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Miracle, new update (15.10.5) available :) 10-14-2021


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Dec 27, 2019
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October 14, 2021

Skydio is proud to announce exciting new features in our software release (Version 15.10) including advanced autonomy and AI processes optimized to make your flying experience safer, more robust, and intuitive.

Skydio 2 app version15.10.0 (6)(iOS)
15.10.5 (Android)
Skydio 2 Vehicle Software Version15.10.17

Android users, please note:

This update is being rolled out to users over the next five days. Once it is available you will be notified within the app or you will see it available to download no later than end of day Monday, October 18, 2021.
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Hey guys,

i updated my skydio 2 and since the update he makes a lot of noise when he is charging.

Does anyone else has this issue?

October 14, 2021

Skydio is proud to announce exciting new features in our software release (Version 15.10) including advanced autonomy and AI processes optimized to make your flying experience safer, more robust, and intuitive.

Skydio 2 app version15.10.0 (6)(iOS)
15.10.5 (Android)
Skydio 2 Vehicle Software Version15.10.17

Android users, please note:

This update is being rolled out to users over the next five days. Once it is available you will be notified within the app or you will see it available to download no later than end of day Monday, October 18, 2021.
Initially my android wasn't letting me update but this morning it went through. I was able to update the app (android) followed by the updates to the drone and the beacon. The controller connected w/o an update, I'm pretty sure they're just using it as pass through to the app for the flight controls so it's not surprising it didn't get one. I poked around and setup a few of the new functions. Also changed the WiFi password which required the beacon and controller to be paired again. So far so good. I've sat now in the same room as a battery was charged from 1 bar to full, heard the fans running on the SD2 but no weird noises yet.
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I took the SD2 out today to test some of the new features, I didn't plan to test a connection loss or a dead battery. RTH works exactly as advertised. As before, select if it returns to the phone or takeoff location, at that point the drone turns and climbs to the selected orientation and alt. and proceeds back. Tested that one multiple times at different speeds and orientations. I enabled narrowband and flew it up to 500', the forecast called for 13mph winds but it was obviously higher than that at ground level and more as it went up. I received some high wind warnings on the way up. I set the ceiling @500' which is higher than I've ever flown the drone. Mainly because I have trouble seeing it up that high plus and we often get strong winds out here. Despite the skydio's narrowband warning about the streamed video quality the phone's video was clear all the way up.

These are from the drone's camera.


No complaints with the update, it seems to do what they advertised. The updated battery indicator is nice, I'm sure others will find it useful, the green/yellow/red sectors give you a nice picture of the battery situation. I'd like to know more about the Narrowband and if it's used with the beacon, occasionally I'll lose a beacon connection, it'd be nice if this improved that.

Obviously SkyDio's consumer efforts are still moving forward.
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I'd like to know more about the Narrowband and if it's used with the beacon, occasionally I'll lose a beacon connection, it'd be nice if this improved that.
Narrowband is supposed to work with the beacon as well as the controller.
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@Ridefreak ...What kind of range are you getting? I was able to fly to 2000ft away today, with a few trees in the way. Signal was very pixelated but never lost connection.
@Ridefreak ...What kind of range are you getting? I was able to fly to 2000ft away today, with a few trees in the way. Signal was very pixelated but never lost connection.
I really didn't try a range test, I just checked the altitude, even then I only went up 500'
I reached out to Skydio and asked about using narrowband with the beacon. This was their reply;

"Thanks for contacting Skydio. The new narrowband feature is available for compatible devices to improve signal in certain conditions. Currently, we suggest using narrowband in uncongested environments to improve range (for US residents). As for how it works with the Beacon, you are welcome to try it and see if you see an improvement. Some customers are experiencing issues with it on while using the Beacon, so if you have issues, turn NB off for the time being."
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I reached out to Skydio and asked about using narrowband with the beacon. This was their reply;

"Thanks for contacting Skydio. The new narrowband feature is available for compatible devices to improve signal in certain conditions. Currently, we suggest using narrowband in uncongested environments to improve range (for US residents). As for how it works with the Beacon, you are welcome to try it and see if you see an improvement. Some customers are experiencing issues with it on while using the Beacon, so if you have issues, turn NB off for the time being."
Wouldn't dare to try over water where I fly 99% of the time, so please when you test it post results since you put lots of hours on your S2 compare to many.
Wouldn't dare to try over water where I fly 99% of the time, so please when you test it post results since you put lots of hours on your S2 compare to many.
Will do! 99% of the places I fly have almost zero interference though so it might not be representative. With the narrowband I'm hoping to get some nice tracking footage from about 500' up, it'd really show some of the unique terrain we sometimes ride through.
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Will do! 99% of the places I fly have almost zero interference though so it might not be representative. With the narrowband I'm hoping to get some nice tracking footage from about 500' up, it'd really show some of the unique terrain we sometimes ride through.
No sure where you fly out of but the US limit is 400' for our UAVs. My area is somewhat rural so I sometimes encounter helicopters at treetop level and small airplanes at 500' so there is significant risk. The ADS-B warning system on my Air 2S really helps and I miss it when flying my Skydio.
No sure where you fly out of but the US limit is 400' for our UAVs. My area is somewhat rural so I sometimes encounter helicopters at treetop level and small airplanes at 500' so there is significant risk. The ADS-B warning system on my Air 2S really helps and I miss it when flying my Skydio.
Thank you, that was filmed in Argentina.
Man can't wait to get my Skydio back to try this out. The RTH at set elevation is really going to help me in the mountains.

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