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Jan 17, 2021
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my beacon, controller, and phone app are not connecting to the drone. In the beacon, it keeps saying "looking for ..." and on the phone it says "Datalink Timed Out. I have an apple iPhone 12 pro max to the latest ios and latest Skydio 2 app. I tried everything to connect to it. The funny thing is it's brand new our the box and it only worked once and I never crashed it and when I tried using the drone the second time, it keeps giving me those errors and idk what to do and skydio email isn't replying to me. Can some of you guys help me out here?
super-strange. you'd probably need to record video of all steps you do in POV mode from mobile phone/gopro starting from turning on the drone and provide it to support. I mean that's too bad, but nothing close to what I can imagine
my beacon, controller, and phone app are not connecting to the drone. In the beacon, it keeps saying "looking for ..." and on the phone it says "Datalink Timed Out. I have an apple iPhone 12 pro max to the latest ios and latest Skydio 2 app. I tried everything to connect to it. The funny thing is it's brand new our the box and it only worked once and I never crashed it and when I tried using the drone the second time, it keeps giving me those errors and idk what to do and skydio email isn't replying to me. Can some of you guys help me out here?
Hi, I am having this same issue ... any update on how you fixed it?
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my beacon, controller, and phone app are not connecting to the drone. In the beacon, it keeps saying "looking for ..." and on the phone it says "Datalink Timed Out. I have an apple iPhone 12 pro max to the latest ios and latest Skydio 2 app. I tried everything to connect to it. The funny thing is it's brand new our the box and it only worked once and I never crashed it and when I tried using the drone the second time, it keeps giving me those errors and idk what to do and skydio email isn't replying to me. Can some of you guys help me out here?
I am having the same issue. Did you ever figure out what was going on? In my case the blue lights never become solid. They just keep blinking. I reset the controller and the beacon. The beacon asked me to connect to the Skydio 2 but it never recognizes the Skydio 2. Any thoughts?
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Ah connection issues! I think this is their heal.
The device is a steep learning curve even if pilots are seasoned drone users. Following the Skydio way of things with the video training sessions always leaves me with more questions then answers. Best to call Skydio help desk and get them directly involved. Email is super slow with what feels like a two week response time. If you tie it in with a phone call you could be put at the front of the line a lot sooner. Not much help I know but it sounds like a bigger issue than any forum chats can solve.

Mine was a struggle and still is. Ever flight has had connection drama and frustrations (I feel like it is a human / machine interface issue for me, i just don't get it like i do for the DJI Mavic)
so, the 7th time is the charm. that's what i keep telling my GF.....Drum rift....
ill be here all week....
Thanks for the info Dean Smith !
Skydio contacted me and it was an easy fix. See the attacked file to see their email. Just reset the drone and it worked perfectly.

i tried this and didn’t factory reset mine. Still with the issue. Is there something I am missing?

I'm having the same issue... at least I found this thread so I can try this drone reset... maybe this last update borked things for a lot of people? I flew once post-update... since then I can't connect with anything (beacon, app, controller).

EDIT: The reset procedure doesn't seem to be working for me either. Is there some indication of the lighting pattern that it is indeed resetting? The app connects via wifi to the drone, but it just sits there at "Connecting" or "Syncing" forever (depending on if I am at the "Fly" or "Media" screen on the app. After that until the drone powers off on its own.

I have deleted/reinstalled the app. Still no love. This thing is ground bound.

2nd EDIT: SUCCESS! I switched to my iPad for the app and did the reset sequence with no battery (plugged into the wall) and reset earlier in the boot up sequence (when the FIRST LEDs flash rapidly - reset it 6 times and on the 7th it should reset?) and it is now working. I don't know if it was the switch to the iPad or that I correctly did the drone reset. The app (on the iPad) told me there was an update available for the drone. It would connect, then say "2 of 5" connect your iPad. It was in that loop for a while, but after trying a few times it looks like the update finally "took". I was then able to update my Beacon.

Hope this helps someone in the future.
Last edited:
I'm having the same issue... at least I found this thread so I can try this drone reset... maybe this last update borked things for a lot of people? I flew once post-update... since then I can't connect with anything (beacon, app, controller).

EDIT: The reset procedure doesn't seem to be working for me either. Is there some indication of the lighting pattern that it is indeed resetting? The app connects via wifi to the drone, but it just sits there at "Connecting" or "Syncing" forever (depending on if I am at the "Fly" or "Media" screen on the app. After that until the drone powers off on its own.

I have deleted/reinstalled the app. Still no love. This thing is ground bound.

2nd EDIT: SUCCESS! I switched to my iPad for the app and did the reset sequence with no battery (plugged into the wall) and reset earlier in the boot up sequence (when the FIRST LEDs flash rapidly - reset it 6 times and on the 7th it should reset?) and it is now working. I don't know if it was the switch to the iPad or that I correctly did the drone reset. The app (on the iPad) told me there was an update available for the drone. It would connect, then say "2 of 5" connect your iPad. It was in that loop for a while, but after trying a few times it looks like the update finally "took". I was then able to update my Beacon.

