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Panoramic Photos and Dynamic Gimbal.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2022
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In the latest promotional video Skydio advertises panoramic photos and dynamic gimbal roll giving a kind of FPV style flight experience. But I don't see any where to use these features. I just updated to 64 but still no where do I see these features. Has anyone been able to use these features and where do I find them?

In the latest promotional video Skydio advertises panoramic photos and dynamic gimbal roll giving a kind of FPV style flight experience. But I don't see any where to use these features. I just updated to 64 but still no where do I see these features. Has anyone been able to use these features and where do I find them?


That Update has not been released yet, sometime later this month.
Yeah, they're a bit late on the delivery, perhaps they're just laid back with no pressure to make a deadline. ( Shrugs )
I'm beginning to wonder if they meant that only ENTERPRISE versions will be getting this update. It's been about 2 months since I remember first seeing advertising about these new video and photo features. They are still advertising them. I'm very interested in the "free look" during KeyFrame. That will add a lot of use cases for the otherwise niche KeyFrame feature (in my opinion).

So given we still don't have the features and they are still advertising them I'm wondering if they will only be available for ENTERPRISE! Perhaps there is someone out there with an ENTERPRISE version that can confirm?
I hope they give us some clue. I just went into the Skydio Website under Support, I checked the release notes for all three units, S2/S2+, Enterprise S2/S2+ and the X2/X2E, the last Updates for all was October 6, V21.0.64 which were bug fixes and perforamce upgrades, I do not see the Panoramic and Gimbal updates in neither of them, don't see them up for sale in their store so perhaps they are delayed.

Come on Skydio, if you're reading this, throw some meat scraps at us !
Oh good thinking. I forgot I could look the release notes up. Well, maybe there is hope but with all the marketing they have been doing including these features you'd think they would tell us something...
Just watched the ad again, nothing about Enterprise.

Coming Soon.

They'll prolly release it Christmas Eve. LOL !!!!
Just watched the ad again, nothing about Enterprise.

Coming Soon.

They'll prolly release it Christmas Eve. LOL !!!!
Haha! Yes. Most likely. The Enterprise statement was half in jest by me due to my slight irritation at still not having the features and no communication on time frame.

Christmas present awaits....
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