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Beacon return to home?


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2020
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This seems so obvious to me, but after combing through the manual I can't seem to find if there's a way for Skydio to return to the beacon. I keep having issue where Skydio is tracking my beacon and for whatever reason it loses connection with the drone (usually cause it gets stuck in some trees and I go out of range) and I have to back track to regain connection. Then it's always a fight to bring it back to a safe landing spot. The wand and steering is super clumsy especially if you are running low on battery. Be nice if I just hit button combo and Skydio would fly right above me then I could start landing. Any suggestions?
Once you have regained connection, you should be able to switch out of steering mode and back to motion tracking mode, then use the minus button to reduce the range to the minimum.
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Once you have regained connection, you should be able to switch out of steering mode and back to motion tracking mode, then use the minus button to reduce the range to the minimum.
That's what I do, come to a stop, start pressing the (-) button and it comes home. You can see it at the end of this video.

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