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just (Mod Removed Language) about the hook plate...


Mar 14, 2022
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3rd flight with a brand new drone and it hit a wire while motion tracking and went down. everything looks fine except for the little plastic hook plate that broke. $160 and they're going to replace the entire drone. yes, i know that technically i shouldn't have been flying it near this but under the circumstances with it being less than a week old i would have thought at least they'd give me a break on the charges.. they're saying there could be more damage which i guess is true. anyways this is just me venting and wondering if anyone went through the same thing.. i see there are some folks that 3d printed these things too but honestly i wish skydio just sold the part b/c i can fix this myself
I suspect eventually someone will be selling them, it's too bad there's not more Skydio products available from other suppliers, I think there's a market there.

Overhead wires are Skydio's Achilles heel. You're like the 100th flier on here that's flown their drone into them (if that's any consolation). I rarely fly in any areas with them but I do come up on high tension power lines occasionally, it's not difficult to fly below them but I still stop or go the other way. I've been through the whole replacement/repair evolution, it's frustrating, time consuming and often expensive, especially for a $2 part you could fix yourself.
3rd flight with a brand new drone and it hit a wire while motion tracking and went down. everything looks fine except for the little plastic hook plate that broke. $160 and they're going to replace the entire drone. yes, i know that technically i shouldn't have been flying it near this but under the circumstances with it being less than a week old i would have thought at least they'd give me a break on the charges.. they're saying there could be more damage which i guess is true. anyways this is just me venting and wondering if anyone went through the same thing.. i see there are some folks that 3d printed these things too but honestly i wish skydio just sold the part b/c i can fix this myself
You might have already searched the forum but here is a link on “hook plate”

I think the most relevant post is about if the crash broke a hook plate it likely to have caused other issues that might not be immediately apparent. 3D printing is awesome but not all plastics or metal is the same - don’t forget it’s holding the props on! 😀

I think there is a post on here where someone took a Skydio 2 apart. Lot of delicate components in there.

So yes $160 is a LOT for a little plastic part, and something that lots of people could remove and put a new one on but I’m guessing there may be more bits messed up.

The other point I would make is the company could have simply said “pilot error” referring to the warnings in the manual about avoiding “wires” but it looks like you get a replacement unit for $160 which is maybe a good deal all things considered.

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