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If you have problem with audio recording files not saving please read this.

Be sure to let us know when the audio problem gets fixed.... there must a lot of us out here anxiously waiting for the fix.;)
Be sure to let us know when the audio problem gets fixed.... there must a lot of us out here anxiously waiting for the fix.;)
You don't have to worry, I bet your imaginary S2 is getting you wet dreams of perfection every night ??
Hmm ... Must be past your bed time ....you seem to be in an extraordinarily snarky mood... things not go your way today?
I've had this problem off-and-on since launch. I do not trust having the audio, ever. I started recording with a separate app. Screen recorder might be useful as well.

The issue is that the app is not verbose enough to explain when it's uploading the audio file. To 'ensure' you get the recording, you need to go back into the media portion of the app, then back to flight, then back to media... sometimes you have to unplug the controller and connect over Wi-Fi, etc. It's definitely not a seamless experience.
I just had this happen yesterday. Fortunately I didn't format the card.
This morning I put the card back in the bird, attached the battery and powered on.
Then I launched the App on my phone.
Once connected, I tapped "Media".
App showed 'Syncing' and "Mounting Storage" below that.
After a few seconds the thumbnail of each vid appeared.
I closed the app, powered off the bird and pulled the card.
Opened it in my PC and Voila! The missing audio file was there!

So, it appears I either didn't wait long enough for the files to sync, or I shut down wrong.
I will test this some more.

I just got my Skydio 2 and love it.
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I just had this happen yesterday. Fortunately I didn't format the card.
This morning I put the card back in the bird, attached the battery and powered on.
Then I launched the App on my phone.
Once connected, I tapped "Media".
App showed 'Syncing' and "Mounting Storage" below that.
After a few seconds the thumbnail of each vid appeared.
I closed the app, powered off the bird and pulled the card.
Opened it in my PC and Voila! The missing audio file was there!

So, it appears I either didn't wait long enough for the files to sync, or I shut down wrong.
I will test this some more.

I just got my Skydio 2 and love it.
I did test the heck out of this and it's inconsistent, you'll see
Pretty frustrating
I too have had inconsistent audio recording capabilities. After trying various sequences, I cannot get consistent audio recordings. I will be letting SKYDIO know....
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I too have had inconsistent audio recording capabilities. After trying various sequences, I cannot get consistent audio recordings. I will be letting SKYDIO know....
Please do that !
Don't get your hopes too high though, since this is reported by many since March and no progress was done on that :(
It happened to me when using controller with the iphone app. I guess I powered down my S2 too quickly that day.
now the audio is there when previewing in the app, it just wouldn't sync into the memory card anymore. Attempted a few app media sync, with or without controller, no magic.
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It happened to me when using controller with the iphone app. I guess I powered down my S2 too quickly that day.
now the audio is there when previewing in the app, it just wouldn't sync into the memory card anymore. Attempted a few app media sync, with or without controller, no magic.
Resetting the stupid thing will fix it for while , but contact the to fix their crap, I'm sick of it ....
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Did anyone see the latest flight school? Nichol shows that you need to go into the media tab once you land and sync prior to shutting down Skydio. I've just been powering down right away so that probably explains why I sometimes don't get audio even though it's on.
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Did anyone see the latest flight school? Nichol shows that you need to go into the media tab once you land and sync prior to shutting down Skydio. I've just been powering down right away so that probably explains why I sometimes don't get audio even though it's on.
Problem is that for many once it happens once you have to reset the drone to get it working again.
BTW those Flight school videos till this point are more like advertising, perhaps good for complete newbie to drones but that's about it. Many YTubers did way better.
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Did anyone see the latest flight school? Nichol shows that you need to go into the media tab once you land and sync prior to shutting down Skydio. I've just been powering down right away so that probably explains why I sometimes don't get audio even though it's on.
Yeah ... saw the audio tip in the video too. Seems a bit awkward but maybe a warning on the device about audio syncing (when shutting down) might be helpful.

P.S. The Flight School videos are turning out to be good info sources... seems like even experienced pilots miss the occasional proper operating procedure.
I was having audio problems too (seemingly mainly after but just before) the newest update. I reset my Skydio 2 back to factory and uninstalled the app. AND it works perfectly now. But, I noticed when I was looking around in the the "Settings" section, that there is is a separate line item to "Record Audio" which was turned Off AFTER the Factory Reset. I turned that on because how the heck is it gonna "work" if it is Turned Off? I recommend everyone Double Check that setting before (freaking out - like I did).

Thanks for the info (and why is Skydio so slow to respond to problems)? And why don't they have real "Tech Support" dedicated for only REAL TECH SUPPORT and not a do it all Customer Support (which should be for orders and parts shipments, etc.) and whenever you need TECH SUPPORT direct us to those guys who KNOW this product in & out.

Also the SD2 Controller is Garbage. Yes, it works, but any thing blocking the communications signals will cause severe lagging. Ever since I got interested in Skydio I've been hearing about how bad the controller is and I totally agree. Skydio is very well made and its software is revolutionary (and it is worth a fortune in possible licensing fees). But like I've heard the "Controller is Crapola". Since they bothered to invest the Time & Money building a World Class Drone then why Cheap Out on the controller? It would probably cost a little more, but next time using anything but WIFI would be an improvement. I know the X2 has a dedicated brand new controller but I don't know the whole package pricing yet, but I bet its a lot more than the SD2.

