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Hi from West Virginia!


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Jul 27, 2022
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West Virginia
Recently got a Skydio 2+ cinema kit and this is the first drone I've ever owned. I wanted one for a long time, but I'm so glad I waited until the tech is where it's at today. I'm blown away by it and still ridiculously nervous I'll crash it! :sneaky: I don't have anything to compare it to, but I'm so happy I decided in the end to get a Skydio. I'm starting to experiment with key framing and just "learning the ropes!" We live on acreage in the mountains, so we have an awesome playground here for it. Learned a lot from this forum, so I thought I'd stick my head in and say, "Hello!"
Welcome - Skydio 2 series is really a well engineered product. I have not seen any drone that handles OBA as well as these. They are also built like tanks. I have had over 40 drones in 6 years and this thing is tough. And it is made in USA !! Have fun crashes happen however, Skydio seems to handle in stride.
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Welcome to the forum 👍👍
Hi Tara,

Welcome and Congrats on your first drone, take your time , learn it and you'll be just fine. West Virginia is awesome.
Recently got a Skydio 2+ cinema kit and this is the first drone I've ever owned. I wanted one for a long time, but I'm so glad I waited until the tech is where it's at today. I'm blown away by it and still ridiculously nervous I'll crash it! :sneaky: I don't have anything to compare it to, but I'm so happy I decided in the end to get a Skydio. I'm starting to experiment with key framing and just "learning the ropes!" We live on acreage in the mountains, so we have an awesome playground here for it. Learned a lot from this forum, so I thought I'd stick my head in and say, "Hello!"
I’m in the same boat as you except for the acreage, lol!
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum!
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Hello to our West Virginia Friends, I have a question that you might be able to answer.

WV Law on drone flying in State Parks requires permission from the State Park Superintendent, but nowhere
is his/her phone number, email nor office location stated. I called individual parks around the State and nobody answers, even emails go unanswered.
I frequent Terra Alta, Alpine Lake ( our camp is located there ) we ride motorcycles all over WV. My favorite places are the Blackwater Falls, Cooper's Rock, Seneca Rocks and Dolly Sods, I desparately want to fly my drone in those areas.

Does anybody know the Superintendent's contact information or know someone who does ?

Thanks for any info you could provide.

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In the past, I have flown at some state parks in WV. If I can find a ranger to ask, they have said OK but don't fly directly over people. I have a friend who regularly flies at Seneca, and Dolly Sods, without any permission. At Babcock State Park, there is a time allotted for drone photography.
Hello to our West Virginia Friends, I have a question that you might be able to answer.

WV Law on drone flying in State Parks requires permission from the State Park Superintendent, but nowhere
is his/her phone number, email nor office location stated. I called individual parks around the State and nobody answers, even emails go unanswered.
I frequent Terra Alta, Alpine Lake ( our camp is located there ) we ride motorcycles all over WV. My favorite places are the Blackwater Falls, Cooper's Rock, Seneca Rocks and Dolly Sods, I desparately want to fly my drone in those areas.

Does anybody know the Superintendent's contact information or know someone who does ?

Thanks for any info you could provide.

They have a page on Facebook.
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LivinLarge : Thanks for the Reply and Thanks for posting the Vid, it has the Wow factor.

GFields : Thank you for that bit of info, I will employ my Brother to seek that out as I don't do FB, I did in the past, but things got out of hand and became a burden.
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