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Which AlienTech booster for Skydio 2+?

Waldo Pepper

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2019
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Good morning forum, have a question with boosting my Skydio 2+ controller. Please forgive me if I seen uneducated with selecting proper booster for my Skydio 2+, just want to understand and select proper AlienTech booster.

For the Skydio 2+, which of these two AlienTech boomers will most benefit the signal in areas with WiFi interference and areas with obstacles. The AlienTech 5.8ghz single band booster or AlienTech 2.4-5.8ghz duel booster.

I understand the Skydio 2+ is a single band controller using 5.8ghz, not like the previous first model using both 2.4-5.8ghz.

Appreciate the help, Thank you,
As I was trying to say in a different thread the other day.... the Skydio 2+ is still really dual band. It uses a 5.2ghz range and a 5.8ghz range. If you are buying a powered booster, the 5.8ghz Alientech is what you want but you still may need to select a channel rather than let the Skydio pick it for you.

I have an original Skydio which has uses 2.4ghz, 5.2ghz and 5.8ghz. I have had decent range with my unpowered Alientech DUO which is designed to help 2.4ghz and 5.8ghz but the onscreen view has been somewhat pixelated even at close range. Today as an experiment I turned off AUTO and selected channel 157 from the menu. Channel 157 is a 5.8ghz frequency..... immediately my pixelation was gone and I was able to fly 2500ft at 150ft before the signal got weak. I turned the Skydio around and still had good control of the craft on the return though the pixelation returned for part of the flight.

I will test again but to me this says that the Skydio may not be picking the strongest signal and to get the benefits of the AlienTech booster you may need to select a channel rather than leave it on AUTO. If you add an AlienTech Pro 5.8ghz booster to your Skydio 2+ and the AUTO function picks a 5.2ghz frequency then not only are you not getting the benefits of the booster but because you have to disconnect the controller's original antennas, you may actually lose range.

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Thank you Saladshooter,

Please excuse my lack of knowledge and not quite grasping the information you provided earlier on another post, Yeah this is a weak area for me.

Yesterday, To experiment could not find the feature to switch off auto and select a channel. Seen it before but yesterday couldn’t find it.

Okay so I’ll need the 5.8ghz Alientech Booster, and then turn off Auto and select channel 157 which is 5.8ghz. This is great, big help appreciate this. I’ll try another attempt to locate the channel area, before ordering the 5.8ghz booster. Will need to find a dealer that sells the AlienTech booster kit that connects the 5.8ghz booster to the Skydio connector. Any idea who sells this kit to connect the two, I found a dealer carrying the AlienTech 5.8ghz booster now just need the kit to connect the two.

Thanks very much!
Hi Paul,

Yesterday, To experiment could not find the feature to switch off auto and select a channel. Seen it before but yesterday couldn’t find it.
While your drone is on the ground and powered on, goto the first screen in your App, pick the info button in the lower right. On the next screen select your Skydio 2+....... this will take you to another screen where you can scroll down and select a channel. The low numbered channels are 5.2ghz, the high numbered channels are 5.8ghz.

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This is great! Thanks so much! Okay, I’ll probably ordered the AlienTech 5.8ghz booster here in a day or so now just need to find the Anafi/Skydio 2 kit that mounts controller to AlienTech booster.

Thanks very much Saladshooter👍
This is great! Thanks so much! Okay, I’ll probably ordered the AlienTech 5.8ghz booster here in a day or so now just need to find the Anafi/Skydio 2 kit that mounts controller to AlienTech booster.
I bought my Alientech directly from the company. It came pretty fast and if you pick the booster for the Anafi, it will come with the mount included in the price. Install is simple with the Youtube video.
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I’ll probably do the same, may need to order directly to AlienTech for the Anafi/Skydio mounting kit.

Waiting word from the US dealer see if he carries the AlienTech Anafi/Skydio mounting kit, see if he has one. If not I’ll order the booster from dealer and order directly from AlienTech for the Anafi/Skydio mount kit.

Thanks again 😊C43C427E-C995-48A0-A035-CAF165940B07.jpeg
I think you’re right Saladshooter with the Auto Channel or manual channel, seen that yesterday flying same area different batteries.

Fight screen was somewhat pixelated, even disconnecting at close range a few times. Appears controller is not selecting strongest channel in Auto, varies from one flight to the other same path same elevation same distance. Only way to overcome this, is knowing which channel to select and thats a hassle finding right channel in manual for various locations.

So going with the AlienTech 5.8ghz booster, turning off Auto going to manual then selecting channel 157 (5.8) will give the new Skydio 2+ it’s strongest signal and be boosted.

Think I’m starting to understand more clearly, can’t wait to get this mounted to my Skydio 2+ controller 😊
As I was trying to say in a different thread the other day.... the Skydio 2+ is still really dual band. It uses a 5.2ghz range and a 5.8ghz range. If you are buying a powered booster, the 5.8ghz Alientech is what you want but you still may need to select a channel rather than let the Skydio pick it for you.

