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BEWARE Bad Day for Skydio 2 and myself BEWARE


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
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It was a BAD day for me with Skydio 2.

I was in batch 1 and I've done about 50 or more missions. I am a real estate photographer and have been using drones for 4 years now.

Got to site, but when I turned on phone, which was used many times previously with S2, opened the app and it asked me to authenticate with my email address (it planned to send me a code which I had to enter).No way around that. The site had no internet or cell service.
This failure with no advance notice "blew up" my shoot !

This is poor planing and design by Skydio folks !

#skydio2 #nointernet #nocellservice #FailuretoLaunch #failure
have you contacted skydio to make them know it brings such an inconvenience? what was their reaction in such case?
This happened to me Saturday. I just assumed it was an app update, but I did not check to see if there was a change. I had to go through the same initial agree to terms and setup process.
Also be ready to do that stupid flight learning exercise after every reinstall, that will shorten the already short battery life even before you can fly.
Step 2 in the manual (under Connecting to Skydio 2 section) says the following:

Once your battery is fully charged, launch the Skydio 2 app and power on your
Skydio 2 by pressing and holding the battery button for 3 seconds. You will be asked
to enable location and microphone services on your phone which are required for
the Skydio 2 to function normally, and to register your Skydio 2 with your email
address (you only have to do this the first time you fly).

This is certainly going to be a problem if it randomly ask to re-authenticate. I just received my drone (ordered last summer). I got it to use up north this summer. There is no internet or cell coverage where I plan on using the drone.
Yeah I had that happen to me twice now where the app seemed to reset itself. Once I was out in the mountains filming and had to set it up again. Thing is I had just flew it like 30 minutes before hand. Luckily I had cell access and my friends where patient so I managed to get it going again... And it happened last Friday too. I've gotten in a habit of checking it every time before I go out for a shoot, just turn it on, connect up make sure it's all good. Glad I did that time cause I would've had no access where I was going. I've provided feedback to Skydio on the first case but it didn't seem to go anywhere.
Happened to me twice also. I turn it on at home now before I head out. The second time was just a couple days ago. It's pretty annoying.
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Bam it just happened to me again last weekend while filming in the backcountry. So lucky I could get a signal to get the **** code. Funny thing was I went through and checked everything the night before and all was good. Ugh.
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Yeah I had that happen to me twice now where the app seemed to reset itself. Once I was out in the mountains filming and had to set it up again. Thing is I had just flew it like 30 minutes before hand.
Sounds like this is a random problem and unrelated to an update and that checking to make sure all is good at home is, at least partly, a useless waste of time. Totally sucks cuz the places I may take my drone, won't be anywhere near to where a data signal can be received.

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