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V240 Gimbal Issue


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Dec 3, 2021
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On start up we begin the calibration and just at the end a message pops up V240 Gimbal Issue. No crashes, no near misses… Any thoughts?
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On start up we begin the calibration and just at the end a message pops up V240 Gimbal Issue. No crashes, no near misses… Any thoughts?
You likely have already done this but a search on this forum for V240 did not yield any hits. As far as I know Skydio has not published a listing of error codes and there definitions.

Other than the obvious questions like did you remove gimbal guard, with power off does the gimbal move smoothly etc. I think your best bet is to contact Skydio support.
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Thanks for the reply.

I search the web for the error code and there were no replies specific to the v240. There was some mention of a 35 error code(?). The gimbal guard was off, the gimbal moved smoothly etc.

So my trouble shooting steps were to turn the drone off and turn it on again (a la the IT crowd). I did this four times. This brought no joy.

Then I disconnected the controller from the phone, closed the app. Powered everything down and then started up from zero and the gimbal error code disappeared during the calibration period. Perhaps I got lucky, perhaps the issue was resolved.

Regardless I've flown another handful of tasks and changed the batteries multiple times and the issue appears resolved... for now.
Thanks for the reply.

I search the web for the error code and there were no replies specific to the v240. There was some mention of a 35 error code(?). The gimbal guard was off, the gimbal moved smoothly etc.

So my trouble shooting steps were to turn the drone off and turn it on again (a la the IT crowd). I did this four times. This brought no joy.

Then I disconnected the controller from the phone, closed the app. Powered everything down and then started up from zero and the gimbal error code disappeared during the calibration period. Perhaps I got lucky, perhaps the issue was resolved.

Regardless I've flown another handful of tasks and changed the batteries multiple times and the issue appears resolved... for now.
Ahhhh the mystery’s of tech!! 😀

That reboot everything works for all kinds of things. If I could only figure out where my switch is I could feel like a 20yr old again!!

Happy to hear you got it sorted.
Yeah, I get this code periodically. I think it has something to do with the sequence of how you connect everything when you want to use the controller. It also seems random. I have received this code 4 times in the past 6 months with about 4 battery flights per month. What I find minimizes this is powering on the S2, then the phone, and then the controller and before the controller links to the S2 connect the controller and the phone with the cable. However, I have actually had the error code happen with this method too but only one of the 3 times.

Of course I have a few other issues I need help on too, like Jerky gimbal on mode switch, and the S2 not moving when the sun is low in the sky!
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Hey all,
I use my Skydio 2 frequently for chase videos mainly of ebike, skateboard, scooter reviews. Been working fine until latest update and now I always get the "V240 Gimbal issue" on start-up so it's unusable. Have tried booting every which way and also did a factory reset in settings. Nothing solved it so far. I have just contacted Skydio support today and hope to hear from them and and share what they say on how to remedy the issue.
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Hey all,
I use my Skydio 2 frequently for chase videos mainly of ebike, skateboard, scooter reviews. Been working fine until latest update and now I always get the "V240 Gimbal issue" on start-up so it's unusable. Have tried booting every which way and also did a factory reset in settings. Nothing solved it so far. I have just contacted Skydio support today and hope to hear from them and and share what they say on how to remedy the issue.
Hey Dustin. I'm curious if you have resolved this issue and if the answer came from Skydio them selves and if so, if you could post it here?

Thank you. And I love your review videos and chase videos. Keep 'em up!
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Hey, I appreciate you checking out my adventures 🍻.

So here's the skinny with Skydio...

The V240 issue seemed to occur because of a thermal issue only when the drone heated up after my own trouble shooting which I conveyed to the Skydio service rep named "Rajah"... Didn't really seem to matter.

After sending them flight records before the update, they told me it looked like there were 2 incomplete landings (one landed in a tree while doing the E-chopper scooter review and second was landing in my gravel driveway and it tipped over slightly...(both were not falls or hard hits at all). It seems If there are any type of incomplete landings, Skydio automatically categorizes your drone as having a crash that caused the damage. It was out of warranty so no cheap or free service.
I had to pay $150.00 (non refundable) just to send it in and have them look at it.
When the Skydio tech looked at it they said "SD card slot and three of the 360 avoidance cameras needed to be replaced."
I questioned that these were non issues last I'd flown it until the latest update and had nothing to do with the Gimbal error.... No acknowledgement.
I then get an email to pay an additional $150.00 ($300.00 all in now) to fix. I paid and they sent me and entirely different likely refurbished Skydio 2.
So far I've only booted it up in the house...and it's had a few error messages that went away while continuing bootup. I'll be flying in the next few days to chase another E-Bike review so fingers crossed.
I've been forced to use DJI drones for these reviews in the meantime and I'm finding that Skydio still has the leg up on sports tracking especially with the beacon. DJI is behind at least in my new mountain forest environment.
Crashed the Mini 3 Pro while doing said review and it took it like a champ but not without having a Gimbal buzz and some video jello afterwards. So I sent it in to DJI and guess what... DJI repaired it for no charge! I couldn't believe it but I'll take it since I still need to do some range test videos with it.
All in all I really feel that Skydio is attempting a sort of 'forced upgrade or pay for your old drone to work' scenario which I hate to see but honestly this is the feeling I get since it was working perfectly fine prior to the latest update 🍻
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Oh I seriously hope Skydio isn't doing a forced upgrade. But I agree. I actually thought this a while ago as after my first update with my Skydio 2 about 2 years ago the gimbal was never the same. It's ok once you wait about 10 seconds between still and video mode switches but that just isn't great when you are trying to get a great still and then switch back to video. Basically when I switch between modes the gimbal slowly pans from left to right before it stabilizes at center. This is VERY noticeable in the live feed with switching from video to still. And it can be recorded (although less severe) when switching from still to video. I even asked Skydio about this when I first noticed it and they said it was normal. I called BS and wanted to exercise my no questions ask free replacement that was given go Pro kit pre orders back then but they said it only applied to crashes or NON NORMAL behavior. So I was stuck with it. I have never seen anyone review this but I have seen people reply to my question about it here and on Facebook. But only with the non + Skydio 2. I feel the Skydio 2 + doesn't have this issue. So I feel they want me to break down and by a Skydio 2 +.

And the latest is that I can't seem to update the firmware on my Skydio 2 as once I select to update and confirm access the screen goes black and nothing happens and the Drone powers off after about 5 minutes and stays off.

I agree that the Skydio is superior at tracking, keeping up and in frame all while avoiding, but there are just some strange quirks with it and sad that customer service seems to be following such a regimental directive. I wonder if they are losing money with the consumer side. It wouldn't surprise me as both 3DR and Yuneec and even Parrot have pulled completely out of the consumer side (3DR is completely gone other than consulting). So naturally Skydio would focus on its Enterprise and X2 model.

One of the other issues I have is that Skydio refuses to fly into low angle sun. This is problematic if I want a cool shot of me driving into the sun wither from the front or the back. The Skydio just stops in mid air and won't budge even with manual control input from the controller. This makes for some unusable sunset and sunrise clips. Do you have this issue where you are?

I'm also wondering if they are going to be releasing a new product soon (not the Skydio Dock as I know about that). Some new add on, or some new controller or a new consumer drone, because they are offering $200 off all bundle kits!

Anyway I suppose we will see....

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