I have an original Skydio which has uses 2.4ghz, 5.2ghz and 5.8ghz. I have had decent range with my unpowered Alientech DUO which is designed to help 2.4ghz and 5.8ghz but the onscreen view has been somewhat pixelated even at close range. Today as an experiment I turned off AUTO and selected channel 157 from the menu. Channel 157 is a 5.8ghz frequency..... immediately my pixelation was gone and I was able to fly 2500ft at 150ft before the signal got weak. I turned the Skydio around and still had good control of the craft on the return though the pixelation returned for part of the flight.

I will test again but to me this says that the Skydio may not be picking the strongest signal and to get the benefits of the AlienTech booster you may need to select a channel rather than leave it on AUTO. If you add an AlienTech Pro 5.8ghz booster to your Skydio 2+ and the AUTO function picks a 5.2ghz frequency then not only are you not getting the benefits of the booster but because you have to disconnect the controller's original antennas, you may actually lose range.

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That was a great explanation, thanks for taking the time writing it up.

Am curious, is there any benefit to selecting a specific channel for those of us not using boosters?

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Am curious, is there any benefit to selecting a specific channel for those of us not using boosters?
There may be... if the Skydio is not great at picking the right channel you may benefit from choosing one yourself. I would test by flying the same route using AUTO, a 5.2ghz channel and a 5.8ghz channel. Look at the quality of the transmission on your screen and the range you get before the signal drops out.

I am envious of you folks that have the Skydio 2+. More than the extended distance, your transmission should be much more stable with the external antennas. Because of the position of the antennas in the original, the signal breaks up badly when flying toward the operator/pilot. That's the reason that the default is to RTH flying backwards if flown out of range.
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I would test by flying the same route using AUTO, a 5.2ghz channel and a 5.8ghz channel. Look at the quality of the transmission on your screen and the range you get before the signal drops out.

That's a really good idea... I'll do that whenever I have the chance to get back in the skies. Again, I appreciate your thoughts!

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Hi Paul,

While your drone is on the ground and powered on, goto the first screen in your App, pick the info button in the lower right. On the next screen select your Skydio 2+....... this will take you to another screen where you can scroll down and select a channel. The low numbered channels are 5.2ghz, the high numbered channels are 5.8ghz.

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To expand a little, this is a bit of info on the entire 5Ghz frequency. Picking a channel that’s “open” AND stays that way for your entire flight will definitely improve over a channel that has some traffic. You should bear in mind though you are disabling the drones ability to switch to another channel (auto) if your selected channel gets ‘busier”.

There are numerous spectrum analyzers (some are phone apps) that can show graphically what channels are Open where you want to fly for that specific session.

Good morning forum, have a question with boosting my Skydio 2+ controller. Please forgive me if I seen uneducated with selecting proper booster for my Skydio 2+, just want to understand and select proper AlienTech booster.

For the Skydio 2+, which of these two AlienTech boomers will most benefit the signal in areas with WiFi interference and areas with obstacles. The AlienTech 5.8ghz single band booster or AlienTech 2.4-5.8ghz duel booster.

I understand the Skydio 2+ is a single band controller using 5.8ghz, not like the previous first model using both 2.4-5.8ghz.

Appreciate the help, Thank you,
Could you share why you are adding a booster to the S2+?
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To expand a little, this is a bit of info on the entire 5Ghz frequency. Picking a channel that’s “open” AND stays that way for your entire flight will definitely improve over a channel that has some traffic. You should bear in mind though you are disabling the drones ability to switch to another channel (auto) if your selected channel gets ‘busier”.

There are numerous spectrum analyzers (some are phone apps) that can show graphically what channels are Open where you want to fly for that specific session.

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Thanks again Saladshooter for the valuable informative, very well explained. I’ve learned so much from what you are sharing. Thank you!

Yesterday, my AlienTech dealer ordered the AlienTech booster 5.8ghz and Anahi/Skydio mounting kit. Don’t know when It’ll arrive, but at least it’s ordered. May be a while before it’s shipped, I may have missed placing an order with his most recent Batch from AlienTech.

The booster covers bands range (5.725Ghz-5.800), Guess I could use either bands 48,149,153,157 with Skydio 2+ if I’m figuring this right.

Too bad wasn’t a way off skyd 2+ controller to edit out particular channels so when in Auto it would select any of the strongest channels within the assigned boosters band range. At least with this method, if controller is working right in areas with noise it’ll select strongest channel when needed.

Very much appreciate you sharing, this was the information I was looking for and it’ll be beneficial to the forum members as well.

Thanks again!
Could you share why you are adding a booster to the S2+?
Hello ETdronehome,

Great question, that’s what I thought at first with an improved signal why boost the Skydio 2+ controller. In most areas, the new boosted signal is just fine. It’s in areas with noise, boy one particular area I fly at has a lot of noise which has my Skydio 2+ loosing connection, somewhat pixelated and it was up close especially when manuvering and turning Skydio. Coupled with obstacles, that make it even tougher. It’s an area with wild Oak trees, fresh water river one of my favorite places to fly drones.

Ive always felt the interference comes from the water pump station nearby, both sides of river are farm land but between these two sides is an untouched wilderness of Oak trees hundreds of years old twisted with wild vines and foliage.

