.
Umm, special pleading? Cherry picking? I get that you like that it's American, has a good warranty, etc. I also don't like DJI's dominance, and I like the Skydio and want it to succeed. But come on, your motivated reasoning gets pretty obvious. Again and again going back to the autonomy and oa. That is a huge strength of the Skydio, but it has to be looked at in the context of everything else. It's kind of like if I kept returning to the awesome hypersmooth at 4k60fps and the waterproofing of the Gopro Hero8 to argue that it's a better camera overall than, say, my Sony A73.
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Umm, special pleading? Cherry picking? I get that you like that it's American, has a good warranty, etc. I also don't like DJI's dominance, and I like the Skydio and want it to succeed. But come on, your motivated reasoning gets pretty obvious. Again and again going back to the autonomy and oa. That is a huge strength of the Skydio, but it has to be looked at in the context of everything else. It's kind of like if I kept returning to the awesome hypersmooth at 4k60fps and the waterproofing of the Gopro Hero8 to argue that it's a better camera overall than, say, my Sony A73.
Motivated reasoning is reason you bought a MA2 and I bought a Skydio 2 and yet I'm not on an MA2 forum again and again about why I think my choice is the better of the two.

P.S. For me unmatched autonomy and OA are the big enchalida and everything else is secondary.
Motivated reasoning is reason you bought a MA2 and I bought a Skydio 2 and yet I'm not on an MA2 forum again and again about why I think my choice is the better of the two.

P.S. For me unmatched autonomy and OA are the big enchalida and everything else is secondary.
Well I guess I'll force myself to have this be my last word on this, whatever your response is.

1. Motivated reasoning doesn't refer to a preference for one thing or another. Rather it is committing logical errors such as cherry picking, exaggerating, special pleading, etc., as a consequence of that preference. So for example if regarding the Air 2 I kept going back to its strengths such as range without acknowledging major weaknesses such as nonexistent oa from the side, or I gave exaggerated importance to things like the controller design, I would indeed be guilty of motivated reasoning.

2. When you say that "for (you)" the autonomy and oa trump everything, I have no problem with that, just as I assume you wouldn't have a problem with a guy saying that maximum image quality trumps everything, so therefore "for him" the m2 pro is the best. Obviously different things matter more for different people. But saying that something is best "for you" is not the same as saying that something is the best over all for most people. Then you have to look at all of the different things people might find important, and base your analysis on how well that thing, such as a drone, covers all those bases. That is the analysis I am using in comparing the Air 2 with other drones. Based on EVERYTHING, price, photo and video quality, tracking ability, automated features, reliability, battery life, range, oa, warranty, etc., and based on personal preferences that EVERYONE has, I think it is rational to say that OVER ALL, for MOST people, the Air 2 is the best bang-for-the-buck all-purpose drone. Not for people like you who value oa and autonomy above all, not for people for whom maximum image quality trumps all, not for me if something like stability in the wind trumped everything, but for MOST people.

I like the Skydio 2. I hope a Skydio 3 comes along and blows all other drones out of the water.
Well I guess I'll force myself to have this be my last word on this, whatever your response is.

1. Motivated reasoning doesn't refer to a preference for one thing or another. Rather it is committing logical errors such as cherry picking, exaggerating, special pleading, etc., as a consequence of that preference. So for example if regarding the Air 2 I kept going back to its strengths such as range without acknowledging major weaknesses such as nonexistent oa from the side, or I gave exaggerated importance to things like the controller design, I would indeed be guilty of motivated reasoning.

