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Miracle, new update (15.10.5) available :) 10-14-2021

Well, you are not alone :(
Took it with me to follow us on the water and it was nerve-wracking experience .
Unbelievable how poorly this thing performs.
Very disappointing.
Mine dropped straight out of the sky sunday, on top of that it landed almost right in my path, I came inches from running over it. Luckily I caught it on another cam so there's no question that it went dead in the sky, no wires branches or anything like that. Pretty disappointing since this same drone has been basically trouble free for many flights over the last 2 years. The way it dropped like a stone I don't trust very well at the moment, no damage to speak of besides the props getting a little chewed up. I flew it for 2 batteries after the crash. There's a pretty good vid of it on the my videos section

Part of what I'm seeing in the gimbal instability is when it changes between visual and gps tracking, there seems to be a minor difference in the camera aim between the two modes, when you're flying and its range is changing in respect to the subject the system will switch back and forth between both modes, following a motorcycle close in this occurs frequently. Each time there's a few degree change in the camera aim between one mode and another. On top of that it does the rolling thing with the camera aim, for no apparent reason the aim will oscillate up and down slowly but it's very obvious in the video. Then there's what I call the corrections, it will be filming the subject fine then for no reason the camera will move once a few degrees up or down. That symptom seems to be independent of the visual vs gps tracking issue. I was getting some of this same behavior before but it was far more infrequent.
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After the update, does the wifi password remain the original as from the factory? Or will I have to change it to something else? Because it sounds like if I have the option to do nothing, I'll just leave it as it came from Skydio. Yes?
Yes, the reset will put it back to the factory pw. If it's already set to the factory pw then nothing happens with your credentials.
After the update, does the wifi password remain the original as from the factory? Or will I have to change it to something else? Because it sounds like if I have the option to do nothing, I'll just leave it as it came from Skydio. Yes?
The password stays the same but gives you the option of a custom password after the update.
Thanks! I've done the update, but I'm not sure I'm in a big hurry to put it in the air any time soon, with the experiences I'm reading about here...
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Ridefreak I can deal with losing track but falling out of the sky worries me. I just may wait this one out, you were pointman on this one.
Ridefreak I can deal with losing track but falling out of the sky worries me. I just may wait this one out, you were pointman on this one.
I've submitted the logs and a link to the video to a support ticket I've go going at the moment. I never got the impression this had anything to do with the update but since I don't know what happened I can't rule that out. For me the SD has been uber reliable since the start, this was disappointing. I've asked if they will take the drone and give it a checkout.

I need to be able to trust it, some places I fly that same event would be catastrophic.

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So I got the chance to get out and test my 'new' Skydio with the firmware update and dammit to hell was it disconnecting like crazy. I was driving my Jeep up a forest road, crawling less than 10mph and it couldn't stay locked. What's worse is the beacon would disconnect from my phone which was right next to it. Skydio would return to phone pretty well which at least was the saving grace but it would get directly overhead and still not reconnect right away. I've filmed this road before on my dirt bike and snowmobile and usually can just track the whole way up. I'm filing a support ticket now.
So I got the chance to get out and test my 'new' Skydio with the firmware update and dammit to hell was it disconnecting like crazy. I was driving my Jeep up a forest road, crawling less than 10mph and it couldn't stay locked. What's worse is the beacon would disconnect from my phone which was right next to it. Skydio would return to phone pretty well which at least was the saving grace but it would get directly overhead and still not reconnect right away. I've filmed this road before on my dirt bike and snowmobile and usually can just track the whole way up. I'm filing a support ticket now.
The wifi reset was the first thing they tried with me, it worked better but I think that has more to do with me going slower the following flight then the wifi reset.

Thanks for the info, keep us posted on what you find out. I'll be doing the same.
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Well, after reading all this I'm done flying this thing until something is done.
Pathetic they can't get this thing to perform like a champ 2 years later :(
While I don't work in the drone business, I definitely know what its like to release SW or FW to add new features only to find out after the release that you have broken something else. Pretty sure they are running around right now trying to solve these issues and a new version will be released when they do.