Hope this helps someone in the future.
Hi sharkytowers,

I will be going to try this today and see if it will work for me. Question regarding the reset 6 times. How were you able to reset the sequence with no battery? I mean... You had your Skydio connected to the power outlet and how you did the sequence without having the battery power buttom?

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Hi sharkytowers,

I will be going to try this today and see if it will work for me. Question regarding the reset 6 times. How were you able to reset the sequence with no battery? I mean... You had your Skydio connected to the power outlet and how you did the sequence without having the battery power buttom?

When you plug the Skydio2 into the the outlet/charger/usbc it will power on without the battery connected. I would just plug it in, wait for the sequence and then yank (pull gently lol) the usbc cable out of the drone.

Maybe I had actually already completed the sequence as I tried it several times and I don't know if that is what got it working, or switching to my iPad and using the app (as opposed to the skydio app on my iPhone).

Anyway... try resetting the skydio2 when the "quick" sequence of lights starts. I was waiting until the "slow pulsing sequence" and I think that may be too late for the reset?

Also, if you can try another device for the app as well. After I got it working I connected the controller and then the beacon (directly via usbc) so they could all update. I then reconnected the app on my iPhone and everything is now working. I hope that helps. Let me know how it goes and if I can help in any way I will.
When you plug the Skydio2 into the the outlet/charger/usbc it will power on without the battery connected. I would just plug it in, wait for the sequence and then yank (pull gently lol) the usbc cable out of the drone.

Maybe I had actually already completed the sequence as I tried it several times and I don't know if that is what got it working, or switching to my iPad and using the app (as opposed to the skydio app on my iPhone).

Anyway... try resetting the skydio2 when the "quick" sequence of lights starts. I was waiting until the "slow pulsing sequence" and I think that may be too late for the reset?

Also, if you can try another device for the app as well. After I got it working I connected the controller and then the beacon (directly via usbc) so they could all update. I then reconnected the app on my iPhone and everything is now working. I hope that helps. Let me know how it goes and if I can help in any way I will.
It worked! Thank you for this! I was able to factory reset the drone. After that, I was able to use my phone with no problem. I think the best way to do this is by just using the power outlet instead of the battery "power on/power off" sequence.

I am so happy to be able to use the drone again. Thanks!!!!!!!

I seem to be having the exact same issue with a brand new Skydio 2. I can't seem to reset the drone either. Can anyone help?
Well this update seemed to have also broken my Skydio2 see my firmware thread. Red flashing light. I’m still having hope that support will contact me.
It worked! Thank you for this! I was able to factory reset the drone. After that, I was able to use my phone with no problem. I think the best way to do this is by just using the power outlet instead of the battery "power on/power off" sequence.

I am so happy to be able to use the drone again. Thanks!!!!!!!
Glad it worked for you!
나는 같은 문제를 겪고 있습니다 ... 적어도이 스레드를 찾았으므로이 무인 항공기 재설정을 시도 할 수 있습니다 ... 아마도이 마지막 업데이트가 많은 사람들에게 지루한 것입니까? 업데이트 이후에 한 번 비행했는데... 그 이후로 아무것도(비콘, 앱, 컨트롤러) 연결할 수 없습니다.

편집: 재설정 절차가 저에게도 효과가 없는 것 같습니다. 조명 패턴이 실제로 재설정되고 있다는 표시가 있습니까? 앱은 Wi-Fi를 통해 드론에 연결되지만 앱의 "Fly" 또는 "Media" 화면에 있는지에 따라 영원히 "Connecting" 또는 "Syncing"에 있습니다. 그 후 드론의 전원이 꺼질 때까지 자체적으로.

앱을 삭제/재설치했습니다. 아직 사랑이 없습니다. 이것은 지상에 묶여 있습니다.

두 번째 편집: 성공! 앱을 사용하기 위해 iPad로 전환하고 배터리 없이(벽에 연결) 재설정 시퀀스를 수행하고 부팅 시퀀스에서 더 일찍 재설정했습니다(FIRST LED가 빠르게 깜박일 때 - 6회 재설정하고 7일에 재설정해야 합니까? ) 현재 작동 중입니다. 아이패드로 바꾼건지 드론 리셋을 제대로 한건지 모르겠네요. 앱(iPad에서)은 드론에 사용할 수 있는 업데이트가 있다고 말했습니다. 연결한 다음 "2/5"라고 말하면 iPad를 연결합니다. 한동안 그 루프에 있었지만 몇 번 시도한 후에 마침내 업데이트가 "완료"된 것처럼 보입니다. 그런 다음 Beacon을 업데이트할 수 있었습니다.

