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Skydio Help exchanging a motor


Active member
Aug 28, 2024
Reaction score
Western NY
I had my Skydio 2+ follow my motorcycle up my street. It hit a wire and fell to the ground. The RF motor shaft got bent and the blade and retainer is broken also.

How does a new motor, or doner if complete come as a unit?

I need help to disassemble the pieces since the blue section near the motor has some cracks that I want to super glue.

The motor shaft bent and upon trying to bend it back it snapped off.

I would have been better of getting the motor out and then maybe remove the shaft and heated it up?

So then does the shaft come apart from the motor and can I get parts from SKYDIO?

Now on the look out for a parts SKYDIO!
I appreciate some guidance on hiw to get this thing apart…….


  • IMG_6920.jpeg
    435.4 KB · Views: 2
I used this video and have the drone broken down. On the SD2+ the antenna adds more complications.

Parts from Skydio ??

You'd have better luck finding someone here with a crashed and completely useless drone who could sell you the parts you need.
Yes! Open to offers. I will start a thread, simply asking to buy a crashed SD2.
Got the little C clip off and the rotor released from the coils. Banged on it with a brass hammer but don't see movement. AnyOne popped one apart?

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