2. When you say that "for (you)" the autonomy and oa trump everything, I have no problem with that, just as I assume you wouldn't have a problem with a guy saying that maximum image quality trumps everything, so therefore "for him" the m2 pro is the best. Obviously different things matter more for different people. But saying that something is best "for you" is not the same as saying that something is the best over all for most people. Then you have to look at all of the different things people might find important, and base your analysis on how well that thing, such as a drone, covers all those bases. That is the analysis I am using in comparing the Air 2 with other drones. Based on EVERYTHING, price, photo and video quality, tracking ability, automated features, reliability, battery life, range, oa, warranty, etc., and based on personal preferences that EVERYONE has, I think it is rational to say that OVER ALL, for MOST people, the Air 2 is the best bang-for-the-buck all-purpose drone. Not for people like you who value oa and autonomy above all, not for people for whom maximum image quality trumps all, not for me if something like stability in the wind trumped everything, but for MOST people.

I like the Skydio 2. I hope a Skydio 3 comes along and blows all other drones out of the water.
Can't agree with your comments about what constitutes logic but I'll just respect your opinion and leave it at that.

With everything going on in the drone world I'm beginning to wonder if it might not just be best to pass on the S2 and just wait for the S3 though.
For MY use:
SD2 1st
Parrot Anafi 2cd
Typhoon H 3rd
Autel EVO 2(if I owned one) 4th

Everything else last. Odd thing is I own more DJI drones than any other, they remain shelved.

Interesting to see how the lawsuit will affect MA2 distribution here? I hear Autel may add it to the restricted drone list for patent infringement.
What percentage of the time do you fly each of the above three ?
That's a good question. At first it was almost all 3DR Solo(many years ago). Then mostly my Solo and some P3P, yes DJI had decent GPS follow with the GO app and the P3. My P4, M1 and M2 were all close to useless with optical follow and GO4.

When I got my H it was awesome, I could follow at 45 MPH and in high winds. The H was and is a powerful follow drone especially when equipped with the Wizard Wand. I use my H now about 25% of the time for high speed and bad weather follow. The H is large fast and difficult to stow so I only take it out on occasion.

The Anafi is a gem, small, lightweight , great camera and follow drone. Anafi does not handle the wind or fly as fast as the larger drones. With no OA I have to fly Anafi in Follow to get the shot I want. At first the S2 was too unstable and herky jerky to get good shots. As time went on the S2 got better and I was spoiled by the S2 OA, the ability to launch and fly hands off is the S2's forte.

So today I bring out my H if it is windy or I need to follow fast. I now use the S2 for about 75% of the shots due to convenience and Anafi for the rest. Don't underestimate Anafi it can follow at a distance and using GPS and optical it has a strong lock on the target. But the ability to launch the S2 and then concentrate on filming in car or other tasks makes the S2 a invaluable. And while this may offend many each time I bring out a DJI bird it is a waste of my time, I won't post vids of this. The MA2 looks better too me but I won't be fooled again, Active track 1 was ground breaking, Active Track 2.0 is so much better indicating AT 1.0 was bad? Active Track 3.0 is so much better indicating Active Track 2.0 is bad, it's the Who song all over. I'll reserve judgment.

Anafi is an amazing little drone capable of landing on a moving target, 180 degree look up capability, VPS... here's an early Anafi follow vid I did.

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Your comments about the H parallel what one of the members of my flying club thinks. Nice work horse of drone but kind of unwieldy to transport and store easily. It's large carrying case opened a lot of eyes at our club meeting and I think even made its owner wonder about his decision to buy one.

The Anafi garners a lot of good press and holds its own against the similarly priced DJI birds. They obviously make a good drone and controller (WINK) and it fits the bill for a second drone for many.

For me, however, convenience, a fantastic camera and dare I say <GRIN> its unbeatable OA clearly makes the S2 the number one choice for me.

Truth be told I may actually spend my Cares Act entitlement on an S3 when Skydio creates it next line of drones.
I see the S2 having a way to go with software since it has so much on board processing power, but if an S3 were released I'd add it to my collection.
I see the S2 having a way to go with software since it has so much on board processing power, but if an S3 were released I'd add it to my collection.
Same here.
Maybe when the S3 comes out they'll be "smart" enough to fly in formation and/or even help each other if one gets caught in some seemingly inescapable environment.

Science fiction now but fun to think about....

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