Thanks again for that info!

P.S. This forum is going to be my go to for Tech Support the next time I have any issues.
I was having audio problems too (seemingly mainly after but just before) the newest update. I reset my Skydio 2 back to factory and uninstalled the app. AND it works perfectly now. But, I noticed when I was looking around in the the "Settings" section, that there is is a separate line item to "Record Audio" which was turned Off AFTER the Factory Reset. I turned that on because how the heck is it gonna "work" if it is Turned Off? I recommend everyone Double Check that setting before (freaking out - like I did).

Thanks for the info (and why is Skydio so slow to respond to problems)? And why don't they have real "Tech Support" dedicated for only REAL TECH SUPPORT and not a do it all Customer Support (which should be for orders and parts shipments, etc.) and whenever you need TECH SUPPORT direct us to those guys who KNOW this product in & out.

Also the SD2 Controller is Garbage. Yes, it works, but any thing blocking the communications signals will cause severe lagging. Ever since I got interested in Skydio I've been hearing about how bad the controller is and I totally agree. Skydio is very well made and its software is revolutionary (and it is worth a fortune in possible licensing fees). But like I've heard the "Controller is Crapola". Since they bothered to invest the Time & Money building a World Class Drone then why Cheap Out on the controller? It would probably cost a little more, but next time using anything but WIFI would be an improvement. I know the X2 has a dedicated brand new controller but I don't know the whole package pricing yet, but I bet its a lot more than the SD2.

Thanks again for that info!

P.S. This forum is going to be my go to for Tech Support the next time I have any issues.
FYI I'm pretty sure the real problem is the antenna array in the drone itself, and not the controller.

I actually prefer the gimbal controll on this over my mavic. Overall I get way more cinematic shots. That distance is just pure trash. Even after trying several different antennas on my controller.

I've got some stuff up my sleeve to fix the range issues once and for all, but I'm waiting for some parts to arrive from the UK. Let's just say, the range should be almost limitless.
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This is a follow up of my previous post about the audio not recording. It seems that part of the issue is with using the controller. Skydio's instructions say to disable your WIFI on your phone whenever using the controller (due to possible interference). Ok, but after the flight when I try to access the Media it says "Waiting for SD2 to respond" and it never does TILL I turn the WIFI Back On. THEN everything works seemingly as it should except I never get the line going across saying its happening (I get a message stating "Media processing"). So long story short I failed to CLOSE my controller in time to get the A/V tracks together and from then on I kept getting "Cannot make a clip audio tracks still need to be combined" forever. Even on new flights where it should have worked. Regardless, the SD2 had to be set back to factory and the SD2 appl. had to be uninstalled and reinstalled again and its working good so far. I lost a bunch of flights w/o sound so no great loss. Just a big P.I.A.
This is a follow up of my previous post about the audio not recording. It seems that part of the issue is with using the controller. Skydio's instructions say to disable your WIFI on your phone whenever using the controller (due to possible interference). Ok, but after the flight when I try to access the Media it says "Waiting for SD2 to respond" and it never does TILL I turn the WIFI Back On. THEN everything works seemingly as it should except I never get the line going across saying its happening (I get a message stating "Media processing"). So long story short I failed to CLOSE my controller in time to get the A/V tracks together and from then on I kept getting "Cannot make a clip audio tracks still need to be combined" forever. Even on new flights where it should have worked. Regardless, the SD2 had to be set back to factory and the SD2 appl. had to be uninstalled and reinstalled again and its working good so far. I lost a bunch of flights w/o sound so no great loss. Just a big P.I.A.
Thanks for reporting back!
I'm so sick and tired of this that I don't care anymore
Skydio is bunch of amateurs trying to play major league.
Close to a year since this was first reported and they are unable to fix this by simply by giving us the option to store the audio on the phone.
I had two S2s, sold one and considering getting rid of the other as well since it's performance is miserable in my opinion.
Yeah, feel free to bash me as usual for giving honest opinion.
Drone for niche market with unpredictable results.
This is a follow up of my previous post about the audio not recording. It seems that part of the issue is with using the controller. Skydio's instructions say to disable your WIFI on your phone whenever using the controller (due to possible interference). Ok, but after the flight when I try to access the Media it says "Waiting for SD2 to respond" and it never does TILL I turn the WIFI Back On. THEN everything works seemingly as it should except I never get the line going across saying its happening (I get a message stating "Media processing"). So long story short I failed to CLOSE my controller in time to get the A/V tracks together and from then on I kept getting "Cannot make a clip audio tracks still need to be combined" forever. Even on new flights where it should have worked. Regardless, the SD2 had to be set back to factory and the SD2 appl. had to be uninstalled and reinstalled again and its working good so far. I lost a bunch of flights w/o sound so no great loss. Just a big P.I.A.
Thanks for this, I do love the audio when it works. It sucks we have to do all these manual steps to get this to work reliably.

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