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New update today! Both 2 and 2+.

Man I wish they would say more than "big fixes". Still, happy to have regular updates. Thanks Skydio.
Can we Fly at Night now? I fly at Night all the Time with my o

I hope at least they are fixes and not the opposite, Microsoft is famous for that, LOL !
It's not just Microsoft. Haha. I do IT support and it's Microsoft, Apple, Google, and probably every company on the planet that pushes updates.

At least Skydio only had a couple of different hardware combinations to update.
SO TRYING TO DOWNLOAD THE UPDATE AND IT STATES THAT IS IS UP TO DATE. I have not turned it ion for a couple of days. Anyone else have this problem? I have 3 of these and when you go in under the infop tab, it shows all 3 serial numbers but not that any of them need updates.
I'm not seeing it either. I chatted with them and they said it's being rolled out over the next week. They said if I don't see it over the next week to call customer service.
iOS app update appeared this morning. Vehicle update went smoothly for my 2+, tried Keyframe accuracy after update. There was a notable improvement on a sharp Keyframe turn. I haven’t seen the Android video erosion for my Tripltek 8 yet.
iOS app update appeared this morning. Vehicle update went smoothly for my 2+, tried Keyframe accuracy after update. There was a notable improvement on a sharp Keyframe turn. I haven’t seen the Android video erosion for my Tripltek 8 yet.
Good to see that, still waiting for the updates to appear on my ipad mini though.
I shut my iPhone down this morning. I turned it back on and found 26 app updates including Skydio. Probably an Apple backlog? It said the update was two days old. Might work.
My update (android) came through today.
have you already made the update on your SD?
and if so, with what result?
I did update everything (app drone and beacon). I'll be testing it tomorrow, I did this at night so it was just powered up. I poked around in the app to see if I could detect any changes but didn't notice anything different.
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