Greetings from the Outer Banks of NC. I’ve owned a “Staaker” beacon following drone for a couple of years (it’s no longer in production) and finally have a Skydio 2 on pre-order (Batch 5 so probably not till Dec-Jan). Also had a couple of years with a Mavic pro. I do mostly water-wind sports like kiteboarding, kitefoiling and more recently wing foiling. So self drone filming for me is all about filming over water, which has its own challenges! I still use my Staaker but it’s no longer supported hence the switch to Skydio. It’ll be interesting to compare the two. Here is a recent wing foiling clip from my Staaker. I’m sure the Skydio 2 will make a great replacement
Wing foiling with a Staaker drone

Wing foiling with a Staaker drone