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S2 overheated...

Sounds like you replied to each of their 'are ya still havin issues' emails. Doesn't sound like they got them. Its been almost a month....did they ever give ya a substantive response?

I tried flying in the dez last weekend. Was mid/upper 90s. Wondered if it would be too hot, never got in the air.

Last time I flew (its been forever) all was well. This time, I got the dang messages like it'd never been turned on and I had to go through a bunch of the setup crap. I got too hot standing in the roasting sun and said eff it! But yeah, the drone was really hot when I went to turn it off and put it away.
Sounds like you replied to each of their 'are ya still havin issues' emails. Doesn't sound like they got them. Its been almost a month....did they ever give ya a substantive response?

I tried flying in the dez last weekend. Was mid/upper 90s. Wondered if it would be too hot, never got in the air.

Last time I flew (its been forever) all was well. This time, I got the dang messages like it'd never been turned on and I had to go through a bunch of the setup crap. I got too hot standing in the roasting sun and said eff it! But yeah, the drone was really hot when I went to turn it off and put it away.
Probably since there's been an update since you used it last which forces you to update next time it's powered up. A good practice is to fire it up at home for a few min before packing it up for a ride, if there's an update you'll be able to take care of it then, saves you some hassle out on the trail.
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Sounds like you replied to each of their 'are ya still havin issues' emails. Doesn't sound like they got them. Its been almost a month....did they ever give ya a substantive response?

I tried flying in the dez last weekend. Was mid/upper 90s. Wondered if it would be too hot, never got in the air.

Last time I flew (its been forever) all was well. This time, I got the dang messages like it'd never been turned on and I had to go through a bunch of the setup crap. I got too hot standing in the roasting sun and said eff it! But yeah, the drone was really hot when I went to turn it off and put it away.
They got them alright - because they responded to those emails... I've never received a reply that addressed my question(s), no. Oh, well, at least a few people here seem to have had similar issues and the answers they provided have helped explain what is likely happening. Too bad Skydio is not the source for answers on their own product, even months later.
I find the metal shell a heat sink for the electronics and will get hot even in a cool room. On a hot day I have the fortune of air conditioning in the vehicle. I cool the metal shell until it is cold then launch immediately from the cab. I can usually get 8-9 minutes of flight on a 100* day. Then I stop, cool down and launch again.

If you were to launch with a hot shell I doubt you would get very far.
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Probably since there's been an update since you used it last which forces you to update next time it's powered up. A good practice is to fire it up at home for a few min before packing it up for a ride, if there's an update you'll be able to take care of it then, saves you some hassle out on the trail.
Agreed about the good practice. I shoulda for sure, but it was kinda last second add to the trip and flew fine last time.

But, I've read where others have had the same issue, even after making sure it was good at home before they left, then get to destination and its like its brand new, and if no way to go through all the setup stuff, it might as well be a brick. Thats what mine was doing and didn't get a message about needing an update....I didn't get far before I gave up.

I couldn't find the thread, so posted that aspect here.

RE: the hot aspect...yeah, I went to take off the battery and was like yikes! A temp gun would be kinda interesting to have to see how hot the dang thing gets. My drone was only on a few minutes and it was very hot. The sun was roasting and temp was mid-upper 90s....and the drone had been in the case in my hot truck (we'd been riding) to start with.
I follow RF's advice on checking the firmware before heading out. When I was using an iPad I got caught several times with the dreaded required update before flight in the field.

The last couple updates I got a message saying an update was available but I could update later. This allowed me to fly out in the boonies. I don't know if it is an Android thing or just a new feature.
I find the metal shell a heat sink for the electronics and will get hot even in a cool room. On a hot day I have the fortune of air conditioning in the vehicle. I cool the metal shell until it is cold then launch immediately from the cab. I can usually get 8-9 minutes of flight on a 100* day. Then I stop, cool down and launch again.

If you were to launch with a hot shell I doubt you would get very far.
That sounds about right - a good plan, thanks.
Agreed about the good practice. I shoulda for sure, but it was kinda last second add to the trip and flew fine last time.

But, I've read where others have had the same issue, even after making sure it was good at home before they left, then get to destination and its like its brand new, and if no way to go through all the setup stuff, it might as well be a brick. Thats what mine was doing and didn't get a message about needing an update....I didn't get far before I gave up.

I couldn't find the thread, so posted that aspect here.

RE: the hot aspect...yeah, I went to take off the battery and was like yikes! A temp gun would be kinda interesting to have to see how hot the dang thing gets. My drone was only on a few minutes and it was very hot. The sun was roasting and temp was mid-upper 90s....and the drone had been in the case in my hot truck (we'd been riding) to start with.
They only ones I've heard that happening to are users that did the same as you (and I); power it up getting ready lo launch and realize there's been an update since they last powered it up. OR, they didn't properly update all the accessories. I did the same thing when the first update came out, about a year and a half ago. Since then I've got over 200 flights and never had the happen again. In my office when I'm charging the batteries before a flight the next day I go as far as powering it up, connecting the beacon and letting the GPS sync up. Just like I would outdoors, I always get the "It's too dark to launch" error and I know at that point it's ready to fly. It will also ensure you don't head out without the SDs memory card (done that) Its a great time to make sure there's room on the card for the next day's flights.

You'll loose/waste a significant amount of battery going through the u[date process out somewhere, nobody wants that to happen when they're ready to fly. Follow that advise and you be doing all you can to avoid the possibility.
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They only ones I've heard that happening to are users that did the same as you (and I); power it up getting ready lo launch and realize there's been an update since they last powered it up. OR, they didn't properly update all the accessories. I did the same thing when the first update came out, about a year and a half ago. Since then I've got over 200 flights and never had the happen again. In my office when I'm charging the batteries before a flight the next day I go as far as powering it up, connecting the beacon and letting the GPS sync up. Just like I would outdoors, I always get the "It's too dark to launch" error and I know at that point it's ready to fly. It will also ensure you don't head out without the SDs memory card (done that) Its a great time to make sure there's room on the card for the next day's flights.

You'll loose/waste a significant amount of battery going through the u[date process out somewhere, nobody wants that to happen when they're ready to fly. Follow that advise and you be doing all you can to avoid the possibility.
Thanks. I thought I remembered you posting in that thread about the startup issue...live n learn.

Yeah....me too on the 'no SD card'. I'm a struggling sophomore in the school of hard knocks. LOL

I'll try mine again here at home soon.
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