Im hoping with an amplified booster setup on the controller, will help me navigate through this beautiful area using the Key Frame feature capturing great video footage.

Great question for sure, just need a little more stronger signal for areas like these.

Take care ,
@Waldo Pepper

You mentioned this in your post above

“Too bad wasn’t a way off skyd 2+ controller to edit out particular channels so when in Auto it would select any of the strongest channels within the assigned boosters band range.”

I’m not exactly sure but I think that when you use the Skydio app to manually select a particular band you are only changing what is happening with the drone and NOT the controller. In other words the controller will still be in auto mode but the drone is only transmitting/receiving on that one channel.

Perhaps with the Alientech rig you can manually pick a channel for the controller.

The trick will be knowing which channel is “best”.

Let’s say you can pick a channel on the drone and the controller so they can’t automatically switch to another one. The band you picked is working great and then something happens that causes a “new” interference on that band. You are locked in to that band and can’t easily switch during flight to a different one and potentially have less control or a possible disconnect.

The “auto” capability allows the participating devices to dynamically select the band that is best. Sometimes of course they might not be fast enough to switch to a different one or the “interference” doesnt last long enough to trigger the band switch, that all depends on the software/firmware of the devices involved.

I’m not trying to discourage you from manually selecting a band of that gives you better flight control. It’s nice to have options so you as the PIC can decide what to do.
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Hello ETdronehome,

Great question, that’s what I thought at first with an improved signal why boost the Skydio 2+ controller. In most areas, the new boosted signal is just fine. It’s in areas with noise, boy one particular area I fly at has a lot of noise which has my Skydio 2+ loosing connection, somewhat pixelated and it was up close especially when manuvering and turning Skydio. Coupled with obstacles, that make it even tougher. It’s an area with wild Oak trees, fresh water river one of my favorite places to fly drones.

Ive always felt the interference comes from the water pump station nearby, both sides of river are farm land but between these two sides is an untouched wilderness of Oak trees hundreds of years old twisted with wild vines and foliage.

Im hoping with an amplified booster setup on the controller, will help me navigate through this beautiful area using the Key Frame feature capturing great video footage.

Great question for sure, just need a little more stronger signal for areas like these.

Take care ,
That’s sounds like a wonderful setting and with Skydio’s excellent autonomous OA you will likely be able to fly into a lot of places that will be challenging.

You mention water pumps. Are these big industrial pumps at a reservoir?

Any large electric motor or power producing electrical turbine produces a strong magnetic field.
In might not produce an overlapping freq for the band your on but more of a powerful blanket effect that messes up everything in the vicinity.

I hope your plan for increasing the control factor of the drone works for you. I hope you post some video of the area. 😀
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That’s sounds like a wonderful setting and with Skydio’s excellent autonomous OA you will likely be able to fly into a lot of places that will be challenging.

You mention water pumps. Are these big industrial pumps at a reservoir?

Any large electric motor or power producing electrical turbine produces a strong magnetic field.
In might not produce an overlapping freq for the band your on but more of a powerful blanket effect that messes up everything in the vicinity.

I hope your plan for increasing the control factor of the drone works for you. I hope you post some video of the area. 😀
Hello ETdronehome,

The pumps are not big industrial type, I’ve worked with industrial pumps before from my last job before retiring and these are smaller. Yet, a lot of inference strange to see so much noise at this particular location.

Area has a creek/river running through the property. Owner gave me permission to metal detect here 15-18 years ago. 1850 Historical settlement once settled here, first settlement town in our area now it’s farmland. Have removed many 1850’s artifacts, many old coins including a 1846 $5.00 dollar gold coin, the gold coin went to the property owner. Many of the old coins and artifacts are displayed in our county museum.

Area is also rich with Native American settlements, these settlements go back centuries Native Americans lived here long before California was a state. I use drones to fly along the mountain range to view the remains from the villages, Mortar holes, pictographs on rock walls etc, truly paradise for those flying a drone capturing beautiful shots and all with permissio.

Which is why I’d like to increase the Skydio 2+ signal, not for range but for obstacles or noise interference even up close flights can be tough on a signal when mountain terrain or large oak trees are obstructing the signal.

Just got word from my AlienTech dealer my Skydio 2+ booster was shipped, will keep the forum updated how the booster works out.

All the best,
An update with adding on the AlienTech 5.8 booster, Received the AlienTech 5.8 booster and kind of disappointing didn’t see any improvement with booster. No improvement, actually stock antenna setup was even better. I remember adding a booster setup to my Parrot Anafi controller having similar poor performance, maybe this type on controller doesn’t do well with an amplifier setup? Was running (manual) bands 48 to 157, no difference each band had poor signal.

However, when switching back to Auto with a set of non-boosted whip antennas they actually improved signal over stock antennas. Wasn’t a total loss with the booster experiment, At least the whip antennas did improve signal. Going forward, will definitely continue to use the whip antenna setup over stock antennas. the carry case lid still closes even with the anafi/Skydio mount kit on the controller, so that was good.

Hopefully, others will share their experiences when using a booster setup with skydio, I tried and fortunately with using whip antennas the outcome was positive. Not a total loss, happy to see an improvement.

Happy Skydio flying everyone,

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