I at least will use the time to get used to flying it with the controller and practicing some cinematic shots that other drone users are already used to. (This was my 1st drone) The new update I think was geared towards the controller users rather than the follow me users. The last time I flew it, I had issues with the tracking but none at all while using the controller. So for now, I am a controller user. I just hope they get it done before February, I plan to take it skiing again in Austria and I need the tracking to work then.
Just got this response from SD:

Please note that we have a high volume of tickets at this time and are working to reduce any delays in our response. Thanks for your patience.

TJ Walker (Skydio)
Nov 3, 2021, 11:05 AM PDT
Hi David,

I see that you're having connectivity issues with the app/beacon setup. I'll be more than happy to assist you moving forward.

We first recommend you try and reset your Beacon to get a better connection and also check out the Beacon User Guide via the section "Troubleshooting". Click on the links below for further assistance.

Please reach out if further assistance is needed.

How to reset your Skydio Beacon
Skydio Beacon User Guide

Have a Great Day!

So now I will try and reset the WIFI and the beacon before my next flight.

Maybe that will help one of you as well...
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Ridefreak I can deal with losing track but falling out of the sky worries me. I just may wait this one out, you were pointman on this one.
They're sending me a new one, no details but I suspect falling out of the sky had something to do with it.
They're sending me a new one, no details but I suspect falling out of the sky had something to do with it.
I sent my drone back to them via Fed Ex last Tuesday. Its still not delivered to Skydio. I was beginning to wonder why I'd not received info about a replacement being sent.

I'm not super fond of how we're supposed to send the drone to them...just in a box (i.e. no case for hard protection). Maybe Skydio just junks em upon return unless they're going to try to repair them for a customer, maybe then they want em in the hard shell case.

I'm wondering if your gimbal shake issue started after it dropped out of the sky? It was pretty noticeable in that one vid you posted. Mine has never done that.
They sent me a sheet with the details covering the shipment, remove all props, SD card and gimbal stabilizer. I protected it pretty well in the box I used so they should be getting it unharmed. My gimbal instability cropped up right after the update before the crash and was still there afterwards although not as bad. I suspect my is being replaced because it fell out of the sky, not for the gimbal problem.

This gimbal issue is nothing new for me, it had that to some extent before the update but it's worse after the update. It got better about not doing it the more I flew the drone. To me the update felt like it cleared out a table or some data the drone built up over time that improved it's flying, I know it sounds crazy but the drone consistently got better over time with not loosing connection and aiming the camera. Some of the best flights I got with the drone were just prior to the update.

I've got a cell phone I can dedicate to the drone that I can keep off the internet. If the app isn't aware of an update the drone should operate indefinitely at the current SW version barring some timeout programmed into the SW. I am considering this because the update did nothing but cause me problems and the functionality it added isn't something I care much about.

Im confident an update is how they'll implement the new FAA rules if the SD hardware is capable, I have zero desire to get on that train. I fly at treetop level in remote areas that often don't have a cell connection, far from people, cities and airports. I'm pretty sure those locations will be unflyable if you can't get cell connection since the app has to communicate with a FAA server.
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Is everyone who updated there SD2 firmware having problems ? I updated mine but have yet to fly it.
Is everyone who updated there SD2 firmware having problems ? I updated mine but have yet to fly it.
I had no new problems with my drone after the update. I've returned my drone due to issues that existed before the update. The app update caused the phone I was using with it (Galaxy S6) to no longer work...wish I'd never updated the app cuz I can't go back to the previous version....thus my old phone is now useless.
So I ran four batteries in some open desert riding last weekend and Skydio was way better than my 13 disconnect first trip out. I actually had it follow me a whole battery, some 20+ minutes without a single disconnect. So maybe my first trip out was an anomoly. Skydio still hasn't replied to my support request, it'll be two weeks since I sent first mail. Sent second one yesterday.
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I had two disconnects from the beacon and my S2 constantly switched into GPS mode while tracking today. The new update is a step backwards for me.

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