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Hello from Humboldt County in N.California.

Humboldt Mtn flyer

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Feb 12, 2021
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Thank you for the add...I’m receiving my new Skydio today after a less than a 45 day wait, from the look of things I’m very lucky for a short wait. I’ve been into RC Craft for about 15 years, and have close to 20 aircraft. I own a small Ranch and have all the room I need to fly, so I’m excited to put the S2 to the air. Again thanks and I look forward to the valuable information I can learn here and hopefully maybe add to if needed..
Welcome to the forum ?
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Hello! I have a Skydio 2 with Cinema kit. Absolutely love it! Really interested in learning to find ways to code this system.

Having poked around a bit I see it's using open source software (python programming language, and nginx web server). Would like to connect with others who have experience or access to Skydio's SDK.

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