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Lag video


Jan 8, 2022
Reaction score
I have encountered problems in the quality of the video (video lag) during the flight (live video).
do you think it could be a problem due to low light (it was a little late) or to a simple wifi transmission problem?

attached file

thank you



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It can be the low light that will, do it. Interference from other RF. I fly at my house at times if there is an update or just real quick. I get the same thing as well. Sometimes are worse than others, but I live 7 mile maybe from a small busy airport, cell towers all around not to mention the international airport that is close by they fly over about 1500 ft sometimes they all interfere, and it looks like your screen.
Hi Jamez.. thanks for the reply ... Yes, I too live very close to a busy airport ... But with the Mavic pro was not happening to me ... Maybe the Skydio is less protected from interference ..?
So I have a DJI mini and when I fly it at my house it tells me every time a plane is coming or getting close on the screen 'Incoming Aircraft Interference' it may lag and get choppy for a second. But each time, so the S2 has to get some kind of interference from The planes. Your captured video is not getting affected, is it? The S2 Won't go as far as the DJI either, FYI
I had the Mavic pro 2 and I have never had interference problems in that area, much less has the drone ever reported interference problems, I assume that the Skydio is much more sensitive to interference than the Mavic ....
So about 6 months ago my S2 malfunctioned, and the battery was dying, and I had lost signal. It didn't fly back to where it was launched. It flew higher and farther away, so far that I though the map was not working, but what it was is that I had to shrink the map down, so it would expand and cover more area, I didn't find it and in my claim to Skydio the engineers stated that where I was flying had and over-abundance of Wifi, 4Gand 5G signals that cause much of the interference to the S2. The message from them was relayed to the customer service rep. So I didn't get to ask how they tested that. I would take it somewhere where there is no interference, and then I bet you will be "yep something was interfering"
you never go this type of warning in your DJI


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So about 6 months ago my S2 malfunctioned, and the battery was dying, and I had lost signal. It didn't fly back to where it was launched. It flew higher and farther away, so far that I though the map was not working, but what it was is that I had to shrink the map down, so it would expand and cover more area, I didn't find it and in my claim to Skydio the engineers stated that where I was flying had and over-abundance of Wifi, 4Gand 5G signals that cause much of the interference to the S2. The message from them was relayed to the customer service rep. So I didn't get to ask how they tested that. I would take it somewhere where there is no interference, and then I bet you will be "yep something was interfering"
you never go this type of warning in your DJI
So, it malfunctioned because Wi-Fi etc was so GOOD??
The AI has issues when the power gets low, and it alerts you. I fly a lot manually and have had 2 malfunctions. The lost one and one doing a routine landing on my front porch on its way down in landing mode, it just flew into the wall of my house at 14'up. Both low batteries. And I feel it when I am flying it, the reaction time it is just off.
I will try to do other tests in different areas, thanks for your advice

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