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FAA Remote ID Rule Update Dec 2020 ?


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Jun 27, 2020
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I just viewed a vid from Alien Drones regarding FAA finalizing their Remote ID Rule this month. Has anyone got an update?
Not seen nothing in any of the other sites unless I’ve missed it.
Got the following from the FAA today. I'm not clear on who all Remote ID applies to. It says they apply " to all operators of drones that require FAA registration". My take is that since I fly a hobby drone, I'm registered and have my number on the outside of the drones, but my drones aren't registered, thus remote ID doesn't apply to me. Is that how you guys understand it?

Obviously effective date is quite a ways down the road (up to 2 1/2 years).

U.S. Department of Transportation Issues Two Much-Anticipated Drone Rules to Advance Safety and Innovation in the United States​

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today announced final rules for Unmanned Aircraft (UA), commonly known as drones. The new rules will require Remote Identification (Remote ID) of drones and allow operators of small drones to fly over people and at night under certain conditions. These rules come at a time when drones represent the fastest-growing segment in the entire transportation sector – with currently over 1.7 million drone registrations and 203,000 FAA-certificated remote pilots.
Remote ID will help mitigate risks associated with expanded drone operations, such as flights over people and at night, and both rules support technological and operational innovation and advancements.
“These final rules carefully address safety, security and privacy concerns while advancing opportunities for innovation and utilization of drone technology,” said U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao.

Remote ID (PDF) is a major step toward the full integration of drones into the national airspace system. Remote ID provides identification of drones in flight as well as the location of their control stations, providing crucial information to our national security agencies and law enforcement partners, and other officials charged with ensuring public safety. Airspace awareness reduces the risk of drone interference with other aircraft and people and property on the ground.
Equipping drones with Remote ID technology builds on previous steps taken by the FAA and the drone industry to integrate operations safely into the national airspace system. Part 107 of the federal aviation regulations currently prohibits covered drone operations over people and at night unless the operator obtains a waiver from the FAA. The new FAA regulations jointly provide increased flexibility to conduct certain small UAS without obtaining waiver.
“The new rules make way for the further integration of drones into our airspace by addressing safety and security concerns,” said FAA Administrator Steve Dickson. “They get us closer to the day when we will more routinely see drone operations such as the delivery of packages.”

The Remote ID rule (PDF) applies to all operators of drones that require FAA registration. There are three ways to comply with the operational requirements:
1. Operate a standard Remote ID drone that broadcasts identification and location information of the drone and control station;
2. Operate a drone with a Remote ID broadcast module (may be a separate device attached to the drone), which broadcasts identification, location, and take-off information; or
3. Operate a drone without Remote ID but at specific FAA-recognized identification areas.

The Operations Over People and at Night rule (PDF) applies to Part 107 operators. The ability to fly over people and moving vehicles varies depending on the level of risk a small drone operation presents to people on the ground. Operations are permitted based on four categories, which can be found in the executive summary (PDF) accompanying the rule. Additionally, this rule allows for operations at night under certain conditions.

The final rule requires that small drone operators have their remote pilot certificate and identification in their physical possession when operating, ready to present to authorities if needed. This rule also expands the class of authorities who may request these forms from a remote pilot. The final rule replaces the requirement to complete a recurrent test every 24 calendar months with the requirement to complete updated recurrent training that includes operating at night in identified subject areas.

Both rules will become effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. The Remote ID rule includes two compliance dates. Drone manufacturers will have 18 months to begin producing drones with Remote ID, with operators having an additional year to start using drones with Remote ID.

Contact Information: [email protected]
Basically you will need to add RemoteID to your drone, or only fly it at a designated flying field.
My guess is that they are expecting add on devices to be sold. The FAA is fully happy to make the requirement and leave it to us to figure it out. Folks need to realize that the FAA does not care about us, their sole goal now is to open up airspace for the commercial use of drones for delivery. You and I flying our drones without RemoteId present a direct threat to amazon, pizzahut and anyone else using fully autonomous drones that aren't required to have VLOS to avoid objects.
I guess if there's good news in this is that we have 2 1/2 years to fly our drones without Remote ID. I sent an email to skydio asking them if they will be at all involved in providing firmware updates to existing SD2 owners. Who knows what kind of reply I will get. In the meantime, I will try to fly as much as I can given the limited time.
I still have few days to return my Skydio 2. Shall I return it? What do you think?

These rules are frustrating. I am not sure where to fly legally and now they are adding new rules. In San Jose everybody flies in a park that says 0 feet in airmap but people say it is ok maybe because the park is allowing it explicitly with some banners. and that seems the only place close to me. Otherwise I need to drive more than an hour to fly 20 minutes.

It seems it is easier to carry a gun here in US than flying a drone just for fun. This is really annoying. No remote ID is required for guns?
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I still have few days to return my Skydio 2. Shall I return it? What do you think?

These rules are frustrating. I am not sure where to fly legally and now they are adding new rules. In San Jose everybody flies in a park that says 0 feet in airmap but people say it is ok maybe because the park is allowing it explicitly with some banners. and that seems the only place close to me. Otherwise I need to drive more than an hour to fly 20 minutes.

It seems it is easier to carry a gun here in US than flying a drone just for fun. This is really annoying. No remote ID is required for guns?
Frankly, my knee jerk reaction is similar. Makes me wanna say eff it, but flying a drone is a side interest to me, my main interest is riding, but that too will have a limit eventually due to my age.

I decided to get SD2 cuz I figured govt would eventually ban sale to citizens...I didnt know this law was forthcoming.

A pessimistic way to look at this is, I have 2 1/2 years to crash my drone...

Heres a question...what if a drone was only flown in very remote areas where cell is very limited. How would there be any connection for a remote ID device? Isnt it supposedly wifi??
your call...id keep it. i think it has REAL valve on the used market as DEMAND is HIGH and SUPPLY is LOW.
add in all the people that WILL want it when they need one for new commercial applications: real estate work, Construction estimating, etc. You wont have any problem selling it on EBAY.
yosoufe your clear, logical thinking does not apply to a. the US GOVERNMENT b. Large Corporations c. women
sorry.....i agree with you completely.
dmac1 flying a drone where there is NO CELLULAR connectivity under REMOTE ID is illegal under Proposed RULES change. drone does use wi-fi. Remote id uses CELLULAR. NO cellular connection, no legal flight PERIOD. we would be limited to already previously existing FAA-approved Hobbyist-designated fields ONLY. Also, i think the FAA would disagree with your assessment of "Registered". They have your info....
if you can get 2 1/2 years out of it. id say it was a good investment. Again, it may have good resale....even 2.5 yrs out.
looks like Skydio is going to have to support the S2 for a long time as the S2 is being leased for 3 yrs as enterprise currently. so, parts will be NO PROBLEM until they quit leasing it. when the X2D / X2E line is up sufficiently they could stop leasing the S2 in enterprise form. that would end the S2, at that point, i hope they have an S3 available that has much of the X2's platform or they may exit the Hobbyist space. we are ready for better range, new controller, night ops, IR vision, better flight time, 16" OA bubble including all of the new Enterprise software. 2.5 -3 years is a LIFETIME when it comes to TECH like this. What were you flying in DEC. 2016 ?
lol 1st :08 seconds cracks me up...
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dmac1 flying a drone where there is NO CELLULAR connectivity under REMOTE ID is illegal under Proposed RULES change. drone does use wi-fi. Remote id uses CELLULAR. NO cellular connection, no legal flight PERIOD. we would be limited to already previously existing FAA-approved Hobbyist-designated fields ONLY.
I live in the country...cell is sketchy at my house!! If what you say is true about requirement to have cell all the time, I'm basically grounded at home...and so is anyone else that lives, or flies, in remote terrain.

My SD2 will be useless to me cuz I don't wanna ride and fly in populated areas.

Maybe I should go all conspiracy theory and say "yep, just another step toward Agenda 2030" (used to be Agenda 21).
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I live in the country...cell is sketchy at my house!! If what you say is true about requirement to have cell all the time, I'm basically grounded at home...and so is anyone else that lives, or flies, in remote terrain.

My SD2 will be useless to me cuz I don't wanna ride and fly in populated areas.

Maybe I should go all conspiracy theory and say "yep, just another step toward Agenda 2030" (used to be Agenda 21).
doesnt look good long term...live for TODAY.....Apologize if necessary, never look back. that's what the drone is for...
I 2 am thinking about returning my S2. I have not received it yet but it was shipped yesterday. I have a bunch of other drones to fly i got a MA2 while i was waiting on the S2 to ship. I think the Air 2 has some sort of Remote ID built in .
I don't see this as mattering. The FAA requires a drone operator to have their eyes on their drone at all times. 90% of Skydio 2 flights are against the rules anyway. The whole purpose of the Skydio 2 goes against the FAA's rules for flight. I know a lot of drone operators and I don't know anyone that even notifies the FAA before flying. I live in class C airspace and I don't notify then when I'm going to fly on my property. Every single FPV drone flight is against FAA regulations as well. People will just keep doing what they are doing.
I was hoping they'd step back some from the proposed rule, obviously it didn't happen. It's pretty obvious they really don't want recreational drones flying.
You read enough of the initial reactions to the FAA's Remote ID requirements and you definitely get the impression its not as bad as everyone originally thought it would be. Cleverly worded comments from the FAA have done a lot to downplay the impact these new requirements will have on recreational flying.

The lack of specific numbers and/or firm dates in much of the requirements leaves a lot of confusion in everyone's mind as to when and how requirements will get finalized.

Ironically our only remaining hope comes from how slowly government agencies work. Their own bureaucracy may still contribute to a watered down set of requirements..... not holding my breath though.
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