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A couple from Corkscrew Pass trail, Ouray, Colorado.


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Dec 18, 2020
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Here are a couple quick ones from this Tuesday in mountains above Ouray.
Starting out at about 10000 feet, going up to 12750. Skydio did pretty good.
Got hung a couple times in the trees, but it never hit anything.

First one,

And second part
Nice! Love the trails around Silverton & Ouray! I`m in Colorado also and use my Skydio 2 to track my RZR. Mine seems to have trouble following around switchbacks which I don`t understand. Looked like yours did a pretty good job. Were you using motion track? Mine seems to get stuck in the trees at switchbacks quite often.
Nice! Love the trails around Silverton & Ouray! I`m in Colorado also and use my Skydio 2 to track my RZR. Mine seems to have trouble following around switchbacks which I don`t understand. Looked like yours did a pretty good job. Were you using motion track? Mine seems to get stuck in the trees at switchbacks quite often.
Yup, trees can give it trouble. I was using Motion Track.
I've never been up Corkscrew, Imogene plenty of times but never Corkscrew, I need to check that one out. Nice vid and the sound came through nicely. As you saw the SD2 will have problems at speed with obstacles like those trees. I think the dirt road's break in the trees would have been wide enough for it to follow except for the speed it needed to fly at. That really complicates things.
Awesome videos!!!!
In your first one what is your average speed while recording? I have yet to have a successful flight on my KTM 1190 off road. Tree always meets drone. A few members here have suggested i slow down when in treed areas (makes scene) but Ive had little successes. Your vid is exactly the type of terrain I ride, maybe more trees in spots but not much else different.
In your vid where the drone got hung up in the tall trees Mine would have binned it!!
Great video thanks for sharing!
Hey Frank, probably between 25 to 40. That trail climbs like mad, so I think the vertical component also contributed to the issue. You notice I start with the drone maybe 20 feet up, then when it gets hung its about 80 feet up.
I suspect when it overshoots the turn it also gains a few feet each time and it accumulates. I wanted to try a few more flight the next day but the weather moved in and it snowed over night and continued into the day.
I want to test different positions and heights. Lead, follow and profile shots to see if one handles this type of switchback trail better than the other. I'll go back this coming spring and try again.
I ride Colorado at least once a year, my favorite place is Crested Butte, it has the best single track, and a Lot of it. Most is thick trees and I wouldn't even attempt it there. But, there are a few that are open air and would make for some awesome video, so I'll bring the Skydio.
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I've never been up Corkscrew, Imogene plenty of times but never Corkscrew, I need to check that one out. Nice vid and the sound came through nicely. As you saw the SD2 will have problems at speed with obstacles like those trees. I think the dirt road's break in the trees would have been wide enough for it to follow except for the speed it needed to fly at. That really complicates things.
Engineer and Corkscrew are a lot of fun, Engineer is tougher-more technical and rocky and Corkscrew is fast, flowing and a High Speed elevator Up.
Engineer has a lot of rock ledges and sharp edge rocks, so if you run tubes I'd recommend bumping the pressure up to 16-18 psi. I see a Lot of bikes get flats on that trail. I run mouss bibs and don't have to worry.
Very cool.. Audio coming in really good on this. Where do you have your phone? I got a little handlebar bag that I've been putting it in to capture audio from the bike, works pretty good but I get some popping from time to time.
I'm wearing Duluth Firehose pants, and they have a pocket on the outside of the thigh that's perfect for motorola moto phone
Here are a couple quick ones from this Tuesday in mountains above Ouray.
Starting out at about 10000 feet, going up to 12750. Skydio did pretty good.
Got hung a couple times in the trees, but it never hit anything.

First one,

And second part
Very cool. Wish I'd had a Skydio when I rode Black Bear this summer. Orienting its vantage point over the creek/water fall as we made our way down. That would have been epic I think.
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Hey Frank, probably between 25 to 40. That trail climbs like mad, so I think the vertical component also contributed to the issue. You notice I start with the drone maybe 20 feet up, then when it gets hung its about 80 feet up.
I suspect when it overshoots the turn it also gains a few feet each time and it accumulates. I wanted to try a few more flight the next day but the weather moved in and it snowed over night and continued into the day.
I want to test different positions and heights. Lead, follow and profile shots to see if one handles this type of switchback trail better than the other. I'll go back this coming spring and try again.
I ride Colorado at least once a year, my favorite place is Crested Butte, it has the best single track, and a Lot of it. Most is thick trees and I wouldn't even attempt it there. But, there are a few that are open air and would make for some awesome video, so I'll bring the Skydio.
First of all amazing footage - love the Yeh moment at the top!!

I’m interested in the increase in height you observed. I watched a YouTube today

of a guy doing speed tests on a quad. Max speed of drone is ~35mph and it kept pace at a set height UNTIL the rider went faster than 35. His theory was to compensate for outrunning the drone it climbed to keep the tracked object in the centre of frame, which seems logical to me.

Do you think this might be the cause of some of your height gain?

Did the drone descend to the starting distance above you when you stopped or slowed down?
It's very possible that is what it did.
I'm not sure if it would have fully descended, I went back and passed it without knowing I went by it.
It appeared to be descending towards me in the footage I edited. I'll have to go back to Corkscrew and try it again :>
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Very cool. Wish I'd had a Skydio when I rode Black Bear this summer. Orienting its vantage point over the creek/water fall as we made our way down. That would have been epic I think.
Heck Yeah!
My buddies and I ran down BlackBear last year at speed, it would have been epic to have the Skydio chase us.
Check it here,
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It's very possible that is what it did.
I'm not sure if it would have fully descended, I went back and passed it without knowing I went by it.
It appeared to be descending towards me in the footage I edited. I'll have to go back to Corkscrew and try it again :>
Well I doubt just one return trip would prove anything, would likely take multiple iterations!! 😎

I’m actually trying to figure out what the drone will do in a high speed shoot I’m considering and although I’m gaining trust in the vehicle’s OA I won’t have time to duck!! Your observations and the video you captured is insightful.
Well I doubt just one return trip would prove anything, would likely take multiple iterations!! 😎

I’m actually trying to figure out what the drone will do in a high speed shoot I’m considering and although I’m gaining trust in the vehicle’s OA I won’t have time to duck!! Your observations and the video you captured is insightful.
I concur, Multiple tests are needed!
I always love it when I have to go to Ouray, give me a reason, any reason (y)
  • Haha
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