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Test today - couple things

Not good, but sounds like it coulda been worse. Hopefully it won't be too tough to repair.
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Quick update - powered up Mav and all appears to be well! Even the LED that was right next to where the leg broke off still works. Now to find a parts source so I can get a new leg.
EDIT - found the parts on Azon for $9.82 and with great reviews. :-)
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Quick update - powered up Mav and all appears to be well! Even the LED that was right next to where the leg broke off still works. Now to find a parts source so I can get a new leg.
EDIT - found the parts on Azon for $9.82 and with great reviews. :)
Wow, back in business for the cost of a net (that you'll find hundreds of uses for) + $10 - can't beat that 😉
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Wow, back in business for the cost of a net (that you'll find hundreds of uses for) + $10 - can't beat that 😉
For sure! LOTSA unused net left (I cut off a section for catching Mav) and what I used can be reused if I pick out the pine needles...kinda a PITA, but some day will likely do it.

Don't forget the pole tho ($90)...but yeah, with all the trees here likely I'll find other uses (hopefully not involving S2!).

Can even get attachments for it, but I just stuck with the hook...and they threw in a duster.

Per what I've seen, having Mavic fix it woulda cost about what all this cost, so not too bad of a deal!

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