stock settings. the amount of light the drone gets varies considerably based on location and trees. id rather let the drone figure it out and make a SOLID raw shot. i can do everything else in post-processing of the video / audio. i am CONTINUALLY amazed at the quality of the video this thing takes, normally.
could be a temp issue (don't think so, when mine did it is sure as hell wasn't freezing outside), don't think you mashed the beacon buttons by accident. possible sd card issue but i doubt it. bug makes the most sense and since it is not easily repeatable it makes the hardware less likely vs. the software. really helps to be able to see exactly what was going on INTERNALLY when it started. had mine awhile when it happened. was not new when it happened. i also occasionally have an issue with the iphone SE's screen not rotating when i start the app. restarting everything always helps. that one was reported to SD. sorry i dont know more. really frustrating when you blow 2k + on a toy and you cant even get decent Customer Service or Instructions ! Fun meter is getting pegged. probably going to dump the kit soon. the updates make it relevant or i probably would have moved on by now otherwise. didnt see where this was in AK? good luck!