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I thought this was a little odd - Hook Plate replacement.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
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After a lot of flights I had my first mishaps that was partially my fault. I started follow with my S2 a little close to the front of my Jeep and accelerated. Normally the S2 reacts quickly but this time it hesitated and struck the front hoop on the bumper. Not a big deal didn't even break a prop. I was able to reboot my S2 and complete the flight.

Back at the shop I noticed one of the prop stands screwed onto the top of the motor was missing a hook. I went online and ordered a spare set of props but could not get the prop stand, or what SD calls the hook plate.

I called CS and got an immediate answer, the hook plate must be replaced by a factory tech with proper tools including a torque wrench. Looks like two Torx screws too me and I have replaced these prop stands on DJI, Yuneec... many times before.

SD takes crashes seriously and my guess is they will test the motor for vibration or other damage and document the history of this SD2.

Skydio offered to do the repair for free and ship for free which is nice. Oh well back to my good Ol' Anafi for a while.

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After a lot of flights I had my first mishaps that was partially my fault. I started follow with my S2 a little close to the front of my Jeep and accelerated. Normally the S2 reacts quickly but this time it hesitated and struck the front hoop on the bumper. Not a big deal didn't even break a prop. I was able to reboot my S2 and complete the flight.

Back at the shop I noticed one of the prop stands screwed onto the top of the motor was missing a hook. I went online and ordered a spare set of props but could not get the prop stand, or what SD calls the hook plate.

I called CS and got an immediate answer, the hook plate must be replaced by a factory tech with proper tools including a torque wrench. Looks like two Torx screws too me and I have replaced these prop stands on DJI, Yuneec... many times before.

SD takes crashes seriously and my guess is they will test the motor for vibration or other damage and document the history of this SD2.

Skydio offered to do the repair for free and ship for free which is nice. Oh well back to my good Ol' Anafi for a while.

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Interesting account of what happened.
Even "MORE" interesting is the fact that Skydio is going to repair it AND ship it for free.
Standing behind their warranty says a lot about how much they value their customers.
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I'm impressed. American-made and American customer service is why I chose to order from Skydio instead of the "other guys". My batch is supposed to ship out next month...Can't wait to play!!!
Be wary, they are slooooooooowwww. Took me almost a month and a half to get mine back. My biggest fear now isn't necessary crashing my Skydio, it's the wait till I can get if fixed or replaced.
Hopefully it won't take that long but if it does I've got plenty of backup drones. I must admit I was a little frustrated they would not sell me the hook plate but they must have their reasons.

Here's the video I think I pushed my S2 beyond its limits but it never lost the subject. At the end of the video you can see the S2 get taken out lol.

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Skydio just got my drone and I received this reply:

Hi Robert,

I did want to let you know that we did get your vehicle yesterday but the repair technician will not be able to get to it till after the holiday weekend on Monday. It should be a very quick repair but we have to perform a full repair evaluation prior to making any repairs. I will keep you updated after the holiday. Thank you for your patience and Happy Thanksgiving.
Best regards,

Sounds like they are on it and I should get it back quickly. I guess the full repair evaluation will take longer than replacing the broken hook plate.
Thats nice getting notification when it arrives and when they expect to work on it.
I thought the same... these guys are doing everything right to keep a customers goodwill.
Yes it didn't fit my channel. I posted the crash part on my other channel, see above.

So I received an update the CSI inspection revealed a faulty sensor, they weren't specific. SD wants $100 for the sensor repair and another $100 if I want to replace the shell because there is a scratch on it from the crash.

I told them go ahead with the repair having over 100 flights I don't mind making it look new again.

FYI I did fly it after the crash and it flew fine so I'm not sure what sensor they are referring too but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Think of it as a "Tune Up".
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Well it looks new.
My SD card not in it.
It has a different ID and password.
It has new props, I sent mine without.

I did pay them to replace the shell so it would look new so I don't know if the internals are new.

In any case I'm happy to get it back so quickly and look forward to flying it again.
not bad for a $200 tune up
Yeah, it seems odd that it has a new ID and password. Why would they change it if it was just repaired (not replaced)?

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