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Won't climb


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
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A few weeks ago,when I was taking off over a snowy area, the S2 would not climb above 15 or so feet. I figured it was the snow that was so low on contrast that it couldn't figure out how high it was. I flew it back and forth and after a few times of that, ot would climb normally (I use Controller). Then a few days ago, I was not taking off from a low contrast area and I had the same problem, wouldn't climb past 15 or so feet. Again, I flew it back and forth a few times and the problem resolved and t would climb. Anyone else have this issue?
A few weeks ago,when I was taking off over a snowy area, the S2 would not climb above 15 or so feet. I figured it was the snow that was so low on contrast that it couldn't figure out how high it was. I flew it back and forth and after a few times of that, ot would climb normally (I use Controller). Then a few days ago, I was not taking off from a low contrast area and I had the same problem, wouldn't climb past 15 or so feet. Again, I flew it back and forth a few times and the problem resolved and t would climb. Anyone else have this issue?

It seems to be typical of the platform. It's default is Motion track which limits the height it'll fly. It's like it's waiting for a subject. Once you go back and forth a couple times, it "realizes" that you don't want to Motion Track and lets you be the pilot for a change... Hahahaha!
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I had the same problem using the controller. After launch, I typically take a drone straight up and look around ( to focus and make camera settings on my other drones ). I have noticed my Skydio2 will never ascend above about 35 feet until I put in a few forward and backward moves, then I bring it back down if I want a straight up ascending shot and THEN it will fly upward without a height limit or can fly out and up as with any other drone and controller. Must be something in the programming.

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