이것이 미래에 누군가를 돕기를 바랍니다.
우와! 이를 위한 절차는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 본체 배터리를 분리합니다.
2. 배터리 충전용 usb-c를 본체 usb-c 커넥터에 연결합니다.
3. 본체의 블루라이트가 좌우 2회 점멸하고, 약간 천천히 점멸한 후, 빠르게 점멸합니다.
4. 빠르게 깜박이기 시작하면 충전용 USB-c 포트를 즉시 제거하십시오.
5. 전원을 껐다 켰다 하는 동작을 6회 반복합니다.
6. 일곱째, 전원을 켜고 그대로 두십시오. 파란색 표시등이 좌우로 깜박입니다.
7. iPhone 12 앱도 다시 설치했습니다. (이 부분은 안하셔도 됩니다.)
8. 전원 코드를 뽑습니다. 배터리를 연결합니다.
9. 이제 왼쪽 및 오른쪽 파란색 표시등이 정상적으로 켜집니다! 계속 켜져 있습니다 깜박이지 않습니다! 우와!
10. 이제 iPhone 앱에서 연결을 시도합니다.

감사 해요. 이것이 누군가를 돕기를 바랍니다.
한국에서는 번역기를 사용했습니다. 문장이 생소할 수 있습니다.
우와! 이를 위한 절차는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 본체 배터리를 분리합니다.
2. 배터리 충전용 usb-c를 본체 usb-c 커넥터에 연결합니다.
3. 본체의 블루라이트가 좌우 2회 점멸하고, 약간 천천히 점멸한 후, 빠르게 점멸합니다.
4. 빠르게 깜박이기 시작하면 충전용 USB-c 포트를 즉시 제거하십시오.
5. 전원을 껐다 켰다 하는 동작을 6회 반복합니다.
6. 일곱째, 전원을 켜고 그대로 두십시오. 파란색 표시등이 좌우로 깜박입니다.
7. iPhone 12 앱도 다시 설치했습니다. (이 부분은 안하셔도 됩니다.)
8. 전원 코드를 뽑습니다. 배터리를 연결합니다.
9. 이제 왼쪽 및 오른쪽 파란색 표시등이 정상적으로 켜집니다! 계속 켜져 있습니다 깜박이지 않습니다! 우와!
10. 이제 iPhone 앱에서 연결을 시도합니다.

감사 해요. 이것이 누군가를 돕기를 바랍니다.
한국에서는 번역기를 사용했습니다. 문장이 생소할 수 있습니다.
Wow! The procedure for this is as follows.
1. Remove the main body battery.
2. Connect the usb-c for battery charging to the main unit's usb-c connector.
3. The blue light of the main body blinks twice on the left and right, then blinks slightly slowly, then blinks quickly.
4. When it starts flashing quickly, immediately remove the USB-c port for charging.
5. Repeat the power cycle 6 times.
6. Seventh, turn on the power and leave it alone. The blue light blinks left and right.
7. I also reinstalled the iPhone 12 app. (You do not need to do this part.)
8. Unplug the power cord. Connect the battery.
9. The left and right blue lights are now on normally! Steady on, not flashing! Wow!
10. The iPhone app will now try to connect.

Thank you. Hope this helps someone.
In Korea, I used a translator. Sentences may be unfamiliar.
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When you plug the Skydio2 into the the outlet/charger/usbc it will power on without the battery connected. I would just plug it in, wait for the sequence and then yank (pull gently lol) the usbc cable out of the drone.

Maybe I had actually already completed the sequence as I tried it several times and I don't know if that is what got it working, or switching to my iPad and using the app (as opposed to the skydio app on my iPhone).

Anyway... try resetting the skydio2 when the "quick" sequence of lights starts. I was waiting until the "slow pulsing sequence" and I think that may be too late for the reset?

Also, if you can try another device for the app as well. After I got it working I connected the controller and then the beacon (directly via usbc) so they could all update. I then reconnected the app on my iPhone and everything is now working. I hope that helps. Let me know how it goes and if I can help in any way I will.
Can you describe the light sequence for me? I'm having a similar issue with my drone but the lights seem to flash differently.

1 I removed the battery
2 plugged in the charger
3 the body lights all turn on solid for about 2 seconds
4 the body lights start to do a quick fade on and off about once a second for about 20 seconds
5 then the body lights turn on solid and stay on. Also the gimbal starts pointing and the fan turns on.
Side note, if I I repeat the previous sequence with a charger other than the one provided by skydio instead of ending with the lights solid on the start alternating side to side, also the gimbal does not start pointing and the fan does not turn on.

At what point should I be unplugging it to get the reset to work?
can someone make a video on how to do it because it's not working for alot of people, by the way is this factory reset procedure working on Skydio 2+?
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