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How to fix battery not charging issue

The difference between 65W and 90W isn't charging the batteries (the cells) that much faster, it's just that it can better handle more parallel charging with the larger Wall Adapter. With the 65W it charges two batteries in 120 minutes (serially). With 90W it charges two batteries in 90 minutes (in parallel). And it maxes out at 100W (50W each battery). They are all around 1C charge rate which isn't terribly high. They don't state how fast 1 battery charges with the 90W. Which I suspect is still 45 minutes, tops. Now if it starts reaching 30 minutes or below (which you have enough watts to do) now you're getting into "fast" charging.
I agree that I didn’t use the term “fast” charging correctly. My point was around using a more powerful charger 90W vs 60W to “shorten” the time interval required to return the drone battery(s) to a useable level for flight.

The new “intelligent” batteries using a BMS control a lot of the charge/discharge issues.

A far cry from the old days when your car battery (lead acid) needed charging and if you weren’t careful you could end up with nasty stuff flying around.😀
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I have the same issue with both of my batteries. I sent Skydio team a few emails then they replied that they will send me replacement but I have been waiting and waiting and I email them again and this time I didn't have luck, they have been silent and I got nothing from them yet. So my drone has stayed in the box for a long time now I traveled to quite few lovely places without it urggg... Well hopefully the company will reach out to me again instead of ignoring their customers.
Hi I personally have many issue with the battery NOT charging using the dual charger, and want to share my solution.

The symptom is battery light turns up and then goes off after plugged it into the charger.

solution is plug the battery to the skydio itself and then plug the stock charger into the skydio directly for a few second until you see the battery led light flashing for 10 second, after that then you can unplug and use the dual charger..

this fixes for me every time but i found the problem re-occurred every so often, it seems if i am not using the battery for long time, it started happening..

anyway its a bug hopefully Skydio can fix it. and resetting the battery (hold button for 40 seconds) does not fix the problem for me.
Thanks for posting this. Worked on X2 battery as well.
There is a way to reset the battery, but I have only seen anyone do it when they had a red light instead of blue.
Have you come up with a work around, or fix, when the dual charger will not charge a battery? I get power to the charger and power through the charger to Skydio, but the charger will not charge a battery placed on it.
Have you come up with a work around, or fix, when the dual charger will not charge a battery? I get power to the charger and power through the charger to Skydio, but the charger will not charge a battery placed on it.
When I've had the issue you describe I placed the non charging battery in the drone and turned it on and let it run awhile with the drone just sitting there on the floor powering it's fan, leds and processor. Then I charged the battery through the drone for a few min and at that point I was able then to place it on the dual charger and have it charge up. I've also experienced a battery where it wouldn't wake back up and I had to dispose of the battery. The battery in question was 3 years old and had many flights on it, well past SDs recommended lifespan.
Thanks for your response. I tried that on 2 or 3 different batteries. I think I've figured out that my dual charger must be shot. I ordered a new dual charger. I'll keep trying different scenarios with this one before I throw it away.

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