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Skydio x10 for public safety

Bob H

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Apr 5, 2024
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Does anyone know of any public safety agencies using the Skydio x10? I am looking to connect to get their feedback.
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Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
Does anyone know of any public safety agencies using the Skydio x10? I am looking to connect to get their feedback.
Greetings. New here. Stumbled across the forum. While not a "safety agency", I am government (not law enforcement) who uses the X10 for safety (and other) missions.

To my knowledge, a number of law enforcement have X10's now. New York, Florida come to mind. Public agencies include California and Alaska. I also vaguely recall reading an article about Australia or New Zealand but can't be 100% confident on that.
Greetings. New here. Stumbled across the forum. While not a "safety agency", I am government (not law enforcement) who uses the X10 for safety (and other) missions.

To my knowledge, a number of law enforcement have X10's now. New York, Florida come to mind. Public agencies include California and Alaska. I also vaguely recall reading an article about Australia or New Zealand but can't be 100% confident on that.
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
Drop by the pilot’s check-in to introduce yourself.
Yes. I can confirm that several agencies are using the X10
I am in Florida and in law-enforcement and have been using the X 10 for over a year now we pretty much got it as soon as it came out. The capabilities and features just seem far greater than any of the other drones out there on the market today. I have flown many different drone models throughout my career and assignment as a pilot and this by far has been the best I have flown yet not to mention they have great customer service.

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