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Propellers - when should they be changed?


Jan 24, 2022
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Hi folks!!!! I have a seriously and great question abou Skydio 2+ propellers: when should I changed them? I mean, my skydio´s propellers are "some kind of" hard to slide over its axis, please refer to video below:

the question is: those old propellers (the 4 have the same "problem) can overload the motors? those propellers are in first year of use, and I am worry about they might decrease the useful life of the motor.

And finally: except when it is visibly damaged, when should I change the skydio propellers???
thank you very much
i have drones that i no longer own and still have new props for them. i guess the saying is you can't go wrong when replacing old props with new ones. they really don't need it unless damaged but new props laying around unused is kinda a waste and it doesnt hurt to switch them out when using a quick-change attachment. you can switch to the new props and fly a long happy worry free life and if you damage those, switch back to the older one's in an emergency. i guess that's better than flying and worried about whether your props are unstable, unsuitable, or could fly off at any moment. props are cheap.
i have drones that i no longer own and still have new props for them. i guess the saying is you can't go wrong when replacing old props with new ones. they really don't need it unless damaged but new props laying around unused is kinda a waste and it doesnt hurt to switch them out when using a quick-change attachment. you can switch to the new props and fly a long happy worry free life and if you damage those, switch back to the older one's in an emergency. i guess that's better than flying and worried about whether your props are unstable, unsuitable, or could fly off at any moment. props are cheap.
you´re right!!! Really don´t need to save $58 for 4 propellers and suffer waiting for my drone to be damaged!!!!
The only issue is that I live in Brazil and it´s some kind of complicated to buy directly from Skydio shipping to Brazil, moreover they don´t sell to Brazil....
Well here's what Skydio says:

Skydio recommends replacing your propellers every 25 flight hours or if they are damaged.

TBH I have more than 25 flight hours on some of my props. Over time they seem to loosen up and I keep a close eye for damage cracks stress....

Probably a good idea to change them out at some interval though and if you want to be safe every 25 hours as recommended.
Well here's what Skydio says:

Skydio recommends replacing your propellers every 25 flight hours or if they are damaged.

TBH I have more than 25 flight hours on some of my props. Over time they seem to loosen up and I keep a close eye for damage cracks stress....

Probably a good idea to change them out at some interval though and if you want to be safe every 25 hours as recommended.
Yes, I read something about... but I have another doubt: how can I get this information, I mean, how many hours my drone had already flown??
Some time ago I added up the lengths of all of the .LRV video files from my Skydio and that gave me the total flight time. These are .MP4 video files that are automatically recorded with and for the full duration of each flight.
Some time ago I added up the lengths of all of the .LRV video files from my Skydio and that gave me the total flight time. These are .MP4 video files that are automatically recorded with and for the full duration of each flight.
It´s a good idea! Although it seems to me not so practical... I thought this info could be saved and up to date inside SD´s memory or even in the log files......
but I appreciate your suggestion! thank you

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