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Skydio 3D Scan marks another major move for American drone company in enterprise space


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2019
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Now if I only had a free $2999 per year to spend, getting into the inspection and accident investigation business this would be the push I needed.

Must say its a VERY good sign about how much Skydio still cares about its non-commercial Skydio S2 customers to make this capability even available to them.

Yeah the 20 minute 3D Scan promo video is a pretty interesting watch. And the fact you can do it on the S2 is crazy!

I work for an inspection and engineering company in the oil and gas industry in Australia and just found out Skydio will be doing a demo in a few weeks, so super keen to see my hobby and real ‘job’ intersect to a certain degree and I’m wondering if they will be showing off the X2…
Yeah, cute....,
now can we get some functional updates for the S2 like basic function to orbit around object?
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Now if I only had a free $2999 per year to spend, getting into the inspection and accident investigation business this would be the push I needed.

Must say its a VERY good sign about how much Skydio still cares about its non-commercial Skydio S2 customers to make this capability even available to them.

I can't agree more with you ... biggest presentation yet and 0 for the consumers
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New features come at a price.... to expect Skydio to keep providing never ending upgrades at no cost is a bit unrealistic.

Anyone working in the private sector knows this .... don't regret for a heart beat my original S2 purchase.
New features come at a price.... to expect Skydio to keep providing never ending upgrades at no cost is a bit unrealistic.

Anyone working in the private sector knows this .... don't regret for a heart beat my original S2 purchase.
That’s right but not developing your product on the consumer market and setting the pricepoint higher is asking them to leave . I don’t regret it either but putting everything on the professional market is quite a risk .
Well Risk vs Return and until now not many manufacturers have been able to compete with DJI in the consumer market.
The reality is the S2 has been on the market for close to 18 months, with Skydio developing the X2 plus all this other enterprise / defence, 3D scans software and cloud integrations in the meantime as well as exploding as a business in a post-Covid world, the big money to be made is probably not in the consumer space to be honest and I would say that is reflected in their VC funding and valuation

I don’t see them abandoning that market, their social media content and marketing is still heavily action sports based. I’d love for a S3 to be launched in the not too distant future, which is probably what will happen when they officially start shipping internationally. I know here in AU - the nanny state, getting all the autonomy aspects of flying in line with CASA regulations would be an absolute headache, it’s still very much a grey area flying mine for non-commercial purposes!
The reality is the S2 has been on the market for close to 18 months, with Skydio developing the X2 plus all this other enterprise / defence, 3D scans software and cloud integrations in the meantime as well as exploding as a business in a post-Covid world, the big money to be made is probably not in the consumer space to be honest and I would say that is reflected in their VC funding and valuation

I don’t see them abandoning that market, their social media content and marketing is still heavily action sports based. I’d love for a S3 to be launched in the not too distant future, which is probably what will happen when they officially start shipping internationally. I know here in AU - the nanny state, getting all the autonomy aspects of flying in line with CASA regulations would be an absolute headache, it’s still very much a grey area flying mine for non-commercial purposes!

Just wondering where I can get a hold of the S2, as I've been waiting for ~8 months now and still haven't seen anyone selling it locally (for example Dronesforhire or Spheredrones etc)?

In Melbourne btw.


Just wondering where I can get a hold of the S2, as I've been waiting for ~8 months now and still haven't seen anyone selling it locally (for example Dronesforhire or Spheredrones etc)?

In Melbourne btw.

There is no way to buy them locally and speaking to their AU head they only intend on launching the Enterprise in the coming weeks, not the consumer they don’t have the infrastructure for it

If you really want one, use a shipping agent. I had an American girlfriend at the time and got it shipped to AU from her relatives
There is no way to buy them locally and speaking to their AU head they only intend on launching the Enterprise in the coming weeks, not the consumer they don’t have the infrastructure for it

If you really want one, use a shipping agent. I had an American girlfriend at the time and got it shipped to AU from her relatives
Hi paularity,

Thanks for letting me know. I might try to contact their AU head, I'd be keen on their enterprise offering if I can get invoiced for it before the 30th of June. Do you have any contact details you'd be able to share, or would you recommend I just go through their website?

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