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Stick Time


Well-known member
Wiki Editor
Nov 20, 2019
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Went out yesterday and played with the controller. First time I've flown it with sticks. It's pretty responsive with some liberal use of the boost button.

Thanks for the upload. Nice to see the controller in action.

Maybe its just my setup but there is a repeating jerkiness through out the video .... any idea what's causing that?'
I noticed that also, I'm pretty sure the gimbal and Yaw sensitivity was set up to high for trying anything scenic. It'll be rare for me to use the controller, I mainly wanted to see if it worked correctly and get some familiarity with it. The fact that it was 30 degrees out didn't help my skills any.
I noticed that also, I'm pretty sure the gimbal and Yaw sensitivity was set up to high for trying anything scenic. It'll be rare for me to use the controller, I mainly wanted to see if it worked correctly and get some familiarity with it. The fact that it was 30 degrees out didn't help my skills any.
Makes sense what you say about the expo's. Kinda makes me wonder when you would ever want high sensitivities any way. To be able to respond quicker is kind of mute point since the S2's OA system is really in control anyway.

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