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X10 pilot in Tx


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Jun 15, 2024
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Howdy! I'm a 107 pilot for a State entity. My agency has owned an X10 since January, and I'm joining this group to provide discussion and feedback on the current Skydio systems.
Like many of us, the skydio is not my first drone, and I gotta say,... not my favorite! Almost all of the information on the X10 is from Skydio, as polished marketing material. I don't necessarily want to be a detractor to Skydio, but I feel some massive improvements need to be made to justify the price tag.
Due to purchasing restrictions, this was one of limited choices. I'm a firm believer in 'the best tool for the job' should be agnostic to politics, or lobby influence.
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
Howdy! I'm a 107 pilot for a State entity. My agency has owned an X10 since January, and I'm joining this group to provide discussion and feedback on the current Skydio systems.
Like many of us, the skydio is not my first drone, and I gotta say,... not my favorite! Almost all of the information on the X10 is from Skydio, as polished marketing material. I don't necessarily want to be a detractor to Skydio, but I feel some massive improvements need to be made to justify the price tag.
Due to purchasing restrictions, this was one of limited choices. I'm a firm believer in 'the best tool for the job' should be agnostic to politics, or lobby influence.
I'm in the same boat. I really like the x10, but needs a little more polishing. Out of all the ones on the blue list, this is by far the best. The ai is definitely better than the competition, but some of the hardware needs updating.
Howdy! I'm a 107 pilot for a State entity. My agency has owned an X10 since January, and I'm joining this group to provide discussion and feedback on the current Skydio systems.
Like many of us, the skydio is not my first drone, and I gotta say,... not my favorite! Almost all of the information on the X10 is from Skydio, as polished marketing material. I don't necessarily want to be a detractor to Skydio, but I feel some massive improvements need to be made to justify the price tag.
Due to purchasing restrictions, this was one of limited choices. I'm a firm believer in 'the best tool for the job' should be agnostic to politics, or lobby influence.
Welcome to the Board, please keep us updated on the X10 pros and cons, I am very interested on the cameras offered and their capabilities. I know the biggest con is the price.
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I too have just been given an X10 for my use on the job. I was just trained on it and one thing I and others have discovered is that is that the manual and any operational material is presented extremely plainly, almost as if it is intended for someone who has very little knowledge of drones, as if they expect to have a flying camera that they can just send up and obtain a product. I have numerous questions on how things work and why things are the way they are and a few (what I would consider) minor issues. I am hopeful to get some answers to various things and get different experiences from people.

Thank you.
I too have just been given an X10 for my use on the job. I was just trained on it and one thing I and others have discovered is that is that the manual and any operational material is presented extremely plainly, almost as if it is intended for someone who has very little knowledge of drones, as if they expect to have a flying camera that they can just send up and obtain a product. I have numerous questions on how things work and why things are the way they are and a few (what I would consider) minor issues. I am hopeful to get some answers to various things and get different experiences from people.

Thank you.
So no face to face hands on training from Skydio and you're an Enterprise